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Dratzo! We return! Time is swiftly collapsing the time-space grids that form the framework of your present reality. Ever-increasing new energies are flowing into these grids and shaking the very foundations of the dark's long hold on you. Nearly 13 millennia ago , the Time Lords and the local Elohim constructed these grids as a temporary measure in order to permit you to survive, and now they are rapidly disappearing. The dark ones know this and yet persist in their bizarre schemes to keep all of you entrapped within their dark control fields. The time has come to counter their delusional activities and free your world from their ever-weakening grip. As you look around at your world's political and economic conditions, you can see just how close everything is to complete breakdown. We have monitored the strange maneuvers of this dark cabal and seen how easily they dissociate their continuing fantasies from what is now manifestly becoming real. Our Agarthan cousins​​ consider it their prime obligation to you to liberate your surface world from these decaying delusions, and we are here to fully support this vital task!


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The big Love Wave has peaked and that is not the end as it continues to lift the vibrations upon Earth. From hereon the levels of consciousness will noticeably rise, with individuals experiencing it in there own way. The whole affect is to bring more harmony and balance into being, thus lessening the need for changes of a catastrophic nature. You cannot help but have noticed that in spite of dire predictions of a physical nature, they have not been as far reaching or serious as you have been led to believe. We are responsible for keeping the outcome to a level that does not have serious results.


Our activities never cease, and we are involved in a constant monitoring of many occurrences whether natural or man-made. Mother Earth will however need to push on with her own cleansing, but again we are involved to ensure that all goes as smoothly as possible . We would stress that the souls who find themselves in what prove to be dangerous areas, are where they planned to be as part of their life contract. Often these situations are a means to an end, so that they may exit the Earth before the end time comes. We know it is hard to understand the thinking in such circumstances, but moving out of your body and passing on from Earth is little more than falling asleep. Clearly we know that where illness or accidental death are concerned, there can be pain before the end. However. immediately you are out of the body you are released from it, and any emotional affect is quickly overcome. You will feel free and elated as you will have thrown off the yoke of the physical body, and the burden of carrying it around with you.

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My dear, you are living in a time of endings and new beginnings: as more people wake up, they make a stand against the corrupt. It shines a light on the mind control that has been used, and is still being used, to keep you as slaves and under control. The two bastions of control have always worked together but managed to keep their connection secret from mankind. As more information flows out and questions are being asked, they are at a loss as to how to deal with this unexpected situation. They will create 'problems' that they hope will take your minds off their corruption. You are now sufficiently awake and aware to refuse to fall for their lies. Remember that the corrupt are finished, so they will attack recklessly to try to hold on to what they have illicitly acquired. They are desperate.


You have the upper hand. Know who your are. Stand together in the Light, for we in Spirit will stand alongside you every step of the way. Remember, the knowledge has always been there but it was kept hidden from you. We continue to work on energy. I never dreamed so much could be achieved just using energy and soundwaves. The man-made barriers are coming down. Man will have a new understanding of life and the body and how it can work when it's not interfered with by those who control you. You are embarking on a glorious adventure. Earth will be transformed into a planet of light, love and peace. Remember through this struggle that the end result will be permanent, it's not just a short-term thing. You - all of you who work in the Light - are the creators of the New Age of Enlightenment. You are making history - real history - not the lies that were taught to you as history. Everything that you have been taught is the opposite of the truth. What you are told is good for you, is actually bad for you. Yes, it is a shock to learn that those who control you are actually that EVIL !

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St. Germain, connecting the spiritual world to the physical world. 

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Beloved Ones,

Well done! Your focus on the 11-11-11 portal helped to set the pattern for the New World that is in the process of recalibration, the raising of vibration and frequency. Celebrate and rejoice in this accomplishment for this was an important and crucial step in the progression towards the new beginnings that are now set to come into manifestation upon your Planet. There is much that waits to unfold and it but requires the integration of the energetic downloads you have and will continue to receive. Your Light is growing ever brighter and wider as you begin to remember your true identity.

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我曾經看過在網路上有人說: 「雙/性/戀者就是沒有出櫃的同/性/戀...」

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Today is one of great importance to you all, and we are pleased that so many of you are participating in 11.11.11. that is only second to the 21st. December 2012. It does not matter where you are in the world, all of you can experience the high level of incoming energies. You can meditate on them for as long as you like, as they are not restricted in any manner to that special time, and will continue on onto the future. Do however, give yourselves a minimum of 15 minutes prior to 11.11.11. and fifteen minutes afterwards. You should sense the power of upliftment that it will bring and you will be helping Mother Earth if you channel the energy down, through your Crown Chakra and your body, directly into the earth. Depending on your present level of vibration the effect will differ from one person to another, but we would expect at least a deep feeling of relaxation and peace. As time proceeds, there will be more downloads ensuring that your consciousness continues to expand all the way to Ascension.


The world continues to be embroiled in the challenges that are facing Europe, but help from outside is extremely unlikely. It is an almost impossible problem to solve, as the vast amounts of money needed to do so just do not exist. It is far better to let matters take their natural course, that will see more than one country default on their loan repayments. Out of the chaos our allies will offer a new system that will overcome all obstacles, and a precious metals backed currency. It will carry you forward until such times as money is no longer needed. Remember Dear Ones, that you are powerful creators and shall move into a period when you will be able to create most of your needs. Clearly 2012 will be a remarkable year for changes to that which you have long been used to, and so raise your standard of living to levels that you would not have dreamt of previously.

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Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We are entering a new stage in the process of Ascension as a human race on this planet. We could say, without wishing to exaggerate, that the time you are in at this very moment is of enormous importance and as such, will mark a " before and after" in the history of your civilization.



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朋友們,我在CB 的強烈要求下回到這裡,對目前的情況做個簡要匯報。


目前我們正在幫助大角星(Arcturians) 人清除在阿拉伯海域索科特拉島附近的地下基地。如你們可以追溯的,YU-55 的路線在穿過地球的時候在Krulian 飛船的控制下轉向了月球,這使它穿越的時候靠地球軌道更近一點,從而使你們的天文學家在YU-55 靠近時重新修改了YU-55 的距地參數(譯者:關於這點,大家可以查一下,NASA YU55 到來的前一天修改了它的軌道參數,在美國引起一系列反響,原文標題是:2005 YU55Condition Code Changed 這裡是鏈接:http://www.youtube.com/user/jcattera#p/f/22/aZLSuLDszzA。另外還有一篇:Arethe JPL Models Wrong? 大家可以自己按照標題搜索)。


根據昴宿星人的建議,銀河聯邦決定拖延地面政府所決定的計劃。如果巨大自然災害發生(這也是地面政府曾經充滿自信地認為一定會發生的事),會加速地面政府的人口清洗計劃。目前,有一架巨型Krulian 人飛船圍繞在地球附近,保護Elenin 的尾部引起的流星雨效應,從而保護你們的通信系統暫時不被隕石擊中而受到損害。

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Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians,



It is time now to recover from your ailments of the last Thousands ofyears, Beloved earth humans! We are observing with joy that many of you startedto understand the signs of this time and woke up, especially to the servicethey originally have incarnated for at this time on earth.

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SaLuSa to Me – 8 Nov 2011 – Towards 11.11.11 Upliftment

We are approaching a great transition for you, as a species. It is our honour to be present here at this time, and to witness these events unfold upon your planet. You are an integral part of our family, who have accepted to experience duality . This experience will enrich your knowledge and there is much you will teach us once we reunite in the higher realms. We are proud to watch you learn to overcome duality's challenges, and rise in the higher vibrations.


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Events continue to move on at a faster pace than previously, and the world looks on at the decline in Europe that will have far reaching implications. The problem in finding a solution, is that there is insufficient money to fund any form of help or bail out. As we have informed you, the old system can no longer serve those countries involved and a new one will have to be found that completely addresses the problem. The answer is of course waiting in the wings, and our allies will present their plan at the appropriate time. Be assured that the inconvenience to you will be short lived, and we will be behind those invested with the responsibility to bring the new plan in. Change must come and since your needs were identified, we have enlisted the help of people of authority to carry it through with all speed. Those of the darkness whom we have already identified will be stopped from interfering, and if need be removed to places where they are unable to do so.


We have some allies that would surprise you, who know that the threat that hung over the world would have affected virtually all countries. The Illuminati had ambitions to conquer the world, and not one would have been safe from their intentions. Fortunately the danger has passed, and in time all vestiges of the their military forces and bases will be removed. Peace is coming and will have been established before Ascension, and our presence will ensure that it is kept. In fact with the ever increasing levels of consciousness, there is a reluctance in more people's minds to rise up against their fellow countrymen. Part of it comes from the recognition that wars do not solve problems, but in the long run make them worse. Part of the cleansing of Earth will be the restoration of all that has been destroyed, damaged or polluted by the acts of war.

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laas翻譯自(需要翻牆)http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2011 /11/07/benjamin-fulford-11-8-11-paradigm-lost-as-the-western-oligarch%E2%80%99s-lies-unravel-the-criminal-cabal-is-caput/



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