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Esu Speaks for Christ Michael Aton

By JessAnthony

Jun 16, 2012 - 8:16:11 PM





I ask for comments to me, as well. This has been a busy day, it appears. I seek guidance and support.



Jess, I can speak. This is Esu speaking for Christ Michael Aton. I speak for him at this moment as you speak for me. His words pass through me as my words pass through you in this message.



The time is now. The delays are finished. The end maneuvers have begun. There is no stopping them at this point. The result will be the defeat of those who have warred again the return of the light.



The rebellion by those who fancied themselves led by Satan and Lucifer is over. Lucifer is no more and the remnants of his followers on Earth have no leader. They worship nothing and follow rituals that have no power to make any lasting change.



I came to Earth two thousands ago with Christ Michael Aton to begin the shift that would manifest in what has happened. Earth forces fought against this change from the beginning. Man in his forgetfulness lost awareness of the force that created his existence. He searched for what was there all the time without recognizing its availability. He turned to alternatives that prevented him discovering his creator's spiritual plan. The time of misguided search is over. The truth will be told to man, and Christ Michael will reveal his presence.

2000 年前我與基督邁克艾頓來到地球以開始那顯現為現在已經發生事件的轉變。地球上的黑暗勢力從一開始就反抗這種轉變。處於健忘中的人類喪失了對那創造出他存在之力量的認知。他尋找著那一直在那裡的東西,沒有認識到它的有效性。他轉向了其它備選,這些備選阻止了他發現其造物主的靈性計劃。被錯誤引導的追尋事件就要結束。真理會被告訴給人類,基督邁克將要揭露他的臨在。


Man will still not want to believe this message, so a context has been planned to reinforce this teaching. Light will come from an imposed darkness. Order will come from chaos and uncertainty. Man will be cut off from much of what he has come to value. This will cause fear and panic.



We are ready to impose this black out. The conditions are present; the only hold up is Christ Michael giving the order.



Many will leave Earth; only a relative handful has requested continuing here. Many others are uncertain, but leaning towards acceptance.  Others have different  ideals and wish to explore them away from Earth's evolving state. All will be accommodated as they have decided.



The time frame has ended up being close to the popular dates bandied about in the New Age culture. This is only a coincidence. The magic associated with certain times is nothing more than man's conjecture. Nothing imagined has anywhere near the power and disruption that will come. Man will be witness to immense beauty and devastation. There is no escape. Christ Michael Aton's followers will be rewarded; those fighting against him will be judged and sentenced.



This happens now. Look to the skies.







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