



Karen Doonan


親愛的朋友們,我們來引導和支持,因為很多人現在正感受到新能量的到來,它們可能會在你的生活經驗裡顯現為“損失”“挫折”,但真相是它們正在打破你們在人生旅途上一直所陷的舊密度。有許多似是而非的理論,一直被當成是真理和愛的體現,被人 類毫無懷疑地全盤吸收。朋友們,現在正是這些妄見熔解離你而去的時候,可以把你從迷霧中拉出來,推你進入你本來具備的光明之中。 作為提供給您的教導,你有一個選擇的權利,你可以選擇再吸收一遍妄見,或者選擇遠離它們。吸收它們會導致你的狀態出現混亂和挫折,因為那些妄見(被扭曲的真理)是較低的振動頻率,不再與人類意識產生共鳴。

你越糾纏於其中吸收它們,就會在你的人生旅程中產生更多的不和諧。這是導致許多人之間更多衝突摩擦的原因,也是為什麼我們現在必須要迎向/加強高頻率的光,它也正在轉移整個地球的頻率。 妄見,幻相(不是真實的)終將會 溶解,它們會一步一步地溶解。但為了加速這一過程,讓你們每個人都安住在和平寧靜之中,我們引導你們脫離幻相。當幻相被隱藏的時候很難被看見,但現在新能量讓那些不能與之共鳴的東西被突出,能夠被我們感知到。 許多人正在尋求社會媒體和世界媒體平台,想確保他們正在感覺到的一切確實正在發生。因為舊模式還在努力支撐不肯放棄,這就造成巨大的混亂。彷彿應該會出現“同樣”的新模式,但在現實中,“同樣”的卻仍然是一些你尋求遠離的錯誤觀念。許多人要求他們的家人朋友能夠改變錯誤的觀念,我們引導所有人遠離這種做法。因為發生改變的是你自己,是你的自我在轉 變,這來自於內在的你,外在的一切僅僅是你內在的反射。 

許多人期望新世界現在就開始顯現但沒有認識到舊世界的溶解結束是需要一段人類時間的。我們不是按照扭曲的“線性時間”表來工作,許多人現在因為這個而感到挫折失望。時間是個錯覺,是被創造用來限制和抑制人類的,為什麼時間會突然按照它聲稱的就變成了朋友?我們問這個是為了讓你對你正在溶解的妄見(妄念)的深度有個清晰的認識。遮住人類視線和心靈周圍的面紗,其深度是巨大的。 隨著更多的人進入自己的內心允許面紗被揭開,感知能力更清晰,那麼更多的人就能停留在愛/慈悲的中心。真正的愛/慈悲是永恆的,也是你心的本質。那些一直被教導通過三維物質世界來定義自我的人,可能會感受到最多的挫折。你並不是你在鏡子前面看到的那個你,為什麼要讓三維世界來教你什麼才是真正的你? 問題是尋求真相的路怎麼走,朋友們,我們重點指引你,顯現給你的一切其實是個課題:宇宙正在把你帶回到你本來就是的自然的平衡狀態。你遭遇的失衡狀態越嚴重,說明你需要化解的錯誤觀念就越多。我們注意到有多少人墮落在對現在形勢“失敗”的錯誤觀念裡。如果你意識不到觀念錯誤,你就不可能去化解它。朋友們,能夠“看見”自己的妄念,就是戰鬥的勝利。讓所有人陷入低頻率,並懲罰自我看不見一直被偽裝的事物---這些都不再對任何人起作用了。

那些試圖遏制和抑制人類的人知道他們做過什麼,他們知道那些灌輸給年輕人類的錯誤理念,人類過去一直在被低頻率攻擊下,現在那些發動攻擊的存有們已經不在這個星球上了。為什麼你們需要意識到之前被隱藏的那些錯誤觀念呢?我們這樣問,是為了讓你發現走出錯誤觀念的方法,就是對自己的愛和原諒,這樣就不會墮入“本來可以做的更好”的悔恨中,這在你們的星球上被稱為“事後諸葛亮”。你有許多時時刻刻,你也有當下,朋友們,不是“當下”的時間從來就沒有真正的存在過。當下就是你化解妄念的時刻,糾纏於任何不是當下的事都會把你的能量拿走,會把你所在的頻率降低。 圍繞著地球正在下降和掙扎的舊能量,正在影響所有人,即使是那些沒有醒來的人也意識到“有事”,這在試圖找回平衡的人類中,產生不同的頻率。像水一樣,它總會找到自己的水平,人類有人類的意識,將設法找到了自己的層次和平衡。許多人正在掙扎於保持平衡,我們指引你們,朋友們,平衡就在寂靜/平靜/寧靜裡。

 我們反對幫助那些沉睡著的人,要他們去看你所看見的,因為他們的頻率對他是隱形的。就像讓一個色盲的人看東西的顏色,他們無法看到,這是在浪費能量。我們引導你們保持清醒,很多人現在處於巨大的混亂中,因為他們試圖在“一個人的星球”上拯救所有人。 你進入新能量的能力是基於你內心的夢想,只有你能夢見你自己的夢,因為你只能以自己的方式體驗人類的生命。許多人拼命想喚醒星球上另一些人,但那些人卻選擇留在業力之輪中。喚醒這部分的人類是不可能的,是在浪費精力。他們存在於不同的時間框架裡,他們是無法體驗到你經驗到的能量,因為他們不是你。我們引導,錯誤的理念並不只停留在一般民眾和主流文化里,它也蔓延到被稱為“新時代”的思想裡。朋友們,線索是“思考”只是人類的頭腦的一種器官功能,只能夠處理那些被給與的東西(觀念,理論)。宇宙意識是人自性的一部分,自性包含萬有,它不包含於人的頭腦中,人的頭腦是人類被賦予的肉身載體一部分,讓你可以四處走走,去體驗地球。 從神聖的自性出來的知識,來源於自我的永恆部分,現在為那些已經從外在三維頻率世界蛻化出來的人都準備好了。

由於這是被擁抱和錨定的,那麼平衡就被轉變,因為人類意識將在更高層次上找到平衡,這些能夠和你們有共鳴嗎,朋友們? 很多人現在面臨著被誤導的觀念,他們卻選擇不去察覺這些,我們引導,唯一通往新世界的路就是化解低震動的頻率。宇宙中的一切都是能量,一切都是頻率,新的地球已經誕生,它是一個比老的三維世界更高的維度頻率。許多人申明他們希望生活在一個新的世界並且努力拋棄那些導致他們在低震動頻率範圍的錯誤觀念。但如果還緊緊糾纏著老的錯誤觀念的同時,想移進新世界是不可能的。這是許多人可能為之掙扎的一個事實。我們強烈引導,在新的地球,你不需要“失去”什麼。因為在三維的世界裡,人類被教導通過外在對象和地位的方式在生活中來定義自我。我們指引大家,遠離這種觀念,因為這會讓你保持在較低的頻率,因為它突出了與之共鳴的小我。人的小我是內在的“敵人”,如果存在什麼被定義為“敵人”的話。很多人落在了低頻率所創建的一個遊戲裡,就是尋求一個“壞傢伙”的遊戲,其實沒有“壞” ,也沒有“好”,有的只有存在本身。 

我們引導,很多人現在正在移出他們在投胎之前商定的生命課程,對於很多地球上的靈魂來說,業力已被否定了。這就給靈魂以自由,以新的方式去擴展和成長,不再被綁在業力之輪上,使有能力去體驗一個完全新的生活經歷。這對於地球上的許多人來說是一個他們無法接受的真實。業力模式在很多人的生命課程裡非常強,而且那些錯誤的觀念/理念也加強了這種套路和模式的強度。 做一個人生悲喜劇的觀照者(時刻覺察你的意識情緒,但不糾纏其中),是移出舊能量的一種方式。這些舊能量知道參與是至關重要的,如果你不把自己參與進去,那麼它對於你就不能夠繼續存在,因為它沒有所需要的頻率,這是人生悲喜劇發生(業力顯化)的燃料。朋友們,一切都是能量,一切都是頻率,你在頻率中變化,地球也在頻率中變化。 

很多以前能夠和你共鳴的東西,現在將不再產生共鳴。就像一個新的被精細調過音的吉他,現在人類能夠共鳴的是一個清晰,精細的感知,這個感知能力在舊的三維能量裡是被消音的和不清晰的。你的感知能力就是宇宙確認你在哪裡,在哪個時間線,在哪個維度的方式。把你自己的感知/覺悟清晰地唱響,就會看到宇宙對你的確認和支持。雖然能夠唱響你的感知/覺悟,但在挫折來臨的時候改變了,這樣的結果就是宇宙無法看見你,無法像應該的那樣支持你。這能引起你的共鳴嗎,朋友們? 由於地球錘煉了她的感知,自我清洗,變得更明亮,那麼所有生活在這個星球上的人類也將自我清洗,並變得更亮。還是有許多困惑關於那些身陷業力之輪的人。

朋友們,當行星在改變頻率的時候,也同時影響了他們。他們的業力債務將不會如此稠密,在業力中清晰快速通過的能力也將提高。你不要衝進別人的業力之輪裡去“拯救”他們,他們不需要拯救,因為他們是在他們的生命課程裡,你在你自己的課程裡。許多人現在將要離開業力之輪而在新地球再次回來投胎做人。他們會有一個新的人生課程,以一個新的方式去擴展和成長。 我們是獵戶座高級議會,我們來為清晰指導,也是為了讓你們放心。現在被打破的是舊模式。它不再與你產生共鳴,我們來引導你感知這一切,對於許多人來說,這可能是一個具有挑戰性的時間,因為他們為之建立人生旅程的那些東西開始崩潰,但這些人生的基礎並不是其他人。你的人生旅途的基礎是愛,朋友們,擁抱真正的愛/慈悲,讓它在你的存在中流動經過並包圍你,以這種方式來經歷你的人生旅程。其他的一切都是擴展和成長。遠離“瑣事”和“情況”,讓自我去發現(認識)到你予生俱有的自由。 我





Dear ones we come to guide and support as many are now FEELing the new energies, they may show up in your life experience as “losses”, as “frustrations” but in TRUTH they are breaking through the density that YOU have embraced in the human life journey. Many of the teachings of distortion appeared to be TRUTH, many appeared to be LOVE and many, many human BEings absorbed them without question. These are what is dissolving for YOU at this time dear ones and these are what are now pulling YOU out of the gloom and into the brightness that is YOU.

As the teachings are shown to YOU then YOU have a choice, YOU may try to absorb them all over again or YOU may choose to dissolve them. Absorbing them will cause chaos and frustration to arise within YOUr BEing as the energies that are the teachings of distortion are lower vibrational frequencies that no longer resonate with human consciousness. The more that YOU work on them to absorb them the greater the discordance that will appear in YOUr human life journey. This is causing much friction in many human BEings and why we have now stepped forward to highlight the frequencies that are now shifting across the planet earth.

That which is not TRUTH will dissolve, it will dissolve in due course but to speed up the dissolving and to anchor PEACE within YOUr very BEing we guide for YOU to detach from them. As it is not possible to see something that is hidden the new energies are now highlighting that which no longer resonates.

Many are looking to the social media platforms and the media platforms of the world for reassurance that what they FEEL is what is happening. As the old paradigm holds on and refuses to give up this will cause mass confusion, it will appear as if “same ” rules but in reality “same” is the distortion teaching YOU seek to dissolve. Many are looking to those they share their lives with and asking them to change and we guide for ALL to detach from this way of BEing, that which is changing is YOU, it is SELF that is changing and this comes from within YOUr BEing, the outside merely a reflection of that which is happening on the inside.

Many are expecting the shimmering of the new without realising that the old will dissolve over a period of human time. We do not work within the parameters of the distortion of “linear time” and many are now in frustration over this. Time is an illusion that was created to contain and suppress the human race, why would time suddenly become the friend that it claims to be? We ask this for YOU to gain clarity of the depth of the distortions that YOU are now dissolving, the depth of the veils that have been placed around the eyes and the hearts of the human race is VAST.

As more humans move into the heart centre and allow the veils to lift and their vision to clear then more can stay centred in the LOVE that IS. The LOVE that IS is eternal, it is YOU. Those who have learned to define SELF through the 3D world may feel the most frustration, YOU are NOT what YOU see reflected in a mirror so why would YOU BE what the 3D world taught YOU that you are?

Questions are the way to seek dear ones and we guide strongly for YOU to question all that is shown to YOU for the universe now works to bring YOU back into the balance that is YOUr natural state of BEing. The more out of balance the more distortion teachings there are to dissolve. We note how many are falling to the underlying distortion of “failure” in this scenario. YOU cannot dissolve that which YOU cannot see, being able to “see” it is the battle won dear ones, it serves no one least of all SELF to fall into the lower vibrations and to chastise SELF for not seeing something that was disguised for aeons. Those who sought to contain and suppress the human race KNEW what they were doing, they KNEW the teachings to instil in a race that was young and that was under attack from the lower frequencies created by the BEings that are now no longer on planet. Why would YOU see what was hidden before now?

We ask so that YOU may see the way out of the teachings of distortion are LOVE and compassion for SELF, it serves no one to fall to the teaching of “must do better”. That which is called “hindsight” on your planet another teaching of distortion. YOU have moment to moment and YOU have NOW dear ones, there is never a time when it is not NOW, NOW is when to dissolve, anything that is not NOW takes YOU out of YOUr power and allows the frequency that YOU ARE to fall.

The falling and crumbling of the old around the planet earth is now affecting ALL, even those who are not awake are aware of “something” and this is generating different frequencies within the human race that are trying to find balance. Akin to water which will always finds its own level the human race has a human consciousness that will try to find its own level and balance. Many are struggling with the balance at this time and we guide it is there dear ones, it is the silence within.

We guide against helping those who are asleep see what YOU can see for their frequency is such they are cloaked. Akin to showing a human BEing who is colour blind a colour they are unable to see the energies are wasted. We guide for you clarity as many are now in mass confusion as they try to save ALL on a planet of ONE.

The ability for YOU to move into the new energies is based on the dream that lives within YOUr heart, ONLY YOU dream this dream for only YOU experience the human life experience the way that YOU do. Many are trying desperately to wake up a section of the planet that has chosen to stay on the wheel of karma. It is not possible to wake up this section of the human race and it is a wasted energy to try to do so. They exist in a different time frame, they are unable to experience the energies in the way that YOU do for they are not YOU. We guide that the teachings of distortion did not only stay within the general populace and mainstream culture, it spilled over into what is termed “new age” thinking. The clue dear ones is “thinking” for the human mind is only able to process what it is given to think about. The universal mind, the part of SELF that contains ALL is not contained within the human mind, the human mind is part of the human vehicle that is given on incarnation to YOU so that YOU may walk around and experience the planet earth.

KNOWledge comes from the DIVINE SELF, it comes from the eternal part of SELF that is now available to many who have shed the outer skin and the outer frequencies of the 3D world. As this is embraced and anchored then the balance is altered for the human consciousness will find balance at a higher level, does this resonate dear ones?

Many are now faced with the teachings of distortion that they choose not to view and we guide the only way to the new earth is to dissolve the lower vibrational frequencies. Everything in the universe is energy and everything is frequency, the new earth is born and it is a higher dimensional frequency that the “old” 3D world. Many state they wish to live in a new world and try to ignore the teachings that keep their vibration at the lower end of the scale. It is not possible to move into the new whilst holding tightly onto the teachings of the old. This is a TRUTH that many may struggle with. We guide strongly that YOU do not “lose” in the new earth, for it is taught on the 3D world that to define SELF through objects and stature is the way to move through human life. We guide for ALL to detach from this, this will keep YOU in the lower frequencies for it highlights to the EGO that which it resonates with. The human ego is the “enemy” within if there exists what is defined as an “enemy”, many humans are falling into the games that are created by the lower energies and seeking for a “bad guy”, there is no “bad”, there is no “good”, there just IS.

We guide that many are now moving out of the life journeys that they agreed upon prior to incarnation, for many SOULs on planet earth karma has been negated. This frees the SOUL to expand and grow in new ways, not tied to the wheel of karma this creates the ability to live a completely new life with new experiences. This to many humans on planet earth is a TRUTH that they are not able to embrace. The karmic patterns in many human life journeys very strong and the routines and patterns reinforced by the teachings of distortion.

To become the observer to drama is the way to move out of the old containing energies. These energies KNEW that participation was vital, if you do not participate in a drama then it cannot exist for YOU are then not fuelling the drama with the frequencies it needs for its survival. ALL is energy dear ones, all is frequency, YOU are changing in frequency and planet earth is also changing in frequency.

Much that resonated previously for YOU will now no longer resonate. Akin to a new guitar being fine tuned, the human BEing is now resonating at a CLEAR, PRECISE note, the note under the old 3D energies was muffled and not clear. YOUr note is the way that the universe recognises where YOU at and in what timeline and dimension. To sing YOUr note clearly will see the universe recognise and move to support YOU. To sing YOUr note and alter it as happens when frustration sets in sees the universe unable to see YOU and unable to support YOU in ways that it could. Does this resonate dear ones?

As the planet hones her note and clears and becomes brighter then ALL humans who live within and on the planet will also clear and become brighter. Much confusion remains about those who are on the karmic wheel. Dear ones as the planet is changing in frequency then they are affected, their karmic debts will not be so dense and the ability for them to move clearly and quickly through the karmic debt will increase. You do no service to a human who is on the wheel of karma to rush in and try to “save” them, they do not need “saving” for they are on a journey as YOU are on a journey. Many will now leave the karmic wheel and come back once more into the new earth, in a new journey with a new way of expansion and growth.

We are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide for clarity and for reassurance. That which is now breaking down is the old paradigm. It no longer resonates with YOU and we guide for YOU to FEEL this, it may be a challenging time for many as that which they have built their life journey upon begins to crumble but the foundation for this life journey is not other humans. The foundation for YOUr human life journey is LOVE dear ones, to embrace the LOVE that IS and to allow it to flow around and through YOUr BEing is the way to move through the human life journey. All else is expansion and growth. Detach from “things” and “situations” and allow the freedom that is YOUr birthright to be revealed to SELF.

We stand with YOU as YOU now begin to clear YOUr vision before YOU set sail on the voyage that is SELF. We send YOU the LOVE that IS to help clear this vision and for YOU to FEEL the LOVE that IS that flows through ALL. We are the High Council of Orion and we welcome YOU home.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved 
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated.



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