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Andromedan Star-/mother-ship: Athabantian, Channeled through Mark Kimmel, Sep 16th, 2011

來自仙女座的母船-- 阿塞班辛,由馬克基梅爾傳遞,於2011.09.16


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SaLuSa to me – Ascension Only Requires your Vibrations to Resonate withLove – Sept 18 2011 


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先下載音頻:內在水晶宮殿冥想(Crystal Palace Within Meditation)   (國內的朋友請從這裡下載:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/17814681.html  壓縮文件的密碼是:hathor)此音頻總時長15分52秒,內分三首音頻,音頻之間有5秒的間隔,用於區分開不同的冥想階段。其中第一首和第三首音頻完全一樣,名為:Worlds Ascending(世界升揚),第二首曲子名為Pineal Gland Dimensional Attunement(松果體次元調音)如果您沒有看過Hathor的前一次信息,強烈建議您先看完那個信息

Note: This Hathor message contains instructions for a potent energy meditation called The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti. You can use this meditation for great personal benefit whenever you wish. However, the instructions for this energetic process are being released at this time for those who choose to participate in a Hathor World Activation Meditation that will take place on October 31st 2010. A group will be gathered in Seattle, Washington at this time, to engage the meditation. This information is for those who are unable to attend the full workshop, but would like to participate in the meditation with others from around the world. 注:此次Hathor的信息包含了一個

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Questioner: I have some questions about the Moon… is it artificial? 
The word 'artificial' only exist in third-density. Nothing is 'artificial' in the Universe… 
Your Moon is older than your solar system; it was engineered by a high intelligent race and was brought into Earth's orbit with the main purpose of slowing down the spinning speed of your planet. 
Questioner: When was the Moon brought into Earth's orbit? 
Your Moon was brought into your solar system 1.7 billion of your years ago. At that time the Moon was set much closer to Earth than it is now, and it was 'programmed' to place itself at the exact distance of 30 earth diameters by the end of the present Galactic cycle. 
Questioner: Is the Moon hollow? 
Your Moon is semi-hollow. 
Questioner: Is the Moon inhabited? 
Extraterrestrial beings and humans from Earth inhabit your Moon. 
Questioner: Where do they live? 
In 2 main underground cities and 17 other facilities. 
Questioner: Does the Moon have water? 
Contrary of what you have been told, your Moon has water and some atmosphere. 
Questioner: How is possible that the Moon is always showing one side and the dark side is always hidden from us? 
Your Moon rotates around your planet in 655.719 hours, and also spins on its axes one full revolution every 655.719 hours; therefore you can see only one side. But this was not always the case; around one million of your years ago four balancers were placed on your Moon to synchronize its movements with your planet rotation speed. 
Questioner: Are there humans living on Mars? 
Questioner: Why this information is kept away from public knowledge? 
Because there are ambitious groups on your planet who want to control your destiny by keeping you ignorant. 
Those groups believe they are genetically superior to the rest of humanity, and they have asked the help of negative/dark entities to consummate their plans of domination over your reality. 
Questioner: How the dark ones are helping them? 
The negative/dark entities are helping to control your reality from the Formative Plane. The Formative Plane is where thought-patterns are pre-manifested into material existence. It is the plane of vibratory endeavors and corresponds to certain portion of your astral plane. 
Questioner: When God created our Universe, why It created negative entities? 
God did not create your Universe, you did. 

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Beloved Ones,

You have all been integrating the incoming energies at an incredible rate. The feeling of unease in your Solar Plexus area requires more relaxation on your part and the practice of deep breathing, preferably when outdoors. There continue to be many changes taking place within you and as this process continues, a greater ease will be felt. Some of you are already feeling the greater ease within your four lower bodies and these Ones will find life becoming more joyful and filled with grace.



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Greetings, my dear. This has been a week when you have seen information released that you never expected to see in your lifetime. Those people who professed to be of the Light while collaborating with the Dark Entities to gain control of humanity, have been exposed . They have nowhere to hide. They now feel the hand of justice on their shoulder; they will answer for their crimes. Their removal from the scene will take a little longer but it will happen, as sure as night follows day. ​​Their crimes against innocent children are the most difficult to deal with. They preached love, but delivered the most evil control system which was all based on lies. Their lies controlled every aspect of your lives. You were even programmed to expect to die at a particular age. The vaccines were laced with strains of virus to ensure you became ill with cancer or other serious illness; some people reacted differently, but it ensured the ill health that would create great profits plus your demise. Everything was stacked up against you: contaminated food, etc., to remove you from the planet. Sadly, you were taught to trust implicitly those who were destroying you.


They feed off your fear; they thrive on it. This is why you are constantly being told who you must fear. It's all well planned out. They have a list of potential "enemies". Discussions are happening right now as to when to go ahead with Project Bluebeam *). They plan to use their own "space ships" to pretend that aliens are threatening you. They do not care how many die in the process. It will be used to extract yet more taxes and impose more control. This is where people of the light, who are awake to what is being done, should speak out. Assure others that this is part of a big hoax. It's all an illusion. They are running out of money. They are squeezing countries for more and more as they are losing control of the financial system which they fraudulently put in place, many years ago. The new system is almost ready to be unveiled. This will, of course, be a temporary measure, until money can be fazed out altogether and you return once more to a method of bartering, as happened in ancient times. It was very successful. It never caused war or famine. There was plenty for all.

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Greetings from the Federation:

We now deliver to you our preamble to the greatest event in human history. You are about to undergo those changes which have been discussed for so long and for which we have been preparing on our side for a very long time indeed. These preparations will be lost to some in the moments after Disclosure as a whirlwind of activity and events unfolds on your planet. To others, the preparation will have been well served. Whatever level of preparedness at which you find yourselves in the days and weeks following Disclosure, remember always to help each other to the best of your abilities.



We have continually told you that Disclosure is a seminal event in the movement of the human species forward and into galactic citizenship and ultimately your Ascension. This shift in consciousness is a great event which has been looked upon in the cosmos with much excitement for a very long time.

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SaLuSa to me – More of You are Beginning to Question the System – 15thSept 2011 


Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. You have seen questions for this week andcomments. Would you like to give us on update, perhaps taking into accountrelevant questions and touching on them also. 

Laura :晚安SaLuSa 你已經看過這禮拜的問題和意見。有想帶給我們新的訊息嗎?或許可以考慮回答這些相關問題。

SaLuSa: As time continues to speed up, you find yourselves on the fasttrack to Ascension dear souls. More and more of you are beginning to questionthe system and their government around your planet. Young people are leadingthis change in approach, so we would advise you to listen to them with greatlove and respect. They are new to this world and to the way you live your lifeon Earth up to now. Many of them are wise beings who volunteered for thesetimes, just as you did. You will now soon enjoy working together and respectyour various approaches. 

SaLuSa :當時間持續加速,親愛的靈魂,你會發現自己走在【揚升】的快速軌道。你們更多人開始質疑你們星球的體制和政府。年輕人引領即將即到來的變遷(change) ,所以我們建議,帶著大量的【愛】和【尊重】聆聽他們(的想法)。截至你們目前在地球生活的方式,他們是這個世界的新手。如同你,他們許多是自願為了這個時刻到來的智慧存有。你們將很快享受在一起工作,尊重彼此的不同方式。

The 9/11 anniversary has shaken many souls and every family has at leastone person who feels deeply drawn to analyse what happened on that day and whoare not satisfied with the official answers. Soon the cover up coming from themedia, politicians and various parties involved will be exposed. This willcause a serious wake up call for the entire globe, and the collectiveconsciousness will make a further leap forward. Once people will realize howthe official story was pure fabrication, they will no longer want to put blindfaith into others hands without questioning what will be done with the powergiven to those in charge. 

911 紀念日震驚許多靈魂,每個家庭至少有一位會深深為想要分析“那天究竟發生了什麼”吸引,並且無法滿足於官方說 ​​辭。不久來自媒體、政客、有關各方(黨派)的掩蓋手法將暴露出來。這會帶給全世界重要的意識覺醒(wakeup call) ,集體意識將近一步飛躍。屆時人們會認知,官方說 ​​法僅僅是被製造出來,他們不會想再盲目信仰那些經不起考驗,不對被賦予權力負責的人。

There is much talk of the comet Elenin, we have said through MikeQuinsey previously that there is nothing to fear on your side concerningElenin. Perhaps look at the comet as a bringer of a new dawn and hope. Eleninis announcing the coming of the Golden Age dear friends. We would like toremind you that we are here to ensure your Ascension along with Mother Earth'sAscension. While the dark ones are still trying to alter the end scenario, itshould be clear to you by now that there is nothing more they can do to preventAscension. We are here to help, so please do not be hesitant in asking us andyour guides for assistance and protection at any time. 

有很多人提到彗星Elenin ,我們先前在Mike Quinsey 的管道談過,不需害怕你們附近的Elenin 或許把它視作帶來新的黎明和希望者。親愛的朋友,Elenin 宣告黃金時代到來。我們想提醒:我們在這裡確保你們與地球母親的揚升。儘管黑暗勢力仍然試圖改變最終章節,目前對你們來說應該很清楚了,他們完全無法阻止揚升的發生。我們在這裡協助,所以任何時候,請別猶豫向我們和你們的指導靈詢問協助與保護。

We still encourage you not to pay much attention to fear based news,reports or even messages. While we do encourage you to be in the know, considerwho you are giving credit to when it comes to news reports. Many people havelimited understanding of what is happening now, so do not react negatively totheir ignorance and fear. We continue to encourage you to use discernment inanything you watch or read. So we would like to see you question all you arereading. Ask yourself who is saying what and what the motivation behind theirwords is. Also what consequence does it have for you on a personal level andhow can it be received by the general public. 

我們一樣提醒,別投射過多的注意力在以建造恐懼為基礎的新聞、報導、甚至消息上面。說到新聞報導,我們鼓勵你們了解、細想你們將“ 信任” 交付給了誰。很多人對目前為止發生的事情了解有限,所以不要負面對待他們的無知和恐懼。我們持續鼓勵你們洞察所有看到、讀到的事物。因此我們希望看到你們對所有書籍提出疑問。問自己:是誰在說什麼,以及他們文字背後隱藏的動機。還有對於你個人的層面,它們影響導致的結果有什麼,大眾又是如何的接受它們。

Many of you are living in stressful conditions. It seems many of you areoverworked, tense, and tired, while others are suffering from lack of money andstruggle financially. We are looking forward to the new monetary system whichwill soon be in operation. As you see politicians going deeper and deeper intodebt, there will come a time when it will be self evident that those in chargedo not have your best interests at heart. We are almost at the pivotal point asfar as your financial system is concerned. What has now started in terms ofaccountability, will continue exponentially in the coming months. We will see areal purging of the finance and political system dear friends. 

你們許多人生活面臨龐大壓力。許多人似乎工作過度、緊張、疲倦,還有一些人受困於貧窮及財務困難。我們期待不久將運行的新貨幣系統。當你看到政客們越來越深陷債務(問題),將會有個不言自明,明白那些該負責的一點也不把你們最高利益放在心上的時刻。我們的話題聚焦在金融體制方面。現在已經開始實施責任制度(accountability) ,未來幾個月將成指數成長。親愛的朋友,我們即將看到金融和政界系統的洗淨。

In terms of spiritual evolution, we will be able to work with you alldirectly if so is your wish once Disclosure takes place. Shortly after that, wewill land our crafts on you wonderful planet and we begin interacting with youopenly. At this time, we will be delighted to meet you and assist you with allthat you will need in material terms, as well as in spiritual understanding andgrowth with Ascension in mind. We are planning to put each and every one of youin direct contact with those closer to you and who you will recognise fromprevious lives. Some of these beings have been working with you for some timealready behind the scenes, so you will feel a great joy to finally be able totalk openly and directly. They will seem like old friends to you, while otherswill meet their star relatives. 


In the meantime, we would like you to be cantered in your heart, to beat peace and present in your daily lives. The best way to achieving this is byremaining anchored in your body. Your bodies connect you to Mother Earth; theyalso transmit the higher energies from above into her. When you are aware andconscious of your role at this time, this also contributes to your awakening dearones. The more conscious you are, the clearer and purer the energy transmittedto Mother Earth. 


When you remain connected to your body, you are present in the here andnow. Everyday your head and your emotions are racing. You are rushing in orderto get things done and to look after your family. In the midst of all theseactions, we would encourage you not to forget who you are and why you are hereat this time still. Sense your body; be aware of your breath of life, of yourvibrations, and of the rhythm of your heart. 


We all have our own inner song, dear ones, but we usually only hear ourcommentator. These comments or thoughts are like the clouds in the sky. Theykeep moving, are being swept by the wind. However, you forget too often thatbehind the clouds, there is blue sky, space and the Sun. This is the illusionwe often speak of. You must learn to allow the clouds to pass, but not to gowith them. Remain with the sky and the Sun. Remain anchored within your body,feel your body tensions and something will come to you progressively. 


I am SaLuSa from Sirius and am happy for our communication today. I amlooking forward to our next conversation. Until then I will say goodbye andsend you my love dear friends. 

我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa ,很高興我們今日的交流。我期待我們下 ​​次的對談。親愛的朋友,在此之前與你們說再會,並送給你們我的愛。

Thank you 
Laura Tyco 

Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy andredistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the contentremains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyrightnotice link: http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/

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 在你們的時代有個諺語,“抓住當下Carpe Diem”,翻譯成“抓緊每一天Seize the Day”,這句話是非常中肯的,你們必須抓緊每一刻!你們中很多人,儘管你們是好意的,允許自己在你選中的某幾世中的特定階段和情形下變得平靜和滿足。你們中有很多人在浪費時間,濫用時間,一生又一生都會被浪費掉。有些人會說並感到“一切事情都會按照它應該的方式解決,所有的一切都在完美的秩序中”。但是大師們,這裏有個悖論,就像撲克中的花牌(JQK)一樣,不論你怎麼看它都是顛倒的。明白嗎?從更高的視角來看一切是在完美的秩序中,但從在二元性中的人類視角看,則並不是這樣的!如果是這樣的話則就不需要學習了,不需要你們所定義的轉世輪回了。一個人只要環顧一下就知道地球上人類的情況還遠遠沒有達到完美。事實上它是不會按照應該的方式被解決的,直到你們去解決它! 絕大部分的人類仍然尚未與自己的覺悟意識相和諧,所以他們被自己的無意識驅動,同時也屈從於恐懼和夢魘的顯現。我們之前說過現在地球上已經有更高的光商了,比亞特蘭蒂斯的黃金時代之後的任何時候都要高。從純粹的光量上來說,現在已經有足夠的人類有充足的光商以帶來昇華。大約百分之十的人類攜帶著轉變所需的最低光商。儘管在亞特蘭蒂斯黃金時期攜帶光商的人數量少,但每個人的量確很大。事實上在黃金時代有上千的純光大師身為能量的持有者行走在地球上,而今天有那樣能力和頻率的人要少很多。因此提升你們的光芒,成為更亮的燈塔是你們這些在黃金道路上的人義不容辭的責任。從更大的週期看你們所定義的2012昇華並不是一個完成而是一個開始。它是黑暗時代的完成,同時也是一個更容易進入高維度的開始階段。你們的世界真的不會在2012終結。事實上對於大部分人類來說,2012年12月21日看起來只不過又是平常的一天,很多人會想知道所有這些混亂和喧鬧到底是為了什麼。與此同時你們中的一些人將會認識和使用進入高維度的能力,並生活在第五維度之內,而大部分人仍將選擇留在第三維之內。確實這是他們的特權,在二元性中它“就是這樣”,它尚不完美!


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http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010475159 (跨越2012)




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Ascent to Paradise


 視頻文字翻譯:鳳凰涅槃stohz 感謝覺醒字幕組的支持!

The story of our eternal journey to the center of all things, Paradise!



Seven superuniverses surround the eternal central universe



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Journey Through the Universe - Urantia Book





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What do you think heaven is? The place your soul returns to when your body dies? A place where you can finally be at rest, free from the burdens of life? A reward for a life we​​ll lived? Heaven is all of those things and more. It is the place where all is at peace, where joy and unconditional love reign, where there is no hatred, anger or fear. It is a place where you live in perfection with the knowledge that you are perfection in body and where you feel safe and secure. But Heaven is not a place where you go, it is something that you carry with you every day of your life. It is here with you and accessible to you right now, at this moment. With your intention and beliefs , you create your own version of Heaven in your life every day.


As the veil between the spiritual and material worlds lifts it is now possible to bring Heaven on earth because humanity is moving closer to creating that vibration on this planet. If Heaven is the place where all blessings reside, then Hell is the place of no blessings . Humanity has existed somewhere between the two, believing that Heaven was only available to a chosen few after death. That was not true then and it is not true now. Heaven is a state of being, where humanity co-exists with the spiritual world . And you get closer to Heaven every day as you move forward on your spiritual path and surrender to the possibility of being co-creators of your lives.


Do you live in Heaven or even close to it? If that is not how you would describe your reality, then know that it is available to you. Once you decide that you will create your own version of Heaven, where you live in peace and harmony with your Soul's highest purpose, work with the Universal energy and surrender to your soul's desire for spiritual partnership in your human journey, it will become your reality. You create your version of Heaven when you affirm your perfection, for everything in Heaven is perfect , and live with the knowledge that you are powerful and capable of manifesting every dream. You move away from Heaven when you live in fear and doubt, when you allow chaos and drama to rule your lives and to believe that you are disconnected from the Source .

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