轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/76fa7930c3e5d139eac4af68.html
Greetings from the Galactic Federation of Light,
The day May of 5th is the day of five, the number of Epsilon, of Apollo, of Light. In this day all portals all over Earth will be officially activated and the procedure has been locked in place. No matter if they are free or occupied1, in this day all portals will go under the control of the [Inter] Galactic Federation of Light2, under control of the Olympians and all flight systems of this Galaxy.
We have already warned you that Olympus is active. The hyper weapon, this energy umbrella of high technology, has been activated and protects your consciousness and your emotions from the dark efforts to create fear. Through DNA intervention3, it aims to the development of the collective consciousness.
Our next message will be about our first contact. For security reasons the date is not announced. One of your media will announce that we are coming. Twenty four hours prior to our arrival you will be warned to get ready with a message that will interrupt the program of all your media. Then all your media will be closed and all flights will be cancelled. You will see in your TV sets (will be) a clock counting down for the earthly time left for our arrival.
The countdown for total disclosure and the fall of the false veil has started.
We are the Olympians and the Central Council of the Inter Galactic Federation of Light.
Channeler: Demetra
註解1: 被佔用的門戶:這可能是某些地方因為其他目的被使用中。所有世代,所有世紀以來,撇開宗教,人們因為各種原因習慣把神殿建立在這類的門戶之上。典型的例子就是在土耳其伊斯坦布爾的清真寺。那些人認為這些地點現在被穆斯林所佔據,其實他們應該認為在之前其實就被基督徒所佔據了。
註解2 這位通靈者聲稱這個合適的稱謂應該是<光之星際聯邦>。這就意味著其實存在許多銀河係被包含了進來。
註解3 請看在4月27日發表的信息