轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/6a258700dcca4fc9277fb5f8.html
There is no doubt that of recent times, your consciousness levels have grown quite considerably where we are concerned. There is much more interest in us and our craft, in part due to the frequency in which we are now seen in your skies. Unless as an act of disinformation, there has never been a report associated with the Galactic Federation where we have been hostile without reason. Even so we do not cause death and where we are forced to take protective measures, occupants of your craft are first removed before they are destroyed. Often we are forced into such a position when our orders are ignored, and we only give them where we are authorized to intervene. On most occasions it is when nuclear weapons are about to be used, and all of your governments have been warned that we will not allow it to happen. Believe us Dear Ones, some of your military commanders are still intent on using them to start another war. The path to Ascension is protected by us and it is not our place to save you, but ensure the opportunity is there for you to take. In fact, neither you or Mother Earth would be here today but for our actions. God has spoken on this matter, and we are upholding the edict that this cycle will end with Ascension.
The Earth is the jewel in the crown, and long sought after by other civilizations. Attempts have been made to take you over and we have prevented them, but the biggest threat to your lives has come from within. Very soon you will get to learn all about your history, and in detail where recent times are concerned. You have fought a battle without actually realizing what you were up against, and much of it has taken place on the higher levels. All along the real one has been between the Light and the dark, and you have only won through in recent times. You have come so close to defeat, and it is a remarkable achievement to have overcome the dark Ones. It only remains to completely cut their links, and remove them to where they are no longer a danger to you.