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Ascension has been ongoing for many years, so as not to overpower you. It has gently been increased, and now you are recognizing the difference it is making to you. It is in many ways a delicate process of raising your vibrations, so that you can gradually absorb more, and more. Too much energy too soon could have been detrimental to your progress, upsetting those who are slow to respond. It affects all souls in one way or another, which is why some get symptoms that might otherwise be attributed to malfunctioning bodily systems.


Now perhaps you can understand why at the time of the 21st. December 2012, the high energy influx due to the alignment of your Sun and the Great Central Sun, is going to "separate" those who are ready to ascend, and those who are not. The choice is as ever yours, but do not be concerned if you are one desiring to remain in your present dimension. It will make no difference to your evolution in the long run, as opportunities to ascend will still come periodically. Indeed, if you set your mind on it, by sheer willpower and intent you could ascend anytime as an individual.

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問候各位親愛的,我是麥達昶,光之主!我在無條件之愛中問候並榮耀你們每一位,並在此當下的空間向量中滋養你們。今天,我們要來談談被稱之為宇宙觸發(Cosmic Trigger)的最後階段。事實上,它的完成就在眼前,絕對會發生,最終會是在線性的2012年。






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由Angela Peregoff 2012年5月21日www.angelaperegoff.c om

 “生活就是行動和熱情;因此,就要求一個人應該分享他歲月的熱情和行動,但是要冒險被認為是沒有生活過。” ~小奧利弗·溫德爾·霍姆斯 

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譯者: Saphira http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e14199001014nh9.html


    光之大師們- 我以統一、神聖之我是問候你們,我是聖哲曼。以這種方式與你們溝通是我莫大的榮幸。大變革的時代已經來臨。你們已經有很長久的一段時間在為此工作,你們渴望終於能夠獲得自由。大揭露進行得如火如荼,而且會有更多- 更多。我們懇求你們在這個階段要保持冷靜,並保持居中。還有很多事情要被揭露的- 這將會要求你們當中最有經驗的靈魂再次拿出巨大的理解力和同情心。


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2012年5月19日,由光工作者Joe Böhe渠道所傳述

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May 18th.



Hello again. It is always a pleasure to sit down and converse with you and wondering what each communication shall unfold. So, I hand it over to you to take the lead.


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Beloved Ones,

Keeping yourselves grounded into the Earth's core is the most important step to take right now. You are each here to bring your higher aspects into your physical body and it is important that you have a strong foundation upon which to do this. What you are seeking is within yourselves and not in the outer World. Allow a few moments each day to feel your heart pulse in rhythm with the Earth, for this will connect and attune you and the Earth, as your vibrational level is uplifted. Trust in your inner guidance as you go about your daily activities and follow the inner promptings as they occur.



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Can you feel the changes around you as the energies continue to rise up, and will continue all the way to Ascension. They are bringing a peace to Earth and your civilization, one that will see many more souls lifting up into the Light. It will have the affect of calming situations that are leading to an aggressive response. Indeed, there are many trouble spots that need it to bring about a cessation of disputes and fighting, and you will see them being turned around. When sufficient people have found the power within to bring a peaceful solution to such problems, they will no longer be a threat to peace. By our reckoning there has not been such a period in your past, when the people have risen up to successfully achieve peace. Naturally there are still Leaders and Dictators that talk of war, and those of the last cabal are still desirous of spreading misery and death. However, talking is all they will be allowed to do, as we can support you in your quest for peace and put a stop to any attempt to do otherwise.


We are quite active just now, as a number of events are being staged for your benefit. They will be fronted by our allies, and we will so to say stay in the shadows and ensure all manifests as intended. When the need has arisen we have been outgoing, and it no longer matters if you witness our actions as we have no reason to hide them. It will not be long anyway before we will find ourselves free from the attention of the dark Ones, and able to mix with you. We have provisionally sought assistance from some Leaders who work with the Light, so that at last Disclosure can be announced. We desire to tie it in with our intent to give a display of our craft, as a way of celebrating our re-union. As we have often remarked, there are many of you who are directly related to us and the other members of the Galactic Federation. So please bear with us as the weeks pass by, as our promises have not been forgotten. We are true to our word and a series of great events are about to be unleashed upon you.

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譯者: Saphira http://blog.sina.com .cn/s/blog_9e14199001014orp.html 

在經過了波濤洶湧的日子之後,我們到達了高原,我們走上了平原,它為我們帶來直接通往目標的路。 狂風暴雨的日子還在前頭,並需要一段時間。



 2)個人的決心,是否積極參與建構新時代,讓舊體繫再也沒有復興的機會。現在是完成一切的時候,因為就是由你們在實踐它。 我們再一次懇求你們,將你們的目光、你們所有的注意力專注在自己身上。不要為虛假的救贖期望而迷失自己,而是透過你們的力量來產生一個新的世界,出自你們的心,出自你們的靈魂,因為所有的知識都根植於它。 從“外”面達到於你們的,在任何情況下不用去擔心,也不需要花費更長的時間在上面,但要全神貫注在你們的道路上,與你們的自我,與所有你們可以作出更大貢獻以促進改變的,將舊體系的任何基礎都拔除。 要決定去走你們的道路,不需要環顧四周發生的;在看到有很多人想留下來時,不要感到憂傷。 前面就是天堂,它就在你們面前,因為你們拋到身後的,已經過去了,它就滯留在時間當中。這真正是提供一個獨特、唯一的條件,好讓你們發展、成為所是。 出發吧,從現在開始拿出新的活力、幹勁,邁出新的步伐,並要知道你們想要帶進這個世界的天國,早就已經落戶在你們自己內在了。 天空再次打開了,天上的權威們再次聚首,組成新的、前所未有的勢力來支援你們,並帶領你們跨越地平線,但你們有責任往前走,你們要走向腳步行進的地方,因為你們的心在指使著它。 人們都是獨一無二、無與倫比、完美的,現在他就要來為這個世界聲稱這一點權利。 要決心走往新的時代,出發,繼續往前行,前進,前進,前進,不要停下! 在無限的愛中 

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Greg Giles 通靈傳遞

Have you noticed a certain air of truth in these messages? These messages are being sent to you from higher intelligences to assist you to better manage the transitions that you as individuals and as a people are experiencing and will continue to experience as the days and months pass by. There are many tools that can be of assistance to you at this time, and these messages are but one of them. Utilizing all the tools at your command is advisable as it is not one of these tools that will be the only tool that you will need to gain as much from what this experience offers you. We advise you to take stock of the tools that you possess and make a conscious note of them, as each are just important as the next to help you better facilitate these changes for you and your society as a whole.


Complications may arise due to the unpreparedness of many individuals of your world and we wish, through the dissemination of these messages and others like them, to help better prepare all that will read and will heed these words from us shared through our channels. This is the only way we can communicate with you at this time. Telepathy is a means to communicate commonly here within the higher realms of this universe. Many of you at this time are learning and experiencing telepathic communication for the first time, and many of you are experiencing a difficult time communicating in this manner. This is quite all right and has been expected, as telepathy is an art and a skill that must be practiced before any level of competence is achieved.


We do not expect any of you to suddenly begin attempting to communicate telepathically and being able to readily recognize and receive clear and accurate messages in this way. We instead wish to proceed slowly with you by sending you short messages in the early stages and learn if you have received these small pieces of information accurately, understanding who it is that is sending you these messages. This is the stage of this operation that we are engaging in currently with a large number of you, and we will continue to test these grounds with you over the next weeks and months to better acquaint you with sending and receiving telepathic communications from the higher realms.

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Your world is on the brink of a Great Awakening. All the right people are coming together, sharing research, and everything is becoming as clear as daylight. Be strong and feel no fear: show no fear and no one can hurt you; as to hurt you, they NEED you to be in FEAR. The ploys used by the Cabal become more evident every day. They tell you in advance what they intend to do. Until now, this went unnoticed by the majority of you, so they felt free to carry it out. I refer to the obvious reference to "WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN if the Twin Towers were attacked ?". Exactly the same exercise was carried out in London prior to the 7/7 bombings. Now you find placed before you, " What might happen if the London Olympics are bombed ?" Even the most sceptic of you must wonder at this . . .

你們整個世界正處在一個偉大覺醒的邊緣。所有正確的人都在不斷團結起來,分享與探索,而每件事情也變得如白晝一般的清晰。請堅強並無所畏懼:展現出無懼的情懷,誰也無法傷害到你;因為那些想要傷害你的人,他 們需要你處於恐懼中才行。這些由黑暗勢力所使用的策略也由每天的過去而更加的明顯。在他們要做什麼事情之前會預先告訴你。直到現在,你們大多數人還是充耳不聞,所以他們才覺得可以自由的去執行。我想指出這個很明顯的暗示“如果紐約雙子樓受到攻擊將會發生什麼?”確實,這同樣的把戲也被用在了倫敦7/7炸彈事件之前。現在你現在發現了這句話“如果倫敦奧林匹克中心被炸彈攻擊將會發生什麼”?實際上你們大多數的人必定會懷疑它。

You see, they need your permission to carry out these plans. Because you ignore their plans, they see this as giving them permission to do whatever they choose. Ask yourselves this, will you be able to live with yourselves if you do nothing, and many thousands die as a result? Please consider this carefully as knowing about this carries a responsibility. Come together, share your research, take the necessary steps to prevent this terrible crime against humanity from happening. We can do so much to help with advice and assistance, but you need to take responsibility for what you have allowed to happen.

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Jesus Sananda     

Esu Introduction for newcomers 


By Esu / Eve 


May 16, 2012 - 3:30:53 AM


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The Light House Effect


By CM thru Hazel 


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