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Greetings, we are the High Council of Orion, The GalacticCouncil of the Elders and the Galactic Council of twelve, we come through ourchannel at this time to make our presence known to you on planet earth. Ourchannel is able to hold the energies of all of these councils as she has beenbriefed on the members of these councils and there role in the shaping of thenew earth. There is much information that we have to guide you at this time andwe are here to introduce our roles and our functions so that you may anchorthis information and remember us.




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There is no doubt that of recent times, your consciousness levels have grown quite considerably where we are concerned. There is much more interest in us and our craft, in part due to the frequency in which we are now seen in your skies. Unless as an act of disinformation, there has never been a report associated with the Galactic Federation where we have been hostile without reason. Even so we do not cause death and where we are forced to take protective measures, occupants of your craft are first removed before they are destroyed. Often we are forced into such a position when our orders are ignored, and we only give them where we are authorized to intervene. On most occasions it is when nuclear weapons are about to be used, and all of your governments have been warned that we will not allow it to happen. Believe us Dear Ones, some of your military commanders are still intent on using them to start another war. The path to Ascension is protected by us and it is not our place to save you, but ensure the opportunity is there for you to take. In fact, neither you or Mother Earth would be here today but for our actions. God has spoken on this matter, and we are upholding the edict that this cycle will end with Ascension.


The Earth is the jewel in the crown, and long sought after by other civilizations. Attempts have been made to take you over and we have prevented them, but the biggest threat to your lives has come from within. Very soon you will get to learn all about your history, and in detail where recent times are concerned. You have fought a battle without actually realizing what you were up against, and much of it has taken place on the higher levels. All along the real one has been between the Light and the dark, and you have only won through in recent times. You have come so close to defeat, and it is a remarkable achievement to have overcome the dark Ones. It only remains to completely cut their links, and remove them to where they are no longer a danger to you.

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shows-evidence-he-is-the- real-deal-the-10-commandments-were-given-to-his-ancestors-by-celestial-beings/ 


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As the Irish all over the world celebrate being Irish on what they see as their day, most of them are blissfully unaware of the decisions that were made at the Council of Nicea, to destroy the people of Ireland and their religion of love, preached by the Druids. The Cabal stole the real history of Ireland and its language, and they made slaves of its people. Though the indoctrination that followed was barbaric, it failed to break the Irish Spirit.


It was at this time that plans were made for the take-over of the world. It is all there for those who take the time to research it. Until you research this period of history, you will not understand what is happening in your world today. For that is when they wrote the Bible, carefully following a formula, making slight changes here and there, to make it seem authentic. The Bible has been used to create fear of a Hell that does not exist, and the God, who is LOVE, has been changed into one who you need to fear. You have to hand it to them, they thought of everything !

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Greg Giles通靈傳遞
貫 穿你們許多次輪迴轉世,你們被吸引和推向其他與你們有相似振動的靈魂。它總

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    這應該是你們生命中最寶貴的時間,是你們直至目前存在以來最重要的時刻;請致力於你們的自我淨化- 在思想、言語跟行為。然後,你們就做好準備了,但對於今天仍然跟自我以及來自存在本質的光離得非常遙遠的很多很多人即將一無所有。

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It is clear now to many people that a big shake up is about to occur in the halls of power, and that will enable more far reaching changes to go ahead. It is important that those who block progress and vital changes necessary to free you from control, are totally removed. That process is well underway and those standing in our way are well aware that their time is up. There is no way out for them and their crimes are well documented, with absolute proof of their involvement. We are talking about a measure of weeks rather than months before our actions begin to bite. We are therefore hopeful of taking a great step forward very soon, and one that will be such that you will get to learn of it. We have some backing form the media , and believe it will not take much before reporting of what is happening will spread and be accurate. We are not out for sensationalism, but nevertheless the events will be quite extraordinary. We want it to be known that the old regime is no longer in charge, and that it will be replaced by one that truly represents the people. The Light is returning Dear Ones, and it will reach into everyone's lives for the better.


To reach this point in your evolution has taken a long time, and required a great deal of faith at times. You are now in the throes of being rewarded with a succession of changes that shall lift you out of poverty, and give you a taste of what is to come following Ascension. After thousands of years of subtle controls that have gradually taken away your rights, so much so that you have accepted them as being normal, you are at last to experience freedom at a level you are unfamiliar with. The dark Ones deliberately created the circumstances that led to your virtual imprisonment in your own homes. As Spiritual Beings you are the Children of God, and free to choose your own experiences. However, it must be added that you chose duality as a means of expanding and speeding up your evolution.

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原文:http://www.ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/03/message-from-galactic-federation-of_18. html

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Beloved Ones,

As you each go through your cleansing and releasing process, you are finding that you are beginning to feel a sense of mastery as you complete the learning, comprehension and understanding that these events have brought to you and the opportunity for greater spiritual growth and evolution that has taken place within you. Life is ever evolving and in these times this growth has been moving forward in leaps and bounds! Each Soul on Earth has been experiencing the changes taking place within them with amazing grace. It has been a mighty struggle to swim upstream against the current of ingrained and well established structures and you have all come through with flying colors.



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