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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/75962edc183c92c48c10292d.html


Let it be said that there has never been such pressure placed upon the dark Ones as there is now. It will remain relentless until they resign, or we have removed them to where they can no longer interfere with your progress. There are signs that there organization has become fragmented, and that will make for a quicker end to their activities. They are also being denied access to their ill-gotten wealth, that will eventually be re-claimed and fairly re-distributed. Eventually there will no longer be the poorest of the world that are kept in poverty, and all shall have whatever they need to live a peaceful and happy life. Greed and selfishness will have been eradicated, and with that will come a lasting peace for all people. Following that the technological benefits that we have brought you, will raise peoples living standards a lot higher. It will continue until you have no further material needs, and you will eventually live on the Light that completely surrounds you.


There are many inventions by your scientists that have been prevented from being manufactured. Ones that would immediately lift up the quality of your lives. Many are connected with supplying free energy, and we shall remove all restrictions and help market them as quickly as possible. Each step forward will free you from the thraldom and controls placed upon you by the dark Ones. We also see a great coming together of all people and any remaining barriers will be removed, and particularly so where religious interests are concerned. In reality on a higher level there are no differences at all, and you will understand the true meaning of being your brothers keeper. It comes down to having a deep love for all life, and seeing it as One. The idea of "Them and Us" will no longer have any basis in truth, as all will be treated fairly and seen to enjoy the benefits and fruits of the Earth.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/411b720f8fe239d77bcbe10e.html


I am Iris. I am a Mermaid. My words reach you through a channel chosen by me in order to communicate with our brethren from the surface.

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/fc14d42bbfccd986023bf635.html








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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/092f09259d594d36d40742fd.html


Our allies continue to make progress in their efforts to bring an end to the activities of the dark Ones. Resistance is pushed aside as we are the ones in ascendancy, and some major coups could well open Pandora's box and reveal those who have been behind the plan for world control. We are certainly closing in on those responsible, and for once money will not buy them a way out of it. So much has been revealed about the goings on that have taken away your rights, and bribery has played a big part in achieving it. Honest politics disappeared a long time ago, but that does not mean that there are not any honest politicians. Unfortunately their voices are often stifled and regularly ignored, but their day is coming very soon and be assured that we know each one by name.


Each day now offers the possibility of exciting news, and Disclosure is being energised by your focus upon it. It means that it will soon burst upon the scene, as it cannot be held back much longer. It will once and for all prove our existence , and remove suggestions that we have ulterior motives where you and your Earth are concerned. Once our true motives have been confirmed, we hope to have satisfied those who had doubts that we come in peace. You do need us, and in any event it is decreed that we come together in the Brotherhood of Light. Your future is going to take you into the realms of the Cosmos, that is your true abode and where you will once more achieve your true status. So as you can see, there is a lot to do and Ascension will be the first big step that will lift you up. It will be a great leap forward in your levels of consciousness.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




注:阿斯塔·謝蘭(Ashtar Sheren)就是在1977年英國電台被外星人劫持中外星人Vrillon提到的“阿斯塔銀河星係指揮所”的指揮官,“阿斯塔銀河星係指揮所”就是以他的名字命名。






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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d0ce905339bbbc130cf3e396.html

Greetings from the Federation:

We have been in council of late discussing your human condition. You know that we are not perfect, as you are not. We are not gods. We have trouble from time to time understanding your human thoughts and emotions. We feel them nonetheless. We know your frustrations for they are ours. We have discussed how best to approach your turning away and the anger and frustration that has driven you to this precipice. We have come to no easy solutions. We therefore have agreed that the best approach is to simply allow you to work out for yourselves where you want to be now and in the future. Your mind set is your own and there is nothing we can or will do that would change this. Your decisions must be your own.



We will come regardless of your thoughts, your emotions or your feelings towards us. That is part of our contract not with you, but with the divine. We have an agreement from which we cannot walk away. Unlike you, we cannot exercise a free will choice on our calling. It is what we have given up in exchange for connection to the divine source. It is part of a higher order of being. We will come, regardless. That much is so.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/8f779259c66b0cc39c8204de.html


There is no doubt that matters on Earth are now coming to a head, and it should eventually lead to many of the changes that we have been telling you about for quite some time. By and large your faith has stayed strong, and now you will begin to see some positive action taken. There is after all a divine date that still stands as the final one beyond which we shall no longer tolerate delay. If need be we shall take direct action, but one way or another we will soon commence our plan for your final release from the dark Ones. The European crisis could yet see a number of countries default on the payment of their loans, and that has put other countries in the European Group at risk. It is also putting other countries outside of Europe at risk, so you have not seen anything yet compared to what the outcome is likely to be. If you continue to see these as exciting times, you will not be pulled into the panic that is likely to occur.


It is obvious that whatever happens now no particular adverse situation will last for too long, as time speeds by and you are almost in the magical year of 2012. See events as a means to an end, and it will be one that is totally satisfactory and bringing the welcome changes that will alter your lives forever. It has been a testing journey, and that was the object of it so that you could evolve out of conditions that were liable to pull you down. As we see it, you have done exceptionally well particularly since the turn of the century. It was expected because as time passed more Light was being beamed to Earth. It has been grounded through those of Light, who in many instances came to Earth especially for that purpose. It is not just the dark Ones who planned their goals well in advance, as we of the Light have done so for millennia of time. Our advantage has come from the backing and support from great sources of Light Beings, who have even been prepared to send an aspect of themselves to Earth. Perhaps even more important to the outcome, this cycle was always planned to ensure victory for the Light.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/80bbb2b6253da0e931add19c.html


As the saying goes, keep on keeping on, and let nothing distract you from your chosen path. Only you alone truly know what is needed to propel you forward, and exactly where you have set your goals. Normally you would be quite happy to progress at your own speed, and certainly no pressure is exerted upon to do otherwise. However, it must be understood that Ascension is so near that if you desire to seize this opportunity to get out of the 3rd. dimension, you do need to ensure you know what is needed of you. As we have so often mentioned it is your intent that is so important, because as soon as you send out that energy it attracts similar energy, and strengthens yours that opens up the pathway to Ascension. It is about raising your vibration by bringing more Light into your life, and sharing it through positive thoughts and actions.


Do not concern yourself if your path is different to others, as there is more than one way to reach Ascension. Indeed there are time lines that cover every possible combination of possibilities. If you have exercised your choice there can be no wrong way, otherwise freedom of choice would be pointless. You are the creators of your own future whether you realise it or not, which is why you are told that you have created your present reality. That does not mean it cannot be changed, because you have done just that by standing on your own two feet and refusing to bow down any longer to the dark Ones. It is true that we and many other Beings of Light are helping you, but we only do so when you have taken the first steps yourselves. You point the way, and we will place more signposts along it so that you do not loose your sense of direction.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/1ac4fc02c72a7f95d43f7ca3.html


Dratzo! We return with lots to discuss with you. Several events are ready to happen which will catapult your world toward a new reality. At present you are watching a number of situations which point toward the coming collapse of your global setup. Furthermore, these social structures are set to evolve out of all recognition. For example, regime change today has assumed a whole new dimension: formerly, those who took down a despot would, in time, revert to what they had so idealistically intended to replace. Now, however, those who have replaced the deposed are quickly discovering that the people are not willing to sit back and let the old ways return. Now there is a sustained effort to keep the new rulership on track and instituting the reforms promised. This focus and determination demonstrates the difference in today's uprisings versus those of yesteryear. The new ingredient that is demolishing the age-old syndrome of tyranny replacing tyranny is your rise in consciousness, which makes it impossible for those recently bought to power to veer from the course that the people have set for them.


Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/32c11a4db6524ee4d72afcd2.html


The amount of love being sent to your beautiful planet is ever increasing and will continue to do so, as it helps you reach a higher level of consciousness. Many great Beings of pure Light are involved and their power is beyond your imagination. They are able to control the flow of Light so that you are not overpowered, and in fact the whole process of Ascension is very carefully arranged to ensure maximum success. Because in general terms you have been able to bring the energy to Earth, the grids have been empowered and are helping you raise your levels of consciousness. We cannot sufficiently stress how important these times are for you all, and we urge you to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to ascend that is being offered to you. Not for a long time will there be such a focussed energy centred upon Earth, that will offer every single soul the means of upliftment. All it requires initially is the intent to change your life to one where you see all souls as One with you, and treat them accordingly with love and caring as you would wish for yourself.


Nothing else in your life is as important as your spiritual evolution, and unless you desire to remain within the lower vibrations you must look forward to finding out how to raise your consciousness to a higher level. Whatever you may feel, you have within a natural urge to seek the purpose of life and it will propel you ever onwards. Set aside the comments from people who are unable to comprehend the idea that you are more than your body, and know that there is part of you that is indestructible and is the real you. Experiencing as physical Human Being in the 3rd. dimension is just part of a great adventure, that is now ending with completion of the cycle of duality. From thereon for those who ascend, it will move to a new experience in a body of crystalline based cells that will carry a greater degree of consciousness. All of the previous drawbacks that were affecting you such as aging, will no longer occur and life will be much more pleasant and rewarding.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Once again I bid you a Good Morning. My friends ... out there ... up there ... somewhere ... I have been feeling a little confused over the last couple of weeks. I can only be honest in saying that I am concerned regarding our ongoing communications. I do not consider myself childish or disrespectful regarding that which I am to speak of ... yet we do need to get something very clear. We have but five weeks left until the end of the year . .. call me old fashioned ... but down here upon Earth when someone promises something to someone ... it is considered polite to see that promise through. If one doesn't, then one tends to lose faith in that which has been promised and one's Trust in the 'promiser' tends to wane a little.


In MY TRUTH ... I FEEL I have done my very best to uphold my position as messenger for you. I have felt both honoured and privileged to do so and without doubt I have found your teachings have assisted me greatly along my pathway. I neither see you or hear you ... we communicate telepathically ... and our friendship and TRUST has grown deeply over the last six years since we began chatting.


Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/6e7c43a83a9bb7e11f17a272.html


For those of you who follow what is happening in the world, you cannot have failed to notice that our predictions as to the outcome are becoming your reality. The massive banking and financial problems are clearly heading for a crash, and there is no way to prevent it. You are living in a world that is in a state of chaos and steadily heading for an implosion. People now see what has been wrong with the old set up, but up to now have no real answers that will completely deal with the problems. A number of governments have collectively agreed to support a new approach to banking, but it remains to be seen who can galvanize them into action. This situation presents us with an opportunity push our allies forward, who with our help can outline what is necessary to move onto a new path that will solve your problems. There is also consideration to be given to the Abundance program that will follow such changes, so we are working hard to bring some semblance of order into being. Much of what is waiting to come out is tied in with the announcement of Disclosure, and that is ready and simply waiting for a firm date to be agreed.


As each week passes the need to get started with the changes becomes more pressing, but we do not want jump the gun after patiently waiting for so long. There would not in fact be any gain by commencing too soon, as our action must be co -ordinated with you to ensure a path to smooth success. The Galactic Federation continues to closely monitor the activities of the dark Ones, as although their set-up is in disarray, they can still be a threat. However, we have taken away from them the ability to cause a major disaster and prevented them from interfering in the Middle East. Countries there have to sort out their own problems, and as far as possible act on the demands from their people. In the past the West has deliberately set their sights on the oil fields, and often instigated trouble and wars to weaken them and take over. Colonialism took away countries and their wealth from the natural inhabitants, and that will be addressed when peace is restored.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d1c3513c222a06f33c6d9771.html



Dratzo! We return with more to say about your world and its divine transformation. As Gaia moves ever closer to altering your surface reality, the Agarthans are using their abilities to prevent the dark from having any hope of mounting a comeback. Right now the Agarthans have teamed up with our Earth allies and a general plan has been put into effect, the first part of which was the dismantling of the vast network of underground and deep underwater bases maintained for decades by various secret governments. This major military action has now been achieved. The dark has lost tens of thousands of vital personnel and is denied the services of most of its exotic research scientists and technicians. Despite this, it was not until the recent arrests of mid-level personnel that the illuminoids became really panicked; they now know that their own arrest is near. Those who have for so long 'managed' your world see the time is rapidly approaching when each of them must face the large crowds of angry citizens they once so arrogantly manipulated. And the roundup strategy does indeed include these 'kings of darkness.'


Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d01dab19397db71a35fa41ca.html


People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common purpose. It may take time to achieve complete success, but once you set the ball rolling its momentum will carry it forward. Governments will take note of your demands or ignore them at their peril. You have created the conditions that allow us and others to come to your aid, and naturally we work behind the scenes, and our influence helps direct activities in a way that is beneficial to you. As you know we monitor what is happening now, and also what is planned by the dark Ones. We endeavour to set you on a path that is the least volatile, and likely to avoid violent confrontation. The more the authorities clamp down on peaceful demonstrations, the more support they gain. The world population is waking up now as to how it has been enslaved for eons of time, and will not cease its claims for change until the people's sovereignty is returned.


So the fight goes on, with the Lightworkers bringing more and more Light to Earth that is raising the vibrations to new heights. Be assured everything is on course as planned, and the point has been reached where some firm action is to take place. Our allies work hard but need our support from time to time to achieve the targets we set them. As previously indicated we would like to see a step forward by the end of the year, that will open the way for a greater leap forward. At all times use your intuition where you are personally concerned, and where you see a need to take steps to protect yourself against the outcome of any action taken. We are thinking in terms of possible food shortages, and power interruptions that may in some areas temporarily inconvenience you. Bear in mind that in the near future we will be much closer to you, and will most likely be able to directly assist you. No problems that you experience will affect you for very long, as they have been anticipated well in advance and allowed for.

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/b41b4f4b3acf173e09f7efa7.html


Once you have made up your mind where you are going, let no one divert you from your goal and know that you have been preparing for this period for a long time. You have come this far and should by now know exactly what you have been working towards. Your karma should to all intents and purposes almost be at an end, and in this lifetime many of you have elected to clear it away completely. Do not concern yourself if you know that there is still work to be done, as whatever remains at the time of Ascension can be covered by the Law of Grace and is not therefore carried forward. Because of karma, many relationships have suffered but please remember that once you have left this dimension you can easily come together again. You will accept that your Earth family were put in place for the outworking of the collective karma of you all, and once you drop your roles that puts an end to the matter. Families often incarnate together many times over, and as you can imagine play different roles even moving from one sex to another, and often reversing their roles. This is one reason why you should refrain from judging others, as until you return to the higher dimensions you will not have a complete picture explaining the "whys" and "wherefores" of your experiences. Be assured that of necessity you will at times have played a role as one of the dark Ones. This does not necessarily mean anything other than that you have had lives with negative attitudes.


Everything around you works perfectly in accordance with Universal Law, and of that you should be pleased. Otherwise you would experience real chaos with little possibility of escaping the consequences. The unenlightened amongst you largely believe that to be the case now, and without your faith in the future see no way out of the world problems. This is why we urge our allies to conclude their activities, so that we can arrange disclosure and move it on to contact with you. It is essential that all of those souls who have little or no understanding of who they really get help. We believe that once we have been officially recognized and invited to land on Earth, our presence will be seen as friendly and our plan to raise you up as acceptable to you. Part of the preparations for it will of course involve removing the dark Ones from every position of authority, as once we commence the cleansing we want to be able to speed ahead without delays.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/bbe0f2d24e982ec2a8ec9a68.html

Greetings from the Federation:

Today we speak of the disclosure plan unfolding in your world. Two leaders of your cabal, key members of a control group responsible for the false flag operations that would seek to undermine our disclosure to you, have capitulated. They have been moved to safe zones to be out of touch with those that would seek to obtain their authority to undertake the plans the Illuminati have developed for the Disclosure scenario. They have been effectively neutralized with no harm to anyone.



Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dtv6.html



When your focus is on the future can you feel the uplifting energy around you, if not make time for yourself to relax in quiet surroundings and you surely will. There is no need to carry the burden of the world upon your shoulders, just allow it to find its own path to completion, because that is a feature of the times you are in. You should be sufficiently confident about your destiny to believe that you are on the verge of great changes, that will put you on another path leaving the old paradigm behind. Ascension is your future should you desire to take it, and much effort goes into ensuring that all souls are in contact with the truth. Whether it becomes part of your beliefs by replacing false teachings is everyone's personal choice.


Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/8836d9f88a964344242df270.html



Expect a lot to happen but allow for intent to ensure that the flow is orderly, so that each event compliments the last one. As many will know our allies are more active now than ever before, and having considerably weakened the Illuminati we have been able to remove many of those who stand in the way of progress. At all different levels there are people who have been used without their knowledge, but with the awakening are beginning to see how they have been manipulated. That alone is often sufficient to get them to resign, and as talk travels fast others get to learn about it. There is also a matter of rising consciousness levels, that bring some people to question the ethics of those they work for. You will begin to see more of this happening, as the thrust for more transparency and truthfulness grows.


As a result of 11.11.11. changes can also be expected in the emotional responses that you may sometimes in the past have found hard to control, as the higher consciousness levels will bring you the ability to remain calmer. It will help eliminate rash and uncontrollable reactions that often cause serious trouble. Such things will be a feature of the changes within people, and become more noticeable as time goes by. It is to be welcomed and a sign of an individuals success at integrating the higher vibrations. Most humans seem to act first and think later, when clearly the opposite is more desirable. The same thinking can also be applied to groups who act with the herd instinct, without any thought as to what they are doing.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dtrl.html

Good evening to you … you who are not of Earth … Pray tell of thoughts you would care to share.


We would offer extreme gratitude to those of you who ARE of Earth at this time … for it was noted instantly of a LIGHT shift that took place on your date of 11.11.11. Many of you indeed had in mind of what may or may not take place … which brought an automatic 'gelling' with the Higher Vibration that was entering IN. This therefore …  allowed the blending to merge smoothly and a Higher 'creation' of energy immediately transpired … which of course was all according to plan. It could not have been more smoothly carried out.


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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/212086192dd2f9a94bedbc64.html



Dratzo! We return! Time is swiftly collapsing the time-space grids that form the framework of your present reality. Ever-increasing new energies are flowing into these grids and shaking the very foundations of the dark's long hold on you. Nearly 13 millennia ago , the Time Lords and the local Elohim constructed these grids as a temporary measure in order to permit you to survive, and now they are rapidly disappearing. The dark ones know this and yet persist in their bizarre schemes to keep all of you entrapped within their dark control fields. The time has come to counter their delusional activities and free your world from their ever-weakening grip. As you look around at your world's political and economic conditions, you can see just how close everything is to complete breakdown. We have monitored the strange maneuvers of this dark cabal and seen how easily they dissociate their continuing fantasies from what is now manifestly becoming real. Our Agarthan cousins​​ consider it their prime obligation to you to liberate your surface world from these decaying delusions, and we are here to fully support this vital task!


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