目前分類:高靈訊息 (167)

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The dark brothers are trying hard to blow the Lemurian Mission 


By Eve / Adama of Telos 


Oct 6, 2011 - 1:32:23 PM

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My name is Adama. And, I am talking to each one of you that will hear this message about this famous date in December 2012 that everybody is talking about. I do not really care about this date, personally. I care about you. How will you prepare yourself for this famous date based on the Mayan Calendar? That is the true question. If you are ready, everything can come towards you and you welcome it. And, it does not throw you off of your balance. I am telling you: do not care about this date. You know that it is part of a great plan for this planet, for this universe, for all of the creation. It is part of a magnificent plan.


How this plan will unveil to you is very dependent upon yourself. You have this capacity now to prepare yourself – to synchronize your energies with these energies of the 5th dimension that are soon to be knocking at your door. I'm telling you: prepare yourself; be ready.


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_676222b70102dtk3.html

You can get anything you want at Aton's restaurant


By CM and Kibo


Sep 26, 2011 - 9:04:02 PM


Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dsdj.html

More Responses


Andromedan Star-/mother-ship: Athabantian, Channeled through Mark Kimmel, Sep 16th, 2011

來自仙女座的母船-- 阿塞班辛,由馬克基梅爾傳遞,於2011.09.16


轉載自http://hi.baidu.com/86839399/blog/item/52f1f421647409efd6cae259 .html?timeStamp=1316756680652

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先下載音頻:內在水晶宮殿冥想(Crystal Palace Within Meditation)   (國內的朋友請從這裡下載:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/17814681.html  壓縮文件的密碼是:hathor)此音頻總時長15分52秒,內分三首音頻,音頻之間有5秒的間隔,用於區分開不同的冥想階段。其中第一首和第三首音頻完全一樣,名為:Worlds Ascending(世界升揚),第二首曲子名為Pineal Gland Dimensional Attunement(松果體次元調音)如果您沒有看過Hathor的前一次信息,強烈建議您先看完那個信息

Note: This Hathor message contains instructions for a potent energy meditation called The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti. You can use this meditation for great personal benefit whenever you wish. However, the instructions for this energetic process are being released at this time for those who choose to participate in a Hathor World Activation Meditation that will take place on October 31st 2010. A group will be gathered in Seattle, Washington at this time, to engage the meditation. This information is for those who are unable to attend the full workshop, but would like to participate in the meditation with others from around the world. 注:此次Hathor的信息包含了一個

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/7ebfc916dcc52d12c83d6d35.html

轉載來源  http://tieba.baidu.com/club/9505586/p/15774011


Questioner: I have some questions about the Moon… is it artificial? 
The word 'artificial' only exist in third-density. Nothing is 'artificial' in the Universe… 
Your Moon is older than your solar system; it was engineered by a high intelligent race and was brought into Earth's orbit with the main purpose of slowing down the spinning speed of your planet. 
Questioner: When was the Moon brought into Earth's orbit? 
Your Moon was brought into your solar system 1.7 billion of your years ago. At that time the Moon was set much closer to Earth than it is now, and it was 'programmed' to place itself at the exact distance of 30 earth diameters by the end of the present Galactic cycle. 
Questioner: Is the Moon hollow? 
Your Moon is semi-hollow. 
Questioner: Is the Moon inhabited? 
Extraterrestrial beings and humans from Earth inhabit your Moon. 
Questioner: Where do they live? 
In 2 main underground cities and 17 other facilities. 
Questioner: Does the Moon have water? 
Contrary of what you have been told, your Moon has water and some atmosphere. 
Questioner: How is possible that the Moon is always showing one side and the dark side is always hidden from us? 
Your Moon rotates around your planet in 655.719 hours, and also spins on its axes one full revolution every 655.719 hours; therefore you can see only one side. But this was not always the case; around one million of your years ago four balancers were placed on your Moon to synchronize its movements with your planet rotation speed. 
Questioner: Are there humans living on Mars? 
Questioner: Why this information is kept away from public knowledge? 
Because there are ambitious groups on your planet who want to control your destiny by keeping you ignorant. 
Those groups believe they are genetically superior to the rest of humanity, and they have asked the help of negative/dark entities to consummate their plans of domination over your reality. 
Questioner: How the dark ones are helping them? 
The negative/dark entities are helping to control your reality from the Formative Plane. The Formative Plane is where thought-patterns are pre-manifested into material existence. It is the plane of vibratory endeavors and corresponds to certain portion of your astral plane. 
Questioner: When God created our Universe, why It created negative entities? 
God did not create your Universe, you did. 

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/2f1d6b610423f55febf8f802.html




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