轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/5b1fcffdca4fd49db901a0d7.html
You hunger for the truth as you come to realize that for eons of time it has been kept from you, and that much you view as your history has been fabricated to suit the aims of those involved. Perhaps the most important omission is evidence of our visitations to Earth, and the contacts we have made. However, through archaeology for those who eyes to see, there is evidence going back thousands of years. Some of it is undeniable, even to the point of showing that craft were in your skies long before you took to the air. If it had already been accepted that we were constant visitors to your Earth, and had meaningful contacts when we imparted knowledge to you, it would have been so much easier to make Disclosure. In fact, in some ways it might not have even been necessary to do it at all, as our link to you would have been understood, and our visits would have already been openly taking place.
So it is now left to our Allies to create such pressure on your Government, that they will ultimately have to give in to your request for the truth to be acknowledged where we are concerned. Both your Government and Military are well aware that in one way or another, our presence will soon be made known if only because we are in conflict with those who refuse to make peace, and instead create war. It can commence as soon as the media decide to allow the truth to be put into print, and that outright lies and false information are rejected. There are some moves towards such changes but it is not fast enough for us, so strong pressure will be applied until the breakthrough occurs. We along with you have waited patiently for a long time to see the dark Ones move aside and allow the New Age to begin. The Galactic Federation will consider direct action if the impasse remains much longer. They know that we have already done where their underground bases are concerned, and that we mean business when we decide to act . Furthermore, they do not have the means to thwart our plans any longer, as the Light is formidable when used for the good of all.