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Alleged First Posts from the Neptune 
2012 February 6 
Posted by Steve Beckow 


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My own dear Veronica, I ensured that you were not alone on the 8th anniversary of my passing. The memory is still so painful for you. You relive the shock you felt as you realised that I was leaving the Earthly plane. You pleaded with me , "Monty, please don't leave me. Please don't leave me." You understand that it was not my decision. The higher realms decided that I had to go, so that I could prepare you from this side of life, for the role that you now have to play. Though many have done their utmost to destroy your life and your reputation - my blood family behaved abominably - we must not forget the man from Arizona, and the Scottish lady who thinks that what she has been doing goes unnoticed. Nothing escapes justice. Everyone answers for their actions. What you and I are doing was pre-ordained and forecast by the great thinkers of the past. It will not and cannot be blocked, no matter what evil is used. As it all unfolds this year, you will understand the enormity of what you have done. You showed no respect for me or my wife.


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130國集〇團在1月1日通〇過Conscious Media NeТWork宣布一個新金融系統,他們聯〇系白龍會並表明不只口頭上,而是用行動來證明,他們代〇表著極其強大的利益。之前在這份時事通訊中譴責這份公告是精神病行為,因為這個組〇織和117國摩納哥組〇織是不一樣的,筆者最初(的評價)顯然錯了。

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My dear, there is a lot of confused thinking in your world just now. Some of it is deliberately placed to confuse you. Not all Spirit is of the Light. Some give themselves grand names; some use names that are familiar to those who believe that they are channeling their relatives or those they trust. Every trick in the trade will be used to cause distrust and confusion so that the Cabal can maintain overall control. Remember that they are desperate to hold on to their power. They have lived off humanity , and humanity has suffered such deprivation because of this. It is only when you return to Spirit that you can see the extent of the suffering caused by such greed.


Everything had to be in place before we attempted the rescue plan. As you know, things change from day to day, making it difficult for us to give exact timings, etc. You know from the information constantly arriving, that there is an excitement on both sides of life. We are proceeding with our plans of revelation and restitution. As we used to say as children, "The cat is out of the bag. It can no longer be controlled". Truth is being revealed every day from different sources around your world. There is so much yet to uncover so that Man understands just who and what destroyed your world and controlled his life, causing so much deprivation in a world of plenty. Man will demand answers. He is entitled to do so. It will not be easy for those who are not yet awake, but we must proceed. We cannot wait forever for those who are afraid to step out of the mind-control. Veronica, I share your excitement when you receive so much new evidence from Ireland . Yes, they are waking up. They are learning that if they ask for information, it will be given to them. The more they ask, the better it will be for those who still believe what the Vatican taught them: that they are NOTHING ; that they will never amount to anything; that they are all sinners. Because actually, they were full of Light.

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I would like, if I may, to wish everyone A Very Happy New Year.


In this year of enlightenment, you will be shown evidence that will question all that you had accepted as truth. Open your minds. The truth is there. It has never been more accessible than it is now. Many obstacles will be put before you. FEAR will be used; it always worked in the past. Remember, the Cabal are creatures of habit, they always use the same methods of control. But you are wiser now and will see straight through all their propaganda. Who do you trust? As I have said in the past, look at their actions, not their words. The eyes are also a good indicator of honesty. People of the Light do not seek to control you, they know that you were given free will.


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大衛·威爾科克(David Wilcock)對本傑明·富爾福德(benjamin Fulford)的電話採訪


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Everything is speeding up now and people are coming forward to reveal the truth. Yes, it does take courage, but the knowledge that your actions will assist in the removal of the Cabal that have been destroying your planet and your fellow man for nearly 2000 years , is what drives them forward. Though the Cabal will use every trick in the book to prevent the Awakening, ultimately there is absolutely nothing that they can do to prevent it. There are many who consider themselves to be AWAKE. They do have problems accepting that the religion they followed and the history they had studied was complete fiction. For some, it is a step too far. They are still clinging to the past as they cannot get their heads around the fact that it is all based on lies. They must learn to free their minds, so as to enable them to see through the smoke-screen of deliberate misrepresentation of truth.


Just when the Cabal thought that all their plans would be realised, mankind woke up and questioned what he had, in the past, accepted as fact. Of course, the Cabal will fight hard to keep its ill-gotten riches and power - this is understandable - but the will to rescue the planet, on both sides of life, is far greater. You have also been made aware of your friends from other planets who are now circling your planet. They are assisting in the prevention of illegal acts relating to the invasion of other countries. You are no longer at the mercy of those who control your world. You are, at last, seeing the bars of the prison you have been living in for so long that you had thought that this is all there is . Now, real freedom beckons. It seems so inviting. With it comes peace, harmony and love, and the removal of all artificial boundaries and differences.

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My dear, you never expected to have to do so much research, to delve into the past to unravel the truth. Had I understood all this when I was on Earth, I would most certainly have done so myself. I had no idea, then , the enormity of the corruption and how it affected everyone on your planet. You are aware of the many hours I spent looking into what we were led to believe was the one and only Bible and that it was a true and honest version of events. Though I found many flaws and serious questions that needed answers when I studied all the so-called "holy books", I did not find the answers until I passed to Spirit. I can now say that even the cleverest forgers and falsifiers are not safe from exposure.


Though replacing IESA for the wholly fictitious Jesus has brought great riches for the Roman Church, it required tremendous effort to make it appear to the world that he had actually existed. Many millions died in the carrying out of this terrible plan. It required changing place names for these fictitious characters to have lived. They falsified the world's history. They substituted it for a tissue of lies and inventions. This deception - the suppression of truth - is a crime against humanity. Truth is progressing in spite of the oppressors. It will open the eyes of mankind to this great fraud.


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翻譯自http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2011/11/28/benjamin- fulford-11-28-11-chaos-prevails-at-the-highest-levels-of-government-in-the-west-as-the-financial-fraud-unravels-truth-is-stranger-than-fiction/




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"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie . It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

Joseph Goebbels



This, my dear, is what you are seeing all over your world. People gather to share the truth but these brave souls are being brutally attacked by those who want to suppress the truth. People throughout history, fought and died for the right of free speech. Only in repressive regimes is this denied you. Send love and protection to those who speak out in your name. They ask only for truth and reconciliation. They want all nations to come together without fear, to work together for peace. The changes that must and will occur, will happen when the majority have love and peace in their hearts, even for those who appear to be mortal enemies.

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翻譯自http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/2011/11/the- lawsuit-that-could-end-the-gangster-rule-of-western-civilization.html


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http://bigvalleydiscountstore.blogspot.com/2011/11/rothschild-family -representative-leaves.html




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