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Live each day as it comes, as you never know what to expect when so many changes are on the verge of taking place. There can be little doubt that our allies are achieving great progress on many fronts, and that soon you can look forward to a period of explosive happenings. Already you are seeing how extensive our probes have been to remove corrupt individuals form the banking fraternity, and that has not yet finished. So as you can see, not only has the corruption been uncovered, but also those responsible . Once these disclosures gather steam, you would be surprised at how many people are coming forward with more information. The breakthrough has uncovered plots that have involved trillions of dollars, and the most outrageous and audacious acts to steal from their rightful owners. We intend that such monies are returned to them providing they were legally acquired in the first place. Much money that has been misused has come from the public purse, and in fact astronomical amounts are involved.


Is it no wonder that you have been denied sufficient for your needs when it has been diverted to private accounts, and black operations. We have been putting an end to such criminal acts so that wars can be considered something of the past, and world peace declared. To do all of this we must have the backing of the major governments, but only when they have been purged of those who do not have your full interests at heart. That is being worked upon and the case against them is being prepared. It is often a matter of whether each member has been true to their oath, and regretfully very few have.

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A Celestial Reminder


Ancient of Days Of Orvonton


February 27 2012



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Your self-bestowals 


By Eve / CM 


Feb 27, 2012 - 11:05:46 AM



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As we shift our awareness into higher vibrations, what is 'wrong' with our life becomes very obvious to us. New vibrations feel wonderful and bring us great joy, but they also make us very aware of what isn't working for us, where our needs are not being met and where we have settled, accepted and been happy with far less than what we now know we deserve. There is nothing wrong or right, and every shift in energy is an opportunity to start with a clean slate.




It's like putting dessert on a plate that is covered in the remnants of the first course. To truly enjoy the taste of the dessert we need to get a clean plate. While we may have enjoyed the dinner, we don't want our dessert to taste like turkey and mashed potatoes. There is a point at which we have to stop the thinking cycle and give ourselves an opportunity to enjoy the shift we have made, which is our gift for resolving the karma and energies of the past. The healing is complete, so when do we start living in our new energy?



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If anyone doubted that time has speeded up, you have only to consider the speed at which the first two months have passed, and so it shall continue right through to Ascension. The call for freedom from your oppressors has been answered and their ability to cause further problems has been addressed, and they no longer have the powerful bases that maintained their hold over you. They may seek to change matters, but it is now beyond their scope to reverse the affect of the actions against them. Their roles have been reduced to ones of only a nuisance value, and soon their activities will have all but evaporated as their power structure is taken apart. Having come thus far it only remains for us to remove the Illuminati, and a major part of our mission will have been completed .


Our allies with our help are doing all they can to push the media to return to true and factual reporting, and to remove the gags and censorship that has been used to hide the truth from you. With so much going on we would like to see them bring you up to date reports of the worldwide resignations, and arrests of top people involved in criminal acts. Such information will serve to give others the confidence to come forward, and help cleanse banking and politics from the immoral and unscrupulous activities of those who only work for self. You can expect some astonishing events very soon that will show without doubt, that the old paradigm has been shattered never to rise once again.

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You are witnessing the beginning of the end of all that has held you back, so that you can take the quantum leap forward that comes with Ascension. It has taken a long time to get to this exact moment, to enjoy the success of all ours and your endeavours. It was inevitable regardless of what the dark Ones did to stop our progress, and in the end they laid themselves open to defeat because of their immense greed and arrogance. Not even money can buy them their way out of the collapse of their empire, which is now about to come apart. It obviously has not gone unnoticed, and it is giving confidence to people who have stories to tell that will reveal the truth. Changes have suddenly started to speed up, and you can expect them to continue from hereon. Sometimes you might pinch yourself to make sure it is really happening, as they will take your breath away. Always look for the positive aspects of change, which are often more in the way of "clearing the decks" ready for the new to come in.


Now that the sorting out of people who are not fit to serve you has begun, it will extend to all areas of life. Politicians are by and large unreliable and prone to break their oath to serve you the people. They are already under scrutiny and will soon be subject to removal where they have committed criminal acts. Provisional governments will be put in place where necessary, and control will be given to those who have proved worthy of such responsibility. We do not expect much resistance to the changes, as we have the absolute proof we need to go ahead and there can be no argument about it. If necessary, we can go back in time to prove a point, so you will realise why we can be so confident. It means that we do not have to resort to force to accomplish our goals.

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Heavenletter #4111 Published on: February 26, 2012

天堂來信#4111 發佈於2012 年2 月26 日


God said:


Come, sit down with Me. Let Us recall Truth and forget everything else, for all else can only be imagined. You thought of all else. You feared that Truth is a wolf at your door, ready to eat you up. Soon, before you know it, you will not be what you have imagined. You will never be the same, the same as you imagined, for fear will have left your side.

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德文翻譯saphira http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e14199001010d11.html 



   我用我的光擁抱和祝福人類。人類被委託給我照顧,在我的保護之下不受到任何侵犯,並透過阿斯塔命令不斷的在觀察,好讓我們執行- 在我們看來- 應該去做的。

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This has been a stressful week for you, trying to deal with ordinary family matters as well as working with Spirit. Juggling the two roles is not easy. We told you to expect the unexpected but even you did not expect the secrets of the Vatican to be revealed by those who know the truth. Nothing can be hidden anymore, those days are over. The masks will fall and you will see things and people as they really are, not as they appeared to be. Those who have almost destroyed your planet will not be able to hold their shape as the energy changes. Life will become extremely difficult for them.


Bankers are running in all directions, trying to establish safe havens for themselves. Like rats, they are leaving the sinking ship. It will be interesting to see how your governments will handle the lies regarding the wars they still hope to start.

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Hi Jean,

Yes you are ok in receiving me. I am Asthar greeting you.

With me is a member of the High Council of Universal Wisdom. We are here to update you for the time to come.

Time has been speeded up by us. So Earth will be ready to move on. We are a council of Galactic Beings of all planes, stars and planets .Because we are all together working on the Ascension of Earth and the people upon Earth.

This is a big organization because all of us including Earth people have to move at the same time.

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