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Sorry we have left the lights out. Tomorrow we will turn the outboard lights of our ships on so many of you can see us for yourselves and take as much photographic and video evidence as you wish.


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In some respects the world is passing through a quieter period than normal, and that is partly due to our activities and those of our allies. A point has been reached where we are able to exert more authority over the dark Ones, who are rapidly losing their power. More people are standing up against them, having acquired a great deal of confidence from seeing others successfully doing the same. It shall continue and help us to achieve our aims to go ahead with our plans, for your total release from the shackles of the past. Many aspects of them are well advanced, and you are entering a rather odd time. You will clearly see the old values and things that you relied upon falling out of sight, but not the new that will replace it. A thorough sweeping away is needed before matters are sufficiently ready for us to take charge. Even so we desire that the reigns of power are passed over to you, and our role is to help you achieve those ends.


A most pleasing development in very recent times is that your consciousness levels continue to grow, and the awakening amongst you is going to make the coming period a lot easier to handle. It is important that we soon commence direct contact with you, as there are so many important issues that we must address. The scene must be set for the major changes waiting to come out, particularly where the financial position is concerned. It is imperative that it is established correctly, and coordinated throughout the many countries involved. Our allies are aware of these needs, and together we are confident of success. Once finance and governance are established in accordance with your destined future, then we know that the basis will exist for the remaining changes to go ahead.

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Greetings, we are the High Council of Orion, The GalacticCouncil of the Elders and the Galactic Council of twelve, we come through ourchannel at this time to make our presence known to you on planet earth. Ourchannel is able to hold the energies of all of these councils as she has beenbriefed on the members of these councils and there role in the shaping of thenew earth. There is much information that we have to guide you at this time andwe are here to introduce our roles and our functions so that you may anchorthis information and remember us.




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There is no doubt that of recent times, your consciousness levels have grown quite considerably where we are concerned. There is much more interest in us and our craft, in part due to the frequency in which we are now seen in your skies. Unless as an act of disinformation, there has never been a report associated with the Galactic Federation where we have been hostile without reason. Even so we do not cause death and where we are forced to take protective measures, occupants of your craft are first removed before they are destroyed. Often we are forced into such a position when our orders are ignored, and we only give them where we are authorized to intervene. On most occasions it is when nuclear weapons are about to be used, and all of your governments have been warned that we will not allow it to happen. Believe us Dear Ones, some of your military commanders are still intent on using them to start another war. The path to Ascension is protected by us and it is not our place to save you, but ensure the opportunity is there for you to take. In fact, neither you or Mother Earth would be here today but for our actions. God has spoken on this matter, and we are upholding the edict that this cycle will end with Ascension.


The Earth is the jewel in the crown, and long sought after by other civilizations. Attempts have been made to take you over and we have prevented them, but the biggest threat to your lives has come from within. Very soon you will get to learn all about your history, and in detail where recent times are concerned. You have fought a battle without actually realizing what you were up against, and much of it has taken place on the higher levels. All along the real one has been between the Light and the dark, and you have only won through in recent times. You have come so close to defeat, and it is a remarkable achievement to have overcome the dark Ones. It only remains to completely cut their links, and remove them to where they are no longer a danger to you.

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Greg Giles通靈傳遞
貫 穿你們許多次輪迴轉世,你們被吸引和推向其他與你們有相似振動的靈魂。它總

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/92c2fbeccd9fbc5079f05531.html


It is clear now to many people that a big shake up is about to occur in the halls of power, and that will enable more far reaching changes to go ahead. It is important that those who block progress and vital changes necessary to free you from control, are totally removed. That process is well underway and those standing in our way are well aware that their time is up. There is no way out for them and their crimes are well documented, with absolute proof of their involvement. We are talking about a measure of weeks rather than months before our actions begin to bite. We are therefore hopeful of taking a great step forward very soon, and one that will be such that you will get to learn of it. We have some backing form the media , and believe it will not take much before reporting of what is happening will spread and be accurate. We are not out for sensationalism, but nevertheless the events will be quite extraordinary. We want it to be known that the old regime is no longer in charge, and that it will be replaced by one that truly represents the people. The Light is returning Dear Ones, and it will reach into everyone's lives for the better.


To reach this point in your evolution has taken a long time, and required a great deal of faith at times. You are now in the throes of being rewarded with a succession of changes that shall lift you out of poverty, and give you a taste of what is to come following Ascension. After thousands of years of subtle controls that have gradually taken away your rights, so much so that you have accepted them as being normal, you are at last to experience freedom at a level you are unfamiliar with. The dark Ones deliberately created the circumstances that led to your virtual imprisonment in your own homes. As Spiritual Beings you are the Children of God, and free to choose your own experiences. However, it must be added that you chose duality as a means of expanding and speeding up your evolution.

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原文:http://www.ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/03/message-from-galactic-federation-of_18. html

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********   你們的新數學設計將會是一個令人難以置信的,美麗,自由和繁榮的家園,你們的新的身體將是完美的工具,能夠讓你們體驗到你們的新的創造,不受支配於你們目前的物理載體的限制和約束。你的新的身體將不會因年齡增長而崩潰,他們將保持沒有疾病和不適,給你自由,無限制地體驗你們的新家園。你們會被指導如何正確地維護你們的新高維度的載體(身體),先進的技術將會介紹給你們,讓你們完全地保持你們的新身體於原始狀態和完美的功能。。。讓你們世界的人們接受我們,這是非常重要的。我們帶著使命來協助你們通過這個非常具有挑戰性的歷史時期。我們知道你們前面是些什麼。你們中的許多人還沒有看到這個我們能清楚地看到的你們的前景。我們知道需要做些什麼,我們有完成這些任務的工具和經驗。請允許我們同你們分享我們的所有。請克服你們對我們的恐懼,允許我們為你們提供幫助。。。**********


數字144 已經在許多情況下談到,我們現在想澄清這個能量的屬性數字144 代表一個更高的結構頻率的能量性質。這個數字是更高維度下的結構和形式的積木,你們的新家園將基於這個數字來設計和建造。 


這個宇宙中的大部分是通過數學系統創建的,你們今天的世界也沒有什麼不同。今天你們的世界是一個低維的數學公式的產品,你們在這兒的經驗,是這個方程的直接結果。通過使用更大的數學公式,你們世界的數學結構正在被改變,打破和重建。其結果是,你將開始體驗到高維度的狀態和經驗,而這些將基於144 這個數字和它伴隨的能量。這就是為什麼你時常在這個時候看到這個數字,看到並認識這個數字將在你們世界的重組過程中有所幫助

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Good Vibrations from Sirius 20120315 We and the Lightbearers Mutually Are Holding The Doors Wide Open

來自天狼星的美好信息20120315 我們和光的護持者都牢牢保持大門敞開




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You have an amusing expression, about the boot being on the other foot, and that is how it is as the Light is now dictating what happens, although the dark Ones never give up trying to exert their control over things. Soon they will be forced to surrender to our demands, and since they now have no means of escape there is really no alternative for them. It means we along with our allies can go pressing ahead with our plans. Each project is underway and that will result in a sudden wealth of information reaching you. Events are such that the facts can no longer be kept hidden, and with that there will be an explosion of people coming forward to tell what they know. It may take longer where the Vatican is concerned, as it is akin to a secret society that has kept its dark secrets hidden well away. However, nothing will remain concealed for too long, as you are entitled to know the truth and the extent to which you have been deceived.


For the time being you will have to rely on us for the truth, or other sources of information that appear on your Internet. It is relatively free of interference, although the dark Ones will focus on whistleblowers who are prepared to reveal much that has happened or is taking place now that is a threat to you. We have an overall view of it all, as from our place in the skies we are able to monitor what is going on in any part of the world. We guard those of the Light who are especially protected because of their importance to everyone on Earth, and have a major part to play in seeing the changes go through as planned. We are the invisible forces that operate anywhere and everywhere the dark Ones are likely to be. Many of them now know the role we are playing and are reluctantly being forced to accept that they cannot stop progress. Neither can they stop the cleansing that is under way, that also involves making their bases inoperative and their nuclear weapons ineffective and unusable.

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Greetings from the Federation:

What more can be said about all that is transpiring on your planet today. We have told you about these coming events and how they will come rapidly and in succession. You are only now beginning to see the domino effect of all that will happen.



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The dark Ones are having to bow down to the pressure being applied on them by you. They never considered that you could exercise such power that they would be prevented from achieving their goals. Because of the emerging consciousness levels that are continually reaching new heights, they do not have the energies to draw upon that are needed to be successful. Their secrets are out, and at every turn they are confronted by challenges to their authority. They see their bases destroyed, and weaponry also destroyed or removed to prevent the fulfillment of their plans. They are in disarray but still fail to understand or accept that their days are over. However, we shall confront them at every turn to ensure that they are prevented from causing a major incident. We know all about their false flag operations , and they shall answer for their treasonous attempts to stage another World War. We state again, that war will not be allowed, and have asked the Illuminati to put a stop to attempts to create one. The New Age is birthing itself right now, and its progress will not be stalled or halted by any outside interference.


Therefore Dear Ones you have no reason to be fearful whatever you hear about plans to cause delays, and they would be best ignored as it is we the Galactic Federation who are in charge. Neither you or us have come all of this way to be foiled or disappointed, and as we have often proclaimed victory is ours. The round up of the dark Ones has begun and they will be placed where they can no longer interfere with your evolution. The Laws of the Universe are quite clear and irrevocable, and both the dark and Light must obey them. The one that has been considerably used is the Law of Attraction, although for a large part of your lives you have not understood the implications of your actions. The dark Ones have understood it, and taken advantage of your ignorance by empowering themselves at your expense. However, as you have taken the Light unto yourselves, you have attracted even more to the Earth and it has turned the tables in your favor.

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為這些政府準備的議程的第一個條目就是,確認許多國際法庭命令,和逮捕你們全球範圍內前領導人行動的合法性。現在正在發生的是打破Lex Romana(羅馬法)虛假的合法性。在公元5世紀羅馬隕落後的那個嚴重缺少法律的西歐,你們的教會利用此批文件合法化了他們的權力。這個法律傳統繼續到了現在這個時代,並依然是確定現代國家合法性的基礎。這個傳統得到了黑暗勢力的擁戴,並在神聖羅馬帝國早期驗證了他們的行動。這個權力將被歸零,並且你們的新看守政府能夠規避權力,從而一種新政的新時代能夠開啟。新政將是你們踏上返回全意識,與你們的靈性和空間家人重新團結的最後階段的信號。


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