

大天使麥克爾2012 16 日時事更新
An hour with an Angel, with Archangel Michael


原文網址:http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/an-hour-with-an-angel-with-archangel-michael-july-16-2012-you-were-perilously-close-to-repeating-atlantis -part-12/



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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/71c30ea3221fa8d530add151 .html


Keeping the Balance



I would like to bring to your attention the following astrological configuration happening tomorrow:



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轉載自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63990dbf01018ry7.html



通靈:Greg Giles

翻譯:Nick Chan  、xiyangyang


在你們世界的前線,一個由光之力量操作的大規模進攻已經實施為的是根除犯罪陰謀集團的據點(大本營). 一個正面攻擊已經實施,並將在亞特蘭大喬治亞州、賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡,哈里斯堡賓夕法尼亞州,俄亥俄州的代頓,明尼蘇達州布盧明頓市,科羅拉多州阿斯彭,伊利諾斯州的皮奧里亞,加州薩克拉門托和特拉華州內數以百計的犯罪陰謀集團和一些黨羽逮捕拘留。這些陰謀集團的特工們在其中的一些地區發起了一個充滿敵意的戰鬥,在斗爭中雙方各有傷亡。我們,光之銀河聯邦,監控著所有這些情況 並且我們能夠擊退流氓軍事力量試圖在某種程度上的干涉一個或多個訴訟程序。我們發動了光之科技,防禦並阻止前進的勢頭,切斷了他們的通訊系統和陰謀集團領導人與其他流氓軍事單位的衛星。


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3dd.html


Our allies are being bold and you are seeing more evidence of their work to bring out the truth, and to put in action the long overdue plan to clear out the dark Ones. It shall continue and become more widespread, and it is revealing to us who amongst you are still under their influence. It is fear and favour that keeps others under their control, and we are intent on changing such situations. As you are also seeing, political parties from all over the world are revealing their true colours with little compassion or action to deal with the heavy burden being placed upon the people, resulting from the criminal activities within the banks. We shall introduce the forgiveness of debt, as it is clearly the only way to enable every country and those individuals worst effected to recover and start anew. That will come with new technologies and other innovations that will put your feet firmly in the New Age.


The Internet continues to be your best source of information, but people are still taken in by disinformation websites. Dear ones if the information they give does not ring true set it aside, and also if it advocates the use of violence it is certainly not of the Light. Stick to what you have found to be reliable and well tried and tested. In time you will not need as much reliance on the Internet as you do now, as it will not be too long before we can give our own broadcasts. Everything is ready for such advancements, and as usual it is a matter of timing. Your involvement in these matters is important, but if it became a necessity, we would go ahead alone as the changes must soon commence as planned. However, whatever situation comes up it presents no real problem to us, as we allow for all possibilities.

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/gongjian19/blog/item/e93b097c0e37123ab151b96d.html

Greetings: I am Adrial, celestial of this universe, and Iam Bren-Ton of Andromeda. We are most pleased to be communicating with youtoday.


問候大家,我是安德魯,在這個宇宙的宇航員。我是本林. 多,來自仙女座的宇航員。今天我們非常高興有與你們交談的機會。


For several years now we have been saying to you that thetime of choosing would come. Now is that time. We have been telling you thatEarth would be transforming herself to a lighter density. We have been sayingthat all that would remain with Earth are required to raise their vibrations tomatch hers.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3da.html

Jesus Sananda  

信息一:你們的神聖完美從未被妥協過 覺醒就是認識你們真實的自己——神聖的存有,具有不可言說的神奇與價值,全然的完美,與彼此及神在一起。 當你們放鬆,祈禱,或者冥想,允許你們進入你們自己的這個知曉,這個永恆的真相,通過對無條件之愛的神聖場開放你們的心,這神聖愛之場始終圍繞著你們,等待你們去邀請它擁抱你們。 當你們這樣做的時候,你們的擔心和焦慮就會退去,因為你們感受到溫暖的光輝包圍你們,而且毫無疑問的你們會知道一切都受到神聖照料,你們的覺醒是不可避免的因為這是神聖意志,是你們之父對你們的意志。 

你們的覺醒涉及到打開你們覺察力、你們的意識從而抵達那個內在知曉,它始終與你們在一起,雖然被你們幻像中的干擾所遮蓋-恐懼,憤怒,不滿,判斷,責怪,譴責-這些通常都佔據著你們日常的思考方式。你們目前正在致力於釋放這些干擾,這些無愛的態度和行為,從而迎接神之愛進入你們的心中。 但是那些無愛的態度,當你們保持它們,覺得推崇和肯定它們非常合理的時候,就阻礙了你們完全的開放於愛中。所以勢必要釋放它 們,當你們那樣做的時候,就好像舊貨處理一樣,處理掉那些不再有用的負擔,騰出空間給你們真正需要和渴望的事物。 

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3cx.html


Beloved Ones,

The Great Work continues. Each of you has been releasing the cycle patterns of pain and disempowerment from the very cells of your Being. We see that this process has not been an easy one for you and we ask you to remember that you are the Ones blazing a path for others to follow in the days ahead. All pioneers such as yourselves walk each step into the unknown and so there is pressure to be born as you go against the grain of established conditioning. We say to you that you do a greater task than you can conceive at this moment in time.



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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3cv.html





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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3cu.html


You are now entering the final stages of the removal of all that is dark in your world. Many more of you are emerging from the programmed control state. You are removing the block that was placed on humanity. You are, at last, enjoying the freedom that was denied you. Darling, shortly after my passing, I told you mankind had been interfered with. You understand fully now and are able to assist others with information regarding the realignment of the Atlas, enabling people to become the beings that they were designed to be. The Dark Cabal will put every obstacle in your way to prevent the awakening of mankind. They never wanted this information to become public knowledge. It is important to wake up to the degree of control exercised over you. Your news is controlled worldwide. They are all singing from the same hymn sheet. Newspapers just alter the news slightly to pretend it is authentic. This is done to manipulate and control your minds so that you are at all times ready and willing to believe whatever they tell you and you are ready to obey their orders. You are told it is the "law" or a "statute" that you must obey. Just who decided this in the first place?


The people should come together and agree what needs to be accepted. There are "laws" being created every day that you are totally unaware of, until, of course, "you break the law". Governments should be elected by the people for the people, not for the benefit of the banksters alone. You live in a world of plenty, but it is not being shared by all. Stop allowing yourselves to be manipulated. Refuse to see the divisions that were created to enable conflict to be manipulated. You are entering a period of recovery where you are expected to take personal responsibility for your actions when you no longer act like sheep. Be able to face yourself in the mirror and be proud that your actions harmed no man; that you dealt honestly and honourably with all who crossed your path. Forgive the insecure who pop up all the time. They see threat or offence where none was ever intended. You each have your own path to follow and you will be guided on it.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3cd.html


Dear ones, again we come to wish you a very happy time in your journey toward the new and higher consciousness of Light that is so profoundly becoming apparent now.


We see many changes taking place within the light of each person. Even those who up to this point have refused to consider any truths other than what they were taught even as children, are beginning to question the ways of the world and see the irony of continuous war.

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/53b5b6c5d2f669f2572c84c3 .html


The Plan Expanded



The original plan for the liberation of this planet has been expanded. There will be less talk and more action:



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轉載自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63990dbf01018okp.html



通靈:Greg Giles

翻譯:Nick Chan



你們正聽到這個;美國財政部部長蒂莫西·蓋特納(Timothy Geithner)已被拘捕,一直在試圖通過我們的高級法院,現因反對他本宣誓就職服務但卻選擇了加害,竊取和操縱並被逼到金融貧困邊緣的美國人民而被定罪。這個個體,經過對他對你們,人民的罪行仔細沉思,已被判處最高63年的生命(maximum life of 63 years),這段時間他將在凡人的物理容器中被再教育,在他恢復之前將不被允許行走在一個自由社會的人民中間。

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Jesus Sananda  

By Jess Anthony


Jun 22, 2012 - 11:55:41 PM




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