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To reason with the Truth within





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Welcome dear ones, we come to communicate with YOU at a time when the newenergies are now increasing and pulling to the surface of YOUr very BEing thatwhich has been stored within YOU for lifetimes. It is now time to allow theseto rise to the surface and to allow the deep healing to begin. Healing beginsby allowing the emotions an outlet and we guide for all to stay with theemotions that will begin to arise. Holding on will cause more pain and traumaas that which has been stored no longer serves in the new energies and the newworld that is being created before YOUr very eyes.


The new world that is being dreamed into creation comes from a place of deeplove and that is accessed through the heart. We guide for all to allow the deepclearing of the heart. Allow all that YOU have experienced to go for YOU haveallowed the experience to talk to YOU, have learned the lessons and now mustallow the experience to dissolve. For the use of the human heart was neverallowed to be shown to YOU under the old energies. It was kept from YOU andhidden in clear view. Much will unfold across the planet and many will stepback in astonishment as that which has always been here and in full view is nowable to be viewed and heard. For we guide now on the noises that are beingheard across the planet and we guide for ALL to go within to anchor these newenergies and what the energies are now communicating to YOU. For each one ofYOU is a vibration, as the new unfolds and begins the deep clearing processwithin each one of YOU then YOUr vision will clear and YOUr hearing will beginto hone itself to new sounds, new vibrations and new communications.


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部落格標題: Eleisia--藍金色之光
部落格網址:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!TJckMteXHBKq7dgJsAnwZs7XEg --

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The Human Race is proving to be one that is capable of experiencing the depth of darkness, and yet can still find its Light and raise itself up. The experience was indeed meant to strongly test your abilities, and you have been subjected to the most extreme conditions imposed upon you by the dark Ones. If you had not won this battle, you could today be looking at another catastrophic end to the cycle, and the prospect of having to do it all again. However, it must be said that you were expected to succeed, but with freewill the outcome was not taken for granted. You have had immense help and the plan to awaken you has been successful beyond expectations. As you are finding out, the dark Ones fight to the end but whatever they do it will not alter the outcome. The die has been set and Ascension will come with all of its glory and majesty. It truly is a great occasion that has stirred the interest of life throughout the Universe, who watch on to be part of the inevitable and welcome celebrations.


We know that some of you still find it hard to grasp that duality in spite of its seriousness, is still a game. It is a little like entering the Holodeck and enacting your role, knowing that whatever happens you can all leave the scene and return to your normal life. It is an experience that you have chosen that has a serious content as it counts towards your evolutionary upliftment. Since there is no such thing as death, you can repeatedly take on different lives and live to tell the tale. However . the taking of life is a serious offence that carries karmic penalties, although there can be certain circumstances that can evoke a more lenient understanding. Again we stress it is not a punishment, but specific experiences that may enable a soul to understand the full consequences of what they have done, so as not to repeat them again.

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部落格標題: Eleisia--藍金色之光
部落格網址:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!TJckMteXHBKq7dgJsAnwZs7XEg -- 
The 2012 Express - A Train Is Coming 
Channeled by: James Tynerronn 
Translated by: Eleisia 

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部落格標題: Eleisia--藍金色之光
部落格網址: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!TJckMteXHBKq7dgJsAnwZs7XEg--

The 2012 Express - A Train Is Coming 
Channeled by: James Tynerronn 
Translated by: Eleisia 

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Here is now, dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth,the Council of Elders and Youths speaking as one voice, and which has theintention to invite you to reflect on your options as the Humanity of Earth ...(Note that this Council's Advice is directed to the entire solar system.)



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Siraya Speaks on Man's Role in the Universe


By Jess Anthony


Jan 16, 2012 - 5:11:04 AM

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Newsstories will begin to trickle through to the viewing public concerning matterswhich we have already discussed with many of you concerning our presence inyour skies and of matters concerning your governments and financial systems.Soon, all truths will be quickly and efficiently shared with you concerning allmatters of your world, but for now, just a slight crack in the wall of secrecywill allow pinholes of light to begin to shine through. We are here. Many ofyou already are quite aware of this fact. With the cooperation of some of yourmedia outlets, considerably more of your world will learn of our presence andbegin to question why we are here at this time and what this has to do with theyear and prophecies of 2012. Pieces will begin to snap together, and soon apicture will begin to emerge from all the scrambled information. It will nottake long for many of your forward thinkers to see that incredible changes toyour civilization are at hand. Please see to it that many of the missing piecesto the puzzle are offered to help them see the entire landscape before them.This is your task.



新的事件很快會穿透重重迷霧進入公眾的視野,無論是關於在天空中我們的存在,或是關於你們的政府,以及你們的新經濟體系。很快,所有的真實會迅速而有效地分散在你們世界的各個角落,但是現在,還需要一點點力量擊碎已經殘缺不堪的秘密之牆,從而允許那光滲透入你們的世界。我們在這裡。你們中的很多人非常清晰地了解這個事實。伴隨著和地面一些媒體的合作,更多你們世界的人會了解我們的存在,會開始質疑為什麼你們在這個特殊的時間出現在這裡,以及先知們所預言的2012 的本質。散落在世界各處的碎片會拼湊起來,很快完整的圖案會從散落的信息中浮現出來。思考的先行者們,你們不會需要花費太多時間看到你們文明所發生的不可思議的變化。請知道,這些已有散亂的碎片是為了幫助人們了解到完整的事實。這是對你們的考驗。


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My own dear Veronica, I ensured that you were not alone on the 8th anniversary of my passing. The memory is still so painful for you. You relive the shock you felt as you realised that I was leaving the Earthly plane. You pleaded with me , "Monty, please don't leave me. Please don't leave me." You understand that it was not my decision. The higher realms decided that I had to go, so that I could prepare you from this side of life, for the role that you now have to play. Though many have done their utmost to destroy your life and your reputation - my blood family behaved abominably - we must not forget the man from Arizona, and the Scottish lady who thinks that what she has been doing goes unnoticed. Nothing escapes justice. Everyone answers for their actions. What you and I are doing was pre-ordained and forecast by the great thinkers of the past. It will not and cannot be blocked, no matter what evil is used. As it all unfolds this year, you will understand the enormity of what you have done. You showed no respect for me or my wife.


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Trust in us and God that events are going to proceed as promised, and do not worry as to the timing as it will occur in a way that is exactly correct for the desired outcome. Also be assured that the end times will work out as planned , and that responsibility is ours and everything is totally prepared. There is no need to be concerned about your individual role and what will happen to you, as each of you will experience precisely what you have planned. Some of you have elected to leave the Earth early, and others will see the final year through to the end. Either way it will have been your choice, and all will ultimately leave the old Earth as you presently know it.


To ride out any rough patches of experience simply keep your mind and focus on Ascension, because as the year progresses and the higher vibrations are dominant peace will descend upon Earth. Already there are noticeable changes in the mass consciousness levels that can be registered by us , and more souls than ever are being lifted up. The awakening is accelerating and will touch all souls before the final days of this cycle. Whether all respond is down to their choice, but not one soul will leave this Earth without having understood the opportunity of ascending. It clearly will not appeal to everyone, as some souls would feel out of place in the higher dimensions.

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