目前分類:地球盟友/守護者們的訊息 (94)

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翻譯自http://bigvalleydiscountstore.blogspot.com/2011/11/cabalists-struggle-in-vain- to-stop-new.html (需要翻牆)


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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/ccf736d2a9abb91d3af3cf8e.html

My dear, you are living in a time of endings and new beginnings: as more people wake up, they make a stand against the corrupt. It shines a light on the mind control that has been used, and is still being used, to keep you as slaves and under control. The two bastions of control have always worked together but managed to keep their connection secret from mankind. As more information flows out and questions are being asked, they are at a loss as to how to deal with this unexpected situation. They will create 'problems' that they hope will take your minds off their corruption. You are now sufficiently awake and aware to refuse to fall for their lies. Remember that the corrupt are finished, so they will attack recklessly to try to hold on to what they have illicitly acquired. They are desperate.


You have the upper hand. Know who your are. Stand together in the Light, for we in Spirit will stand alongside you every step of the way. Remember, the knowledge has always been there but it was kept hidden from you. We continue to work on energy. I never dreamed so much could be achieved just using energy and soundwaves. The man-made barriers are coming down. Man will have a new understanding of life and the body and how it can work when it's not interfered with by those who control you. You are embarking on a glorious adventure. Earth will be transformed into a planet of light, love and peace. Remember through this struggle that the end result will be permanent, it's not just a short-term thing. You - all of you who work in the Light - are the creators of the New Age of Enlightenment. You are making history - real history - not the lies that were taught to you as history. Everything that you have been taught is the opposite of the truth. What you are told is good for you, is actually bad for you. Yes, it is a shock to learn that those who control you are actually that EVIL !

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/442ffdfb75c114c2b48f318c.html


laas翻譯自(需要翻牆)http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2011 /11/07/benjamin-fulford-11-8-11-paradigm-lost-as-the-western-oligarch%E2%80%99s-lies-unravel-the-criminal-cabal-is-caput/



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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/6507b13404752b97a61e1282.html

2011年10月28日,也就是剛剛已過的昨天是瑪雅日曆的真正結束日。我深知,這條信息你們很難相信!因為2012年12月21日是冬日轉折點,所以人們更容易把它看作轉變的時間;而2011年10月28日很不起眼,但它的確是你們創造新時代的時間點。……2011年10月28日和2012年12月21日之間大約有400天,這一大段時間可以進行許多創造。黑暗勢力也在用這段時間影響新世界。因為黑暗統治者也知道轉變發生的真正日期,它們通過媒體發布一個滯後的日子,這樣就可以利用這400來天創造它們想要的現實;而讓你們除了乾等變化發生之外,什麼都做不了。……接收這條重要信息,並把它傳出去。你們的光工(光之工作者)更應這樣做,因為建起地球的新能量網是光工的職責。必須及時做好,別讓黑暗勢力有得逞的機會。你們的愛心寬廣強大,遠超過黑暗統治者的力量。接下來你們馬上就要到達11-11-11的通道,或者,星門.它代表一個全球覺醒和統一的“宇宙時刻”,它代表了更新的光的密碼,或者宇宙密碼已經進入地球的晶體網格。接受更新的密碼將會再次加速地球地球全息圖頻率的更新速度,從而允許這顆星球繼續走在她神聖的多維度空間意識的心的旅程中,和第七維度的意識重新連接 ( 11 /11/11第二波星門能量&更新DNA密碼子(大天使麥克)2011年10月25日 )以下是我對Susan Lie博士和Georgi Stankov博士和大角星人最新通靈有關11.11.11星門和揚升的總結和翻譯。內容真假性完全由你個人辨別。



11-11-11星門和揚升  揚升隊其實分為兩隊:星門入口開啟者和第一批上升的星際種子。開門人的職責是打開和保持從3維空間地球到5維空間地球星門入口。他們在很長時間之前已經開始進行了光之身體進化,所以才有能力可以開啟星門。當他們在11-11-11送走第一批上升的星際種子之後,他們其中有很多人會再次回到3維空間地球,繼續待命幫助更多人在2012年12月之前上升到5維空間。第一批上升後的星際種子會留在5維空間地球幫助開始基礎建設,建立一個以愛,和諧和光明為基礎的新文明製度。當然,其中我們得到許許多多其他文明的幫助。這樣,當更多人陸續陸續揚升到5維空間後,可以看到新文明的發展。當你願意閱讀這些文字,這些信息時,其實可以說明你的靈魂是準備上升,所以請做好準備。其實,揚昇在某種程度上而言已經開始了,沒有任何事情可以阻止。不要被任何負面信息迷惑,要堅信自己的信念。當你踏入星門的那一瞬間,你會發現這種感覺是你從來不曾經歷過的。在進入5維空間之後,你的個人能量會比現在大一百萬倍。這樣,你個人的能量系統都會被激活。同時,你的Multidimensional Operating System (MOS)(多維空間意識)也會被激活。另外,你也會立刻記起自己靈魂以前所學的那些多緯度空間知識和宇宙真理。下面是Dr. Stankov和大角星人教的揚升方法:(非常重要)



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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/eac3828af2e226cffc1f1037.html




翻譯自(需要翻牆):http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2011/10/24/benjamin-fulford-10-25- 11-private-%E2%80%9Ctrading-platforms%E2%80%9D-have-been-shut-down-in-preparation-for-new-financial-system/

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/8e1511de71aa080f632798fa.html


(Ephesians 6:12)


My dear, the horrific events of last week will awaken many more to the real truth of what is going on. It shocked all decent human beings to the core. When such evil is directed at the masses, and technology is used to incite them, then this is the result. Is that the path you wish to go down? Where money rules and human life is brutally and publicly extinguished for GAIN. How can you ever see these countries as civilised ever again?


This is not a time to hide away and hope that you and yours will be safe. Remember, "You are your brother's keeper". By your silence, you too, become the assassin. This is the Dark Cabal's effort to take and keep control ; to remove all who were not indebted to them. It is so important to seek the truth, knowing that it will be your salvation.


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The World Awakens !

The evidence of this is heart-warming for all who have worked hard to bring this about. The minority, the psychopaths who control your world, now see their control slipping from their hands. They are being exposed. They have ruthlessly followed The Plan without compassion or even a second thought for those who have lost everything - even their lives - as these evil people waged war across your world. The puppets which they placed in power to be the visible face of The Plan, are now going to have to face the people they set out to destroy. Remember, psychopaths are without souls. They take from countries whatever they want. The moment a country steps out of line, such as the African countries coming together, they quickly stepped in with their war machines and systematically destroyed them.




Part of The Plan also was to destroy the right side of the brain and the pineal gland, with all sorts of poisons and medication. Foolishly, people believed the propaganda which stated that what was being done was for their own good. All this is being exposed. Good people are now providing the correct information so that mankind can step into the Light. Both sides of the human brain will work in harmony once more and will reconnect with their spiritual side. You are powerful Beings of Light who have been tampered with . You have been manipulated without mercy into believing that you are helpless. Nothing can be further from the truth. When Beings of Light come together, they create an energy so powerful and exhilarating, such as at David Icke's gatherings, that it opens minds to how it will be when the Dark have been removed. I urge all those who seek the light to take every opportunity to experience this energy for themselves and David's inspiring words of truth. No man has done more than he, to move your world out of the darkness into light and love. He is much admired on both sides of life.

這邪 ​​惡計劃的一部分也曾設計好要摧毀人類的右大腦和松果體,以所有形式的毒素和藥品。可笑的是,人民相信了這些“宣傳者們”說的自己做的一切都是為了人民的利益。所有一切都在被暴露。善良的人們現在正提供正確的信息,以使得人類能夠步入到【聖光】中。類大腦的左右半球將再次和諧的一起工作,將與他們的靈性自我重新連接。你們都是充滿力量的【光之存有】,卻一直被損害著。你們已經被無情的操縱,相信自己是孤立無助的。沒有什麼比真相更重要。當【光之存有們】走到一起,他們創造的能量是如此的強大和令人興奮,比如大衛.艾克的聚會,它開放了人們的心靈,當黑暗份子被清理之後會是什麼樣子。我強烈要求所有探尋這聖光 ​​的人取得每個機會,讓自己和大衛鼓舞人心的話語體驗這份能量。沒有人做得比他更多了,把你們從黑暗帶入到光與愛中。他在生命的兩頭都如此的受到尊敬。

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/ccf736d29ecdf61c3bf3cf2f.html





希臘現在考慮一個類似的舉​​ 動。類似的法律將會抵消許多來自美國的公共、私有債務。


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dss3.html



My dear, we have talked in the past about what will happen in the future. Well, it is happening now, though some still refuse to acknowledge that it is happening all around them. The energy changes will continue to raise the consciousness and you will link, once more, with all that is and ever will be. Open your minds, seek the answers you need. You will find them. It is time to return to the fold. Circumstances removed you and kept you ignorant of your true identity and destiny. To become at one with the universe once more, is inevitable. It must happen. It will happen. Everything is in place to make it as smooth a transition as is possible. The Dark have lost their overall control. They are floundering as on the deck of a sinking ship. Their removal is essential, they cannot exist in love and light. The role that they play on the world stage must cease. The false persona they display to the masses will be revealed. The masses are awakening to the light, they are finding their voices. They come together as one; by doing this, they create the energy for the big changes to be put in place. Always keep in mind that this is your planet. You now choose to return it to the light. It can be done peacefully, your strength is in numbers. The Dark will crumble, they cannot exist without you; whereas you do not need them. This fact is dawning on you as you come together to reclaim what is yours.


There will be turbulence as Earth changes take place. Know that what will happen is what is meant to happen. We will prevent  -  as much as possible  -  anything that the Dark might do to cause fear. They have nowhere to hide, we have seen to that. As more of you understand what is really happening, you will see the police and armies waking up to the fact that they are responsible for trying to destroy their own people. They, too, will join the masses. The Dark will lose this support that has kept them in power. People will come to see through the propaganda. They will realise that without their support, the Dark's false monetory systems will fail. It will be exposed. Without this, they are nothing at all. All the help you need will be available to you. You will be given technology that will be enormously important to you and is beyond your understanding at this point in time. Life on Earth will be totally different when the control is lifted. The scaremongering will cease and the power crazy will find themselves exposed. The fact is that their false belief in their tribal supremacy has brought about the chaos you now find yourselves in. To them, I say that their end is nigh.

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/481a97dcd9d388285982dd8a.html

by Benjamin Fulford, October 3, 2011



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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/602bc8fd1e24dde1fd037f25.html

The time is at hand when each of you must take responsibility for yourself and those who are dependent on you. Together, you have the strength to bring down those who have oppressed you. This can be done without resorting to violence of any sort; peaceful demonstration is all that is required. You are the victims of corporate greed. This is a crime against humanity. Look at those in control: they cause recessions and depressions at a whim. Ask, "What do they all have in common?". It is time to open your eyes and face the truth. Examine carefully what is being done to you, right in front of your eyes. This is global. It has got to stop. They have removed all your rights. It's only through all of you coming together that you will release yourselves from these oppressors. Because you have been in bondage for centuries, you have never known anything else: you accepted it as normal. Their mission is to destroy you, so by not taking action you are allowing them to do so.


They have acquired much of the world's gold; if they fail in their plans, then they believe they can just go off-planet with the gold. This is what they came for in the first place. We have created a barrier to prevent them leaving with your gold. Their time is up. It's time for them to go and allow mankind to reasses everything, then to set up a new system of banking and government that will bring equality, irrespective of race or creed. The changes that we are putting in place will make all this possible. This has been in the planning for a long time. They will cause a certain amount of destruction before they leave. It will not be easy for them to walk away from the financial empires they built at your expense . They do not want peace. Their money is made through war. The truth is ugly but it must be faced so that you can move on. They must be seen for what they are; exposed for all to see in their true colours. They have remained hidden for far too long. Their rule is over. They created a false scenario. They lived by it. They created laws to prevent people from questioning it. It is based on an HISTORICAL MYTH.


More than 60 years ago when I wrote, "A MISSION INTO TOMORROW", I could see, way back then, the changes that must happen; though at that time, I was unaware of my own mission. Now, I oversee these changes from this side of life. You, alone, knew me. You saw the real Monty. You understood on a very deep level that I had a mission to fulfil. You assisted me in all that I did, always at my side to protect and to love me. You still do, my dear. Some pretend to know Monty, and make stupid statements about how they knew better than you, how I would speak from this side of life. No one ever knew me better than you.


Preparations must be made so that you can assist others when the massive changes begin. Those who have rejected the truth up to now, will find themselves in a wilderness of confusion and fear. Fear must be quelled. This is most important as the Cabal are experts at creating situations that create maximum fear, to hold you in their control. I tell you that this is your one opportunity to escape to the freedom of the light. There is a timescale, it is months not years.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dsfw.html


Veronica, my dear, there is a cry going out all over your world for truth and justice. Unfortunately, people do not always want to accept the real truth as it does not fit with what they believe to be true. Firstly, it must be understood that your history does not give a true picture, not even remotely, and so it causes great confusion in the minds of many. The truth is there if you care to look for it. I did so in the last years of my last life . I did find the truth. I realised that all that I had accepted as fact was pure fiction, whose only goal was to enslave mankind. All you needed was common sense to see that what was being forced on you was total fabrication. You could understand primitive man accepting some of it; but now, when research has been made easy, there is no excuse for accepting it at all. Yes, I know my dear, they savagely attack those who question their "truth". The only truth you need to follow is that INFINITE LOVE IS THE ONLY TRUTH, EVERYTHING ELSE IS ILLUSION.


It is good to know that even in 'death', my words serve to open minds. You were pleasantly surprised to see, blazoned across the screen at Dave Patrick's lecture on Francis Bacon, "Nothing is as it seems". Montague Keen, our work does not go unnoticed !

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Greetings, my dear. This has been a week when you have seen information released that you never expected to see in your lifetime. Those people who professed to be of the Light while collaborating with the Dark Entities to gain control of humanity, have been exposed . They have nowhere to hide. They now feel the hand of justice on their shoulder; they will answer for their crimes. Their removal from the scene will take a little longer but it will happen, as sure as night follows day. ​​Their crimes against innocent children are the most difficult to deal with. They preached love, but delivered the most evil control system which was all based on lies. Their lies controlled every aspect of your lives. You were even programmed to expect to die at a particular age. The vaccines were laced with strains of virus to ensure you became ill with cancer or other serious illness; some people reacted differently, but it ensured the ill health that would create great profits plus your demise. Everything was stacked up against you: contaminated food, etc., to remove you from the planet. Sadly, you were taught to trust implicitly those who were destroying you.


They feed off your fear; they thrive on it. This is why you are constantly being told who you must fear. It's all well planned out. They have a list of potential "enemies". Discussions are happening right now as to when to go ahead with Project Bluebeam *). They plan to use their own "space ships" to pretend that aliens are threatening you. They do not care how many die in the process. It will be used to extract yet more taxes and impose more control. This is where people of the light, who are awake to what is being done, should speak out. Assure others that this is part of a big hoax. It's all an illusion. They are running out of money. They are squeezing countries for more and more as they are losing control of the financial system which they fraudulently put in place, many years ago. The new system is almost ready to be unveiled. This will, of course, be a temporary measure, until money can be fazed out altogether and you return once more to a method of bartering, as happened in ancient times. It was very successful. It never caused war or famine. There was plenty for all.

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