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Disclosure as such is important to us but not as much as the subsequent developments, and the dark Ones try by any means to block the announcement as it spells the end of their covert activities. It is also the beginning of a closer relationship between us, that will see a great coming together in the Brotherhood of Light. We are therefore pressing our allies to commence Disclosure as soon as possible, but if necessary we will make it happen. We have long referred to the divine date for it, and that looms near so any delay will be short lived.


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很多朋友還在被動地等待,等待變化的來臨。朋友們,不要再等待了,那是幻覺。新的時代就在你們腳下,等待你們自己去一點點展開。朋友們,一起行動吧,一起去創造吧,一起傳播光的能量吧……,我會一直在這裡支持著你們。_by Cappuccino

Dear ones we come to guide and support as the last of thedenser energies are being transmuted across the planet. Many of YOU may havefelt the strong pull of these energies and questioned what was happening andwhether the new was actually unfolding at all. We guide strongly that the newis now here dear ones, the FEELing of this will get stronger and stronger asYOU get stronger and stronger. 

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SaLuSa to Me – 25th Oct. 2011 – With Your New Bodies, Your Energy WillKnow No Limit

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As you are fond of saying "things are hotting up" and the signs are there for all to see. The old paradigm is breaking up before your very eyes, and those still tr​​ying to maintain it are in fear of the consequences. People power is showing up all over the world, and growing stronger all of the time. It is not just a passing phase but one built upon the intent to bring change in, and force out that which no longer serves your needs. It is working because it is carried forward by the immense Light being attracted to Earth. Your time has come Dear Ones, when your visions of the new are rapidly manifesting, and already exist in the higher dimensions. It remains only for the Light levels to rise a little further and nothing can delay or stop the changes. With the expected energy surge with the coming of 11.11.11 there will definitely be an upliftment, and it remains to be seen how far it goes.


What is happening in your world is causing confusion, because it threatens to seriously disrupt peoples lives. Yet those of you who know it is necessary to sweep away the old, are able to be a balancing energy to avoid utter chaos. You are needed more than ever and indeed many of you came to the Earth for that very purpose. Lightworkers all have their own roles to fulfill and should by now be aware as to what they are. Some are simply to be beacons of Light, whilst others are healers, or active for causes that spread the Light. If you have not yet found your vocation, spread love and joy wherever you go and help lift people up. Beyond that be assured that once the plan for your future is revealed, many opportunities to serve will come up.

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By Machiventa Melchizedek


Oct 24, 2011 - 7:54:41 PM


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Shanta Gabriel 
Monday, 17 October, 2011   
通靈人:Shanta Gabriel, 2011年10月17日

The Gabriel Messages 

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11/11/11 The Second Triple Stargate & The Codes ofRenewal

11/11/11 第二波星門能量& 更新的密碼子

The New Earth Energies October 2011


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翻譯自(需要翻牆):http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2011/10/24/benjamin-fulford-10-25- 11-private-%E2%80%9Ctrading-platforms%E2%80%9D-have-been-shut-down-in-preparation-for-new-financial-system/

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Welcome to you my friends. I sort of FELT the urge to have a chat ... is that ok with you?


There would be much taking place upon your planet should we not ever be able to do so. Yet of course ... energies and so forth can sometimes interfere on our wave band with our connection to you.


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New energies of a very high voltage and of cosmic origin are coming to the planet, to accompany the ascension process of humanity and other living beings of Gaia.


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SaLuSa to Me – A Question from Laura - 26 Oct 2011 

Laura: Hello SaLuSa, there are rumours that the Sirians have left the vicinity of Earth, is this correct? 

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We look at your world and see what a marvelous place it has been, as a means of giving you a playground in which to play your games. You have been allowed to do exactly as you wish, but nevertheless with responsibility for the consequences. Through many lives you have created your future, but for a long time were held in the lower vibrations. Once you became ensnared in them, you found the greatest difficulty in releasing yourselves from them. Yet although you plunged the depths of darkness, somehow you found the Light and lifted yourselves up. It took a long time, but today so many of you are awakening to the truth of your being. The beliefs imposed upon you are no longer able to hold you back, and much progress has been made. Now you are rising up in your consciousness levels very rapidly, and realize the power you have to change your reality.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_676222b70102duh6.html

Knowledge is the beginning of Wisdom


By Papa Source thru Hazel


Oct 21, 2011 - 4:42:48 PM


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一般情況我不會直接翻譯來自銀河聯邦的信息,因為國內的光之工作者很多,志願從事翻譯工作的朋友們也很多,我覺得重複翻譯意義不大。我更想和大家分享些其他信息,從不同的角度支持大家。但是10.23 日來自獵戶座最高議會的信息非常精彩,我忍不住翻譯了一篇。據我所知,這篇文章獵戶座最高議會的通靈信息還沒出現在U2覺醒的翻譯文章內,所以我先翻譯了拿出來和大家共享: ) 



Greetings dear ones we come to guide andsupport and to help YOU move out of the illusion that dissolves as wecommunicate. Much is breaking down and dissolving across the planet and it isvital that this is detached from. Many are now realising that the images andsounds that their eyes and ears pull in from around them are filtered andcontained and are not the whole TRUTH.


We guide that many more will begin toattune to higher and higher levels of communication with ALL realms as the oldbegins to dissolve and in its place the new heightened energies of TRUTH. Manyare now experiencing various symptoms that herald the increase in frequenciesand the anchoring into the human body of the new energies. Hearing “problems”,throat “problems”, stomach “problems” will all indicate and change in frequencyof the human. Where there have been blocks, whether ancestral or related tothis human life experience the energies will start to move them. Be aware ofloss of voice, of upsets related to diet, of hearing strange noises in theears, all will confirm that YOU go through what is akin to an “upgrade”.

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