轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/75962edc183c92c48c10292d.html
Let it be said that there has never been such pressure placed upon the dark Ones as there is now. It will remain relentless until they resign, or we have removed them to where they can no longer interfere with your progress. There are signs that there organization has become fragmented, and that will make for a quicker end to their activities. They are also being denied access to their ill-gotten wealth, that will eventually be re-claimed and fairly re-distributed. Eventually there will no longer be the poorest of the world that are kept in poverty, and all shall have whatever they need to live a peaceful and happy life. Greed and selfishness will have been eradicated, and with that will come a lasting peace for all people. Following that the technological benefits that we have brought you, will raise peoples living standards a lot higher. It will continue until you have no further material needs, and you will eventually live on the Light that completely surrounds you.
There are many inventions by your scientists that have been prevented from being manufactured. Ones that would immediately lift up the quality of your lives. Many are connected with supplying free energy, and we shall remove all restrictions and help market them as quickly as possible. Each step forward will free you from the thraldom and controls placed upon you by the dark Ones. We also see a great coming together of all people and any remaining barriers will be removed, and particularly so where religious interests are concerned. In reality on a higher level there are no differences at all, and you will understand the true meaning of being your brothers keeper. It comes down to having a deep love for all life, and seeing it as One. The idea of "Them and Us" will no longer have any basis in truth, as all will be treated fairly and seen to enjoy the benefits and fruits of the Earth.