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原文:The Dolphin Collective ~~ The Dolphin Collective are asking your Assistance ~~ 16/08/2012
管道:Méline Lafont
你好,我可愛的朋友,我們謝謝你們花時間和我們交流,我們愛你們。我們希望更多闡述一下現在的顯化情況和能量變化。正如你們現在在許多領域經歷的很多情況一樣,我們也在這些機會裡接受到我們的那部分。我們現在正非常努力工作於淨化海洋和海床,這樣就可以獲得某種程度的淨化和恢復。這個清潔工作是由大家一起進行的:有我們的大使們還有堂兄弟們,鯨魚,還有大天使和在你們下面的其他靈魂,統統都屬於我們的團隊和星星組織。 我們的任務在這件事情中正顯現出困難,甚至到了這個節骨眼--海洋正越來越不安:海洋的居民們完全意識到正在進行的是什麼,但他們還是經歷到了動盪--這導致了某些情況 下不太理想的後果。我們的一些朋友和家人在經歷了那些相當混亂的變化之後,選擇了離開他們的物理身體。這些變化真得很混亂,從我們的角度來看,海洋正處於最動蕩的情況,為了丟棄和擺脫所有負面的東西而戰鬥,這反過來又反映在你們陸地上和你們的文明中。在這個過程中,我們都在一起,我們都在援助地球母親;為了揚升她必須丟棄所有這些負面的東西。甚至在個人的層次上,你們所有人都正經歷著最動盪不安的時刻;你們都正做著一個內在以及外在層面上的工作,從你們的領域裡擺脫所有負面的東西。這是一個必須的過程,我們正一起做著淨化的工作,使之在一個宏大的規模上發生和顯化。 我們和親愛的地球母親為此時此刻已經等了很長的時間,她現在能夠從所有這些負面中被解放了。感謝這個淨化,她的感覺是這麼好,這麼自由,如此被熱愛著;你們充滿愛的能量以及那些來自更高領域的能量是這麼好的錨定在地球母親的水晶之心上,以至於它們現在就能起到作用並能被看的見。這是個跡象,親愛的朋友們,就是一切都已經進入顯化中並且不再可能被停止。小的變化變得更大,更可見,並且無疑更加明確。我們協助你們,我們可以非常清楚地感受到你們的想法和感覺。在所有這一切之中保持寧靜;就如一次又一次被提及的那樣,你們已經開始了一段最顛簸的馬背上的旅程,其速度已變得相當不可思議。好了,你們進行得很順利,那就享受這騎馬的樂趣,但得抓緊韁繩,這將是一段最冒險的經歷! 我們,作為海豚集體,非常清楚知道為你們預備的是什麼,和別人不一樣,我們能夠感應到地球母親,她是最高興的--面對她在所有可能的層面上被當頭拯救。她正充分伸展自己,她開始感到真得很舒服--在她的“新”皮膚裡--可以這麼說。就好像她大聲呼喊到達了她的肺的頂點,這樣做來釋放她所有的負面的負擔。她愛你們如此這麼多,我們也是,她希望把你們一起都帶上到她在更高維度的仙境。因為一切都將展開,作為一個大家庭一起。很快海洋將再次安頓下來-當所有負面的東西都離開海床;我們會讓一切在盡可能的程度安息下來。一切都將在最少可能的干擾下被完 成,你們的愛和光在這方面幫助巨大。所以,我們希望請求你們的協助,我可愛的朋友們,就是發送盡可能多的愛和光給我們和美麗的海洋。這將幫助我們和地球母親,去保持她的神奇的海洋和海床在一個最和平的最平靜的狀態,同時所有需要的清除工作能夠順利地進行。 我們是海豚集體,我們愛你們並謝謝你們這個機會分享我們的信息!
Hello my lovely one, we thank you for taking time to communicate with us, we love you! We wish to elaborate more about the current manifestations and energetic changes. Just as you are now undergoing a lot in many areas so too do we receive our share in these opportunities. We are currently working very hard on purifying the oceans and the ocean floors so that a certain degree of purity and recovery can be obtained. This cleansing work is performed together with our ambassadors and cousins, the whales, along with the Archangels and other souls underneath you all, belonging to our team and star group.
Our tasks are manifesting hard in this matter, even to the point that the oceans are getting restless: the dwellers in these oceans are fully aware of what's going on but nevertheless they experience the unrest leading in some cases to less desirable consequences. Some of our friends and family members have chosen to leave their physical vehicle behind amidst those rather chaotic changes. These changes really are chaotic as seen from our point of view as the ocean is at its most turbulent, fighting to discard and remove all negativity which in turn reflects on your land and your civilization. We are all together in this process, we all assist Beloved Mother Earth ; She has to discard all this negativity in order to Ascend. Even on a personal level, you all are now experiencing the most turbulent moments; you all are working on an inner as well as an outer level to discard all negativity from your fields. This is a necessary process and together we are working on the purification to take place and to manifest on a grand scale.
We and Beloved Mother Earth have waited a long time for this very NOW moment in which She can be liberated from all this negativity. Thanks to this purification, She feels so good, so free and so beloved; your Loving energies as well as those from the Higher Realms have been so well anchored in Mother Earth's crystal heart, that they now can have their effect and become visible. It is a sign, lovely ones, that all has surely come into manifestation and that it can no longer be stopped. Small changes become bigger and more visible and definitely more tangible. We assist you and we feel your thoughts and feelings all too well. Remain serene amidst all of this; as has been mentioned time and time again, you have begun a most bumpy ride whose speed has become quite inconceivable. Well, you are well underway, so enjoy the ride but hold tight, for it will be a most adventurous experience!
We, as the Dolphin Collective, know all too well what's in store for you, like no other we can feel Mother Earth and She is most happy with Her imminent salvation on all possible levels. She is stretching Herself fully and She begins to feel really at ease in her “new” skin so to speak. She cries out to the top of Her lungs as it were and in doing so, frees Herself of all negative loads. She loves you so much and so do we, and She wants to take you all along with Her to Her paradise in the Higher Dimension. For it will all unfold, together as 1 big family. Soon enough the oceans will settle down again when all negativity has left the ocean floors; we let it all come to rest to the extent that it's possible. All gets accomplished with the least disturbances possible and your Love and Light help tremendously in this regards. So we wish to ask for your assistance, my lovely ones, and that is to send as much Love and Light as possible to us and to the beautiful oceans. This will help us and Mother Earth to keep Her wondrous oceans and ocean floors in a most peaceful, calm state while all the needed eliminations proceed smoothly.
We are the Dolphin Collective and we love you and we thank you for this chance to share our message!
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.http://pleiadedolphininfos .blogspot.be