轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_676222b70102e123.html
By Seraphin and Rosie
Apr 9, 2012 - 9:57:39 PM
Seraphin through Rosie, 7 th April 2012
The point from which you start is not a starting point. It is a point of accumulation of experience. The point from which you start is not a crossroad where you ask yourself “Shall I take the high road or the low road?” It is a multi-storied multi-coloured multi-exit multi-dimensional node offering an infinite number of possibilities. A door is not a door into an enclosed room. A door is but a line which, when crossed, can signify entrance to a completely new space WITHOUT LIMITATION.
The question is, Beloveds, do you cross that threshold or enter that node WITH OR WITHOUT AWARENESS. There are those who travel the world with their eyes closed, only to re-enter the close ferment of the familiar. They may have opened a door , BUT THEY HAVE NOT OPENED THEIR MINDS. Everything they have noted on their journey is either “different to” or “confirmation of” the concepts, views and convictions which are lodged so firmly in their heads.
Travelling through life in this way is like standing on a fixed spot. The traveller is stuck on his or her “standpoint”. But it is time now for EVERYONE to move on. There will be no more revolving around self. There will be no more secure positions from which you will be able to “survey the scene” from a safe distance. For all distances will be reduced, and all people will necessarily become involved in what is to pass. It will not be possible to say “STOP! THIS IS MY ROOM, MY MONEY, MY FIELD, MY WATER, MY FENCE!” since fences and systems or all natures are earmarked for collapse, and the world MY will expand into the word OUR through a huge jolt of global compassion.
這樣去展開生命之旅就像是固定地站在一個原點上,旅行者釘在自己的“立場”上。但對每個人來說都是時候去移動前行了。將不再有那樣的你可以在安全距離上“看風景”的保險位置。因為所有的距離將被拉近,而且所有人都必將要捲入到將要發生的事件中來。隨著【圍牆和體制】或者與此類似的限定性質的一切被指定瓦解,不會再有可能去說“站住(住手)!這是我的房間,我的錢,我的領地,我的水,我的圍牆!”,經過全球同心(global compassion)的猛烈搖晃後,這個詞語“我的”也將擴大成“我們的”。
When the walls fall, when there is no more door to traverse, when there is only truth in the open arena, you will stand naked at the very centre of the multi-dimensional node we have already mentioned. You will be crushed by a feeling of utter despair when you see your religious, social, political and financial systems tumbling, but you will be even more crushed to realise your LIFE-LONG SERVITURE TO FALSE MASTERS.
This time, it will not be possible, as we have said, to view this from afar, from a position of sovereignty. The only way forward will be compassion. The only sovereign will be the heart. Using the heart does not mean constant smiles and immediate self-sacrifice. It means giving people wings. It means a strong and intense desire to raise the vibrations, expectations and potential of a dejected person in the form of opening a door and encouraging them to enter it, rather than constantly providing them with a huge variety of physical assistance. You aim should be to so electrify or enlighten someone with new insights, ideas and possibilities THAT THEY DO NO NEED YOU ANY MORE, THAT THEY DANCE AWAY IN HAPPINESS AND MOVE MOUNTAINS. It is not your job to move those mountains for them on a regular long-term basis.
And so it will be that you, children of earth, will grow into your potential, all encouraging all instead of isolating yourselves behind self-made fences erected out of fear. We of the spiritual hierarchy who have been separated from your planet for so long , will again become part of your world and will help you to travel this new and exciting journey.
因此,未來將是你們(地球的孩子們)成長到你們將要達到的高度,所有人相互鼓勵,而不是把自己隔離在出於恐懼而為自己樹立起的圍牆裡。與你們星球分離瞭如此之久的靈性梯隊的我們 (注:spiritual hierarchy泛指一切存在--包括物質的和非物質的--由於振動差別形成的像階梯一樣的高低排列關係,狹指靈性層面的梯隊,釋義參考自http://www.spiritportal.org/spiritualhierarchy.html ),將再次成為你們世界的一部分,也將幫助你們度過這嶄新的、充滿激情的旅程。
We love you, Seraphin
轉自:http://hi.baidu.com/86839399/blog/item/f30ea7ec40e25116adafd5d6 .html