轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e4a8.html
From this side of life, everything is going according to plan. Truth is being exposed and people are more accepting of the situation your world faces. We accept that it is hard for many of you to believe that there are people around you who loathe and despise you because they see you as inferior, and that it is their intention to remove you from the planet to which you belong. Sadly, it is all part of the plan. The false history they invented is now being exposed. Good people are prepared to examine all that they had believed to be fact. Science can, and will, establish the truth. The technology is available in every country. It is time for all good men of all nationalities to come together to rescue your world from the criminal elite which wants to take it over. Your beautiful planet will be restored, and all it will take is the removal of the Control Grid.
What you witnessed, last week, was not imagination. Your friends from Andromeda showed you that they can just float down to Earth from their Space Ship. They are not restricted by false information and controls that teach you only what the Cabal allows you to do . If only you knew how much more you are capable of, you would be amazed. Learn to look at the bigger picture. If you believe you can do it, then you can.
It is time to open the prison gates of your minds, for it is your minds that are used to control you. It is brainwashing, and it has worked up till now. Next time you are told "it is not allowed", question it . Ask WHY? Who said so? It is your God-given right to live your life without the restrictions placed on you by religions. When all these false controls are removed, all men will come together and live in peace and harmony. Your eternal souls chose to be on Earth at this time to help create the future and to bring about the Transition. The only religion you will need is the religion of LOVE, such as was practiced in ancient Ireland before the Vatican decided to destroy it and replace it with greed, destruction, and war - the like of which was never experienced by your world in all the millennia preceding their take-over.
They are hanging on by a thread, still hoping that they can retain their control. This will not be allowed to happen. Their days are numbered. You will return to spirituality. You will connect with who you are and you will soon forget the nightmare that you have lived through. It is time to be brave and face the real facts; not what the media tells you are facts. They just read the script placed before them by those who control you. We have managed to be one step ahead of them, up till now. We read their thoughts and so we are prepared to disrupt their plans. The energy of those who are awake and aware is getting more powerful each day. It enables us to do so much more to protect you.
John [Mack] wants you to know that those who organised his death did him a favour, as he can do so much more from the world of Spirit than he ever could on Earth. He was blinded by the control system. He was not aware of the corruption all around him. They even befriended him and wanted to help him, in order to blind him to their evil plans. They believed that if they made him feel indebted to them that he would never step out of line. John, being an honest man, did only what he believed would benefit mankind and advance our knowledge of the Universe that we are a part of. A gifted man, who devoted his life to those who needed his help. His work is by no means over.
John [Mack]希望你們知道那些促成他死亡的人倒是幫了他一個忙,因為在靈性的世界裡他能夠比在地球上做得更多。他曾經盲目的受制於控制系統。他並沒有很好的了解圍繞著他的所有腐敗。他們甚至與他為友,希望幫助他,其目的就是讓眼盲的他看不清他們的詭計。他們相信如果他們讓他感到對於他們有著負債感,他就永遠不會脫離常規。John [Mack],是一位誠實的人,只去完成他所認為可以利益人類的事情,提高我們對於宇宙的知識,這才是我們享有的。一位被賜予天賦的人,他把自己的一生奉獻在幫助那些需要的人身上。他的工作不會就此終結。
You were shocked to learn that trials of GM crops in England are being discussed. This was my subject, as you know. I disapprove strongly of GM crops and the damage they do to the soil. It will take 100 years to remove completely the poison from the soil. It is stupid to say that only certain fields will be used, as the birds and other wild animals, transfer the poison, so all the surrounding land will be contaminated. You do not own the land. You only have the use of it. It is not yours to destroy. This is all part of the evil plan to create a food shortage. Starvation to cull the masses. This is exactly how they see it. Equip yourselves with the facts and say NO to it. This should be ringing alarm bells in your minds. Do you really trust them to control your food supply? Check out who controls GM seeds.
It is exciting, my dear, to know that people in other countries are checking their DNA for Irish connections from ancient times, when the Irish followed the sun to Egypt. It will produce the evidence. It is there. It is time for it to come to light and to expose, once and for all, the lies that were forced on you. The Cabal never dreamed that one day their plans would be exposed and the truth revealed. The Aryan people will stand together once more. They will rejoice as they visit their country of origin - Ireland. The Irish government must wake up. They owe it to the Irish everywhere. Sadly, they have in their midst, some whose loyalty and allegiance is not to Ireland. I call upon the Irish scholars to research your origins. Perhaps your President would take an interest, for it is from this that THE TRUTH WILL EMERGE and will set your world free. Ask yourselves why the Irish are usually depicted as drunk and stupid. Why has so much effort been used to put the Irish down? The world was taught never to look at Ireland. Those who stole its history and language ensured that the Irish would not be taken seriously.
Recently the 'banksters' did a good job of persuading the country that it was in trouble, when clearly it was not. The work of Michael Tsarion reveals so much. His work should be on the curriculum of every school and university, especially in Ireland . Do the people still accept what they were taught by the Vatican: that they are worthless nobodies? Ask why you were taught this?
最近這些“匪徒銀行家”乾了一件好事,勸告國家遇上麻煩了,但是顯然不是。Michael Tsarion的工作揭示了這麼多。他的工作應該成為每個學校和大學的課程,特別是愛爾蘭。這些人依舊接受由梵蒂岡教導的一切麼:他們真的是毫無價值的無名小卒麼?問問自己為何要被如此教導?
Ireland . . . the whole world is waiting for you to take action. You alone can release the world from the bondage of the corrupt control system. It is time to move into the light of truth and seek justice for all.
We in Spirit, wish to thank all those who listen to what we have to say and who take the time to research and share with others, so that they, too, can wake up and look to the future.
The house of cards is teetering on the edge; ready to fall. Then you will wonder why so many could have been taken in for so long by such evil minds. They will return from whence they came. Good riddance to them. LOVE will return to your world.
I continue to show you, my dear, that I am always at your side. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation