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Let no one persuade you to change your beliefs, except that you intuitively feel the Light within the words you are given. That which is of the lower vibrations will not resonate with you, and at this time when Ascension is so close there are those who would deliberately misinform you. The dark Ones thought to conquer Man and his world for their own agenda, but now grasp at any opportunity to stop each souls path of Light that leads to completion. It will be to no avail, but it means you still need to tread carefully and not fooled by those peddling fear. Naturally physical changes are happening, but they will not be on such a scale as the biblical prophesies. At one time they were actual probabilities, but with your acceleration of consciousness the vibrations have been lifted up. That has allowed for a less chaotic end time, and we of the Galactic Federation are determined to help you through the period that remains before Ascension. There are many ways in which we can help, and where earthquakes are concerned the flow of energies can be directed in such a way that it minimises their effect.
Our mission is now reaching a critical point where we will be brought into action to monitor events, that are about to impinge upon your consciousness. The immense work put in to rid you of the Illuminati and their minions, is about to pay off and result in large scale arrests. This requires our allies to be at the ready, and for us to back them up to ensure it all runs smoothly. We do not wish to see panic result from the purges taking place, or violence resulting from the news of such events becoming public. Sooner or later you will have to face the awful truth of how you have been used all along, to fill the coffers of those who have for eons of time been the driving force behind your governments. The extent of their power will truly astound and shock you, and more so when you realise how a large proportion of the population was destined to be eliminated. With our coming that threat has been removed, but history will show that the lives of millions were nevertheless subject to their insidious plots.
轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/24c3af50a702daaf8d543053.html
Greg Giles 通靈傳遞
Your friends of the Ashtar Command wish to say to you at this time that we see the changes in your world spoken of so often taking shape and smoothly progressing each and every day as you approach a new era in your history. It will be so that your world experiences changes on a grand scale, and each and every one of your planet will experience wonderful upgrades and advancements to your lives. There will be no one left out in the cold, as all will be made available to each and every one of you that chooses a new way and a new experience.
傳述者Ute Posegga-Rudel
轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/c8e6a9ed7ba3090763d09f68.html
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Recently millions around the world actively observed Earth Day, today is Global Love Day, and World Liberation Day is coming up. We honor these events that celebrate LOVE — love of your planet , love one for another, and love of freedom so people in all nations can live joyously and fearlessly.
在生命站台這一邊的所有靈魂 帶著無限之愛問候大家,我是馬修。最近數以百萬世界上的同胞們都熱切關注了地球日,而今天是全球愛心日,而世界解放日就要到來(指的眼鏡蛇提到的5月5日的全球觀想行動日)。我們尊重這些事件,那種對愛的祝賀---愛你們的星球,愛彼此,愛自由,這樣在所有國家的人們都能生活在快樂和無懼中。
By permission, we are including a brief passage from the Global Love Day Foundation's first newsletter, April 11, 2003:
轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d7cd1bd4338cb4e450da4b59.html
We have often told you that you that there is nothing you cannot achieve, and we wish to thank you for supporting our allies who have done extremely well in such a short time, by bringing the truth into the public domain. Your acceptance of their revelations and intent to make them generally known, has sent the information far and wide. It has opened the eyes of many people who had no idea that covert operations existed on such a large scale. The truth needs to be spread to as many people as possible , and that will make disclosure and our coming much easier for them to accept. Fear still dwells within the minds of some people, and anything that can lessen the shock of our existence will help them to move on. The facts about our relationship to you cannot be held back much longer, and we are eager for disclosure to take place. It must precede our coming which has been planned for a long time.
Most of you are aware that there are whistleblowers amongst you who have put themselves forward, to reveal what is happening where both the military and financial activities are concerned. Their help is important to ensure that until the media can be freed from their restraints and truthfully report the news, that you know that we are very active in backing up our allies. Our presence and back up will ensure that any attempt to start another World War will be unsuccessful. We are also making sure that where the arrests for criminal acts involving financial matters are concerned, that those who are guilty do not escape justice. However, we ask you to leave such matters to the authorities, and when you learn the facts not to let your anger result in reprisals. All will answer at some stage for their actions against the people. Your energy is best spent spreading the Light and sending Love to all those that need it at this special time.
問候!我們回來了!你們的實相繼續表現出許多大的動盪。黑暗陰謀集團代理人正被密切注意,因為各主要政府準備好了要逮捕他們,然後起訴這部分在政府,金融和各自經濟系統私有行業中的人群。現在已經進展到,你們可以在短期內期待一場大規模週期性的逮捕行動。黑暗勢力嘗試著清掃這張巨網,但是他們做不到。一系列影響深遠的留置權(注:留置權指( 債主在欠債人債務未償清前對其財產擁有的) 扣押權)在許多中央銀行和私人銀行加緊進行中,而在過去這被標榜著口號“太大而不能破產”。這些金融服務公司總是能夠毫無困難的,重複的破壞國際貿易政策,最壞的就是美國聯邦儲備銀行。這家私人企業已經成為許多臭名昭著計劃的頭目,威脅到了你們世界良性運行的基礎。這就是這家特殊機構會被第一個拆除的原因,接下來就是他的同謀者們的快速崩潰。
Greg Giles 通靈傳遞
Two test participants of equal amounts of wealth traded an equal amount of wealth with each other. A person of your elitist class traded his wealth for the wealth of someone of less fortunate means. These types of experiments have been conducted in your world for many eons . What we have been attempting to do is to carefully study the motives and behavior of the human psyche development over the many long years of your journey through means of artificial stimuli, sometimes concerning monetary gains and losses, and sometimes other situations that have tested you and measured your growth and your development in many different ways.
轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/76fa7930c3e5d139eac4af68.html
Greetings from the Galactic Federation of Light,
The day May of 5th is the day of five, the number of Epsilon, of Apollo, of Light. In this day all portals all over Earth will be officially activated and the procedure has been locked in place. No matter if they are free or occupied1, in this day all portals will go under the control of the [Inter] Galactic Federation of Light2, under control of the Olympians and all flight systems of this Galaxy.
Blossom:你好,我回來了!假期已完成... 哇呼!我準備好了恢復所有強風可能拖曳的滋味!
Greg Giles 通靈傳遞
One day we would like to furnish you with a list of all the worlds and the races of beings that are here in cooperation with you at this time. There are a multitude of different worlds here assisting you and watching over you, and we would like for you to have a better understanding of who these are and who you are. You are a mix of many different star races and star worlds throughout this universe. You are not just one people in the sense that you come from one place in the universe . You are one race, the human race, but your genes are a special mix of many races who have formed an alliance to better handle universal political issues and sovereignties throughout the many different star systems that possess intelligent life.
It has been this way for many eons, where different beings from different parts of the universe have come together in peaceful cooperation to better themselves and the lives of others. This is the case here at this time on your planet, as many different races, worlds and star systems have combined their talents and their genes to create a race of beings who are a true representation of this great alliance of intelligent species. Each one of you is a cherished product of this great endeavor. Each one of you is loved, cared for and protected, as each one of you are a member of our family.
轉載自; http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/5eada4c3d7178b3b0ef47700.html
轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/47680fb2cc941787d8335a6f.html
轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/04fd51db32e06efbb6fd48e2.html
As the days went by, we can see the expectation growing within the hearts of the Lightworkers. We can see the anxiety growing in all of you and all that we can talk about at the moment is that this anxiety will be assuaged with the conclusion of the events promised for the days that will follow.
We know the anxiety of all of you, we love the way you are spreading the information by the four corners of the planet and we can talk about the love that is pouring out of your hearts is fundamental in uplifting the planet, and it makes our work even more rewarding.
Greg Giles 通靈傳遞
I just want you to know that no one who wishes to relocate from areas that we feel may be prone to some flooding will be left behind without our assistance and given every opportunity to relocate to areas we consider safe from any rising sea levels. You may help us help you by removing any doubts or fears that you may have that your lives may be in some kind of danger. Your lives are not in any kind of danger or perilous situation. Your lives are completely safe, and you possess the choice and all the power that you will need to ensure your individual safety as well as the safety of your families.
No one will be forced to relocate. We do not do this. We also will not leave anyone behind who wishes to accept our assistance. We also will not do this. Try to see this period in your history as a challenge and a test for you to measure how far you have come as a society, how much you have learned, and how far you have removed yourselves from the limiting emotion of fear. Do your best not to see the days ahead as doomsday or the end of the world, as this is not at all an accurate depiction of what lies before you.
Dratzo! We return! We have been informed that several major banks worldwide are nearly ready to transfer ownership and management. This is part of the massive shift of financial power out of the hands of the dark into those of the Light, and is the result of recent maneuvers by the Ascended Masters. Furthermore, the time has come to consolidate the funds that were first posited by Saint Germaine in the early 18th century, and by Quan Yin in the 7th century. These large reserves of gold and silver are the basis for shifting wealth on your world away from a select few over to those who are fully committed to the creation of universal prosperity for the planet. Accompanying this transfer is the new banking system which will be completely transparent in its varied transactions. The new banking is rooted in the unprecedented injunction that banks be the divine instruments of the Light. They are to be used to manage various corporations (special partnerships) charged with specific and temporary mandates: to distribute technologies and related services to benefit the health and well being of your global populations.
問候!我們回來了!我們已經得到通知幾個主要的跨國銀行接近交付擁有權和管理權。這是黑暗勢力向聖光大規模轉移金融權力的一部分,也是最近來自揚升大師們行動的結果。另外,現在已經達到聯合各基金的時刻,這些基金由聖哲曼在18 世紀早期和觀音在7 世紀所確定。這些儲備巨大的金、銀,是你們世界轉移財富的基礎,將把財富從少數人手裡轉到那些完全致力於創造這個星球普遍繁榮人的手裡。伴隨這個轉移的是新銀行系統,新系統將保證各種交易的完全透明。新銀行根源於前所未有的指令,是代表神聖聖光力量的工具。他們將被用於管理各類企業(特殊的合夥關係),承擔具體和臨時任務:分發有利於你們全人類健康和福祉的技術和相關服務。
轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/96fbd563f42fa2fde7113a11.html
Greetings from the Ashtar Command,
Your leaders have resolved and we already have a key date for Disclosure. Our allies have worked well during that time to achieve this success.
We come once again to inform you that there are many changes about to takeplace in your world. Be not afraid as you observe changes to that which youhave always known to be a certain way. Be not afraid when edifices of powerbegin to crumble, for the time is drawing very near to when you will be seeingtruth come bursting forth onto your planet in many forms–forms of informationalnews, forms of talk among yourselves, and forms of the visiting of planetarybrothers and sisters who now await the correct time to enter into the picture.This is all part of spiritual evolution which will not be fully complete by theend of this year as many have been led to believe, but is well on its way.
All is proceeding according to plan. All is moving quickly forward into newways of seeing and being. That which is finished is finished, however rememberthat it is you who are creating your new world, not us. Many tend to await thearrival of others to change things. It is your enlightened awareness that ismanifesting as your outer world. You are the creators. That is why we oftencannot answer questions asked about what is going to happen, because we do notknow what you are choosing to create. We too are watching and waiting as youcreate a new enlightened world.
所有的一切都在根據計劃進行著。所有的一切都在迅速進入新的觀察方式,新的存有方式。已經結束的就已經過去了,但請記住,是你們創造著自己的世界,不是我們。很多人都在等待其他人的到來,為他們改變眼前的一切。但是這一切其實是你們進一步發展的意識以物質的形式在你們外部世界的表達而已。你們是自己現實的創造者。這也是為什麼我們經常無法回答你們關於" 將要發生什麼事情" 的問題,因為我們不知道你們會怎麼選擇。當你們創造新世界的同時,我們也在觀察和等待。
Greg Giles 通靈傳遞