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Ultimate and Final Words


By CM thru Rubens


Jun 22, 2012 - 11:43:03 PM


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By Siraya thru Rubens


Jun 22, 2012 - 11:23:48 PM


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_676222b70102e35h.html


The Ancients of Days Speak


By Ancients of Days thru Candace 
Jun 22, 2012 - 11:36:25 PM


原文: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Candace_6/The-Ancient-of-Days-Speak.shtml

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By Siraya thru Johan

Jun 18, 2012 - 11:58:13 PM


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e28w.html


翻譯: Saphira 透過渠道Frank Scheffler傳述Herak 21/06/2012 來源:nebadonien.wordpress.com/2012/06/22/herak-vom-21-06-2012/#more-2810


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Karen Doonan


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Heavenletter #51 – 當下時刻




Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_76f6207901013qr3.html


A Summary of Drake's Latest Update 'Arrests, Extraterrestrials, Sea Levels & Prosperity Funds'德雷克最近更新的概述'逮捕、外星人、海平面和繁榮基金'


Posted by  Greg Giles  on June 21, 2012 at 3:00am 
Greg Giles, 2012  6  21  3:00am 貼出




Pentagon and military  insider Drake has released his latest update of the goings-on behind the scenes in regards to the mass arrests of many members of the criminal organization referred to as the cabal. Drake's presentation was approximately 3 hours in length and as such, I will take this opportunity to very briefly summarize some of the points that I feel you may find of interest.  


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You are getting so near to some real action that will leave you in no doubt that you are about to witness the beginning of the end of the dark Ones. It is all arranged and cannot be held up much longer. Even so you will be surprised at what is about to occur, and astonished that an operation of such size has been mounted. The planning has been meticulous to ensure that the arrests are as far as possible carried out in the least possible time. Be assured that the evidence of criminal actions by each individual has been carefully documented, and is sufficient to uphold the charges that will be made.


The Illuminati are shocked at the speed with which their fortunes have changed, and never thought that they would have to answer for their crimes against Humanity. They are also at their wits end trying to avoid ultimate justice but find we have cut off their escape routes . We have each one tracked so that our allies can quickly round them up, and we are overseeing the whole operation. For the dark Ones this is the time of accountability that is inevitable, but in their case instead of reviewing their lives and actions after death, they face you the people who desire that justice is seen to be done. It is also important that you understand how you have been held back for centuries of time, and their roles behind almost every incident involving immense loss of life. Wars have been "arranged" to line their pockets and reduce the population which has always been their aim.

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/71af81795aedfeda431694e9 .html

The Veil



Time has come for me to release more intel about the Archons as we are entering the period when the destiny of this planet is being decided and people need to be informed so better choices can be made.


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e22c.html


Greetings dear ones. We come again to wish you a happy Ascension process.


Although many of you are saying it hasn't been very happy lately. We see the Light of earth increasingly changing very quickly and it will not be long before the many changes you anticipate begin to appear.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e22b.html


Beloved Ones,

You are in a period of stillness awaiting the influx of greater energies that are soon to flood the Planet. Be receptive and open to these energies and absorb as much of them as you are able. Set your intention to receive in grace and ease and it will be so. Many changes continue to take place within your physical bodies and your DNA is being further activated. The next six months will bring through many revelations and a greater connection with your inner truths. Much that has been hidden from you will emerge into the light of day for you to ponder and absorb.



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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360102dzff.html




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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e20l.html


The conditions upon Earth are turning into chaos in anticipation of the effect of the financial crisis. However we are behind the actions that are being taken to offset such effects so that with the final collapse, our allies can come forward with the answers. There will be no going back to the old ways that have put you in the position you find yourselves in. Any others steps that are taken to prolong them will only prolong the agony and the solution needs to be adopted very quickly. New systems are essential that take full control of the way that the banks operate, and fiat money will no longer be allowed. Years and years of corrupt practices and manipulation of the money markets has created a monster that has to be removed. Small will become beautiful and large corporations will be broken up. Debt forgiveness will remove the present problems created from the recklessness of the banks and restore your faith, because of the promises of the New Age that will ensure they are not repeated.

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