目前分類:地球盟友/守護者們的訊息 (94)

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轉載自  http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/e550ce9f3c45cb32c8fc7aaf.html

World Liberation Day - Last Update


Our moment of breakthrough has arrived. We will gather and create a resonance field for our freedom.

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Removing the Cabal


Phase 1: Arrests

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5fc9c4be0102dz8x.html







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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_490165230102e071.html








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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/787dad356751d397d1a2d34a.html


My dear Veronica, I am very aware of the depth of pain you are feeling as so many reports of the Great Deception come to you from so many different sources. I know that it is hard to understand how such people have been able to hoodwink so many for so long. The problem is that people only see what they want to see. Unfortunately, the time has come when they have no choice. It is time to see things as they are, not as they would like them to be.


You have been cruelly deceived by the people you had placed your trust in. The Cabal are experts in deception, they have had years of practice. They thought they had covered everything, but they were not able to silence everyone. David Icke, Alex Jones , Gilad Atzmon, Michael Tsarion, and many others; as well as the creators of the web sites which have shown the strength of character to stand up to the abuse and attacks that have been levelled at them, have the courage to reveal the truth. These people have sacrificed their lives to bring you the real truth, to save you from the fate which the Cabal had planned for you.

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轉載自  http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/fec9682b1d19f8e27c1e7167.html

New Financial System




Most of this intel comes from sources deep within occult economy and it pertains to the restructuring of the financial system worldwide.


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World Liberation Day - Update


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註1: 可視化等於"觀想"

註2: 台灣與北京無時差 




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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d68a0f2591c49f13c89559da.html


First, my dear, I want to say a big thank you to your children, grandchildren and friends, who ensured that your birthday was a very special and happy occasion. Your birthday cake was a work of art, lovingly created by Abigail. You are blessed, my dear, with a very special family. I was happy to join in with the celebrations and prove my presence to your friends.


Now, my dear, to more serious matters. The fact is that your planet is proving every day that it is going through the many changes that are necessary for the Transition. Even the most sceptical amongst you, must surely see by now, that this is all part of the great plan. There are those, of course, who refuse to face the truth of what is happening. They lack the courage to embrace change; because of FEAR they are locked into a false sense of security. They have failed to look into their own hearts and go with what is right and just. Though the Cabal are busy buying islands and land, in readiness for a quick escape, I tell you there is no escape from justice. As money will no longer figure in your lives, and that is all that they have got, they will not be able to buy forgiveness. There is no excuse for what they set out to do to your planet and the human race. Already, they are responsible for the deaths of billions of human beings and they continue to want you to be complicit in the killing of many more and the destruction of countries. They thrive on war - they care not with whom. Learn to see the evil behind the smile and the reassuring words. They tell you what they think you want to hear, whilst solidly sticking to their agenda of war and reducing the population. They are now up against a force far greater than anything they can muster. This is their dilemma ! They have had it all their own way until now. They are floundering, desperately looking for an answer to their dilemma. Justice will be done and will be seen to be done.

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/a3950f087530e6ab87d6b6cc.html


Dispelling the Fears


Polar shift 2012: this will not happen. It is true that there have been many axis shifts in the Earth's geological past, but there is zero scientific or spiritual evidence for one scheduled for this year. The only thing that is true here is that the magnetic (not physical!) axis of the planet is traveling quite rapidly, about 25 miles per year. This only means that the compass needle points to a slightly different position each year.

【2012極移】(Polar shift 2012):這不會發生。過去有很多次地球地質的軸移,但沒有科學上或精神上的證據指出這將於今年發生。唯一真實的是地球的磁(不是物理!)軸正在相當快速地移動,大約每年25英里。這僅僅意味著每年羅盤針指點的方向會略有不同。

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5fc9c4be0102dz7l.html




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Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness





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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360102dxnm.html








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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/1af7c3fc2f8ab865d6887d80.html

Yes, my dear, you are all ascended Beings of Light. You chose to be on Earth in these days of change so as to ignite the Divine Light to rescue your fellow man from the clutches of the Cabal. The energy they use to keep you down is fading. They are losing their grip on control. Of course, this is when they are at their most dangerous; after all, as they see it, what have they got to lose that they have not already lost?


We, along with your friends from other planets, are preventing the wars from escalating further. The Cabal is at a loss as to how they can overcome this problem. I always said that they will go down fighting. Now you are seeing this happen. They had managed to convince the world that they, alone, were in control, and that you were subject to their commands. They actually believed their own propaganda. They foolishly believed that riches, alone, would win the day. Now they have to face the fact that you enter the world with nothing and leave it with nothing. They systematically destroyed all that was pure and good. They created the disaster in which you now exist, where GREED is the order of the day.


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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d36cb318f139a46542a9ad3c.html

大衛.威爾科克(David Wilcock)與內幕消息人士“德雷克(Drake)”的採訪重點





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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/000ac894c172a16bd1135eef.html


In this time of great change, it is important that you are ready to move to a higher state of consciousness. You need to be in tune with who you are. In your hearts, you have all the information necessary. You carry it through from all the lives you have lived. Learn to connect with this. Use whichever method suits you. Release all the third dimensional thinking, it is time to rise above it. Consciously forgive all those who have hurt you and all those who try to keep you in a prison state.


Follow Tom Ryan's advice. Share it with everyone, then they will understand what to do.

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d8d03900f1f466117aec2c42.html





隨著新金融系統上線,超過200 個資深銀行家上週被逮捕

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/00c0d72bc95dfd32d42af13b.html


The Great Awakening is happening. You see evidence of this every day now. Your oppressors are anxiously searching for new ways to keep mankind under control. Though they have technology that is far superior to anything known to ordinary people, it does not matter what they try, it will fail. 2012 sees the end of their reign of terror and abuse of mankind. Evidence of how TV is used to control the information is being researched. People are shocked when they see for themselves the extent of this control. Everything, from the moment you were born, has been carefully designed to control your mind and your live. Those bloodlines have a lot to answer for: they stole all that was yours by right. The ancient knowledge that was hidden will be returned to you. We are finding ways to guide you to it.


The Vatican colluded with the banksters and so a great deal is hidden there. It is because of this that your world is in turmoil. The evil they unleashed on your world is responsible for all the wars, famines and suffering. Because they controlled your minds , it was easy to control everything else. You are all brainwashed, some to a lesser degree than others. Religions were created for this very purpose. You have only to look around you to see how successful this has been.

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/411b720fa22314d57acbe14f.html

shows-evidence-he-is-the- real-deal-the-10-commandments-were-given-to-his-ancestors-by-celestial-beings/ 


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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/122a49551fe8614b574e0041.html


As the Irish all over the world celebrate being Irish on what they see as their day, most of them are blissfully unaware of the decisions that were made at the Council of Nicea, to destroy the people of Ireland and their religion of love, preached by the Druids. The Cabal stole the real history of Ireland and its language, and they made slaves of its people. Though the indoctrination that followed was barbaric, it failed to break the Irish Spirit.


It was at this time that plans were made for the take-over of the world. It is all there for those who take the time to research it. Until you research this period of history, you will not understand what is happening in your world today. For that is when they wrote the Bible, carefully following a formula, making slight changes here and there, to make it seem authentic. The Bible has been used to create fear of a Hell that does not exist, and the God, who is LOVE, has been changed into one who you need to fear. You have to hand it to them, they thought of everything !

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