轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d50a874599751053510ffe83.html
Welcome dear ones, we come to communicate with YOU at a time when the newenergies are now increasing and pulling to the surface of YOUr very BEing thatwhich has been stored within YOU for lifetimes. It is now time to allow theseto rise to the surface and to allow the deep healing to begin. Healing beginsby allowing the emotions an outlet and we guide for all to stay with theemotions that will begin to arise. Holding on will cause more pain and traumaas that which has been stored no longer serves in the new energies and the newworld that is being created before YOUr very eyes.
The new world that is being dreamed into creation comes from a place of deeplove and that is accessed through the heart. We guide for all to allow the deepclearing of the heart. Allow all that YOU have experienced to go for YOU haveallowed the experience to talk to YOU, have learned the lessons and now mustallow the experience to dissolve. For the use of the human heart was neverallowed to be shown to YOU under the old energies. It was kept from YOU andhidden in clear view. Much will unfold across the planet and many will stepback in astonishment as that which has always been here and in full view is nowable to be viewed and heard. For we guide now on the noises that are beingheard across the planet and we guide for ALL to go within to anchor these newenergies and what the energies are now communicating to YOU. For each one ofYOU is a vibration, as the new unfolds and begins the deep clearing processwithin each one of YOU then YOUr vision will clear and YOUr hearing will beginto hone itself to new sounds, new vibrations and new communications.