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原文:The Dolphin Collective ~~ The Dolphin Collective are asking your Assistance ~~ 16/08/2012
管道:Méline Lafont 

你好,我可愛的朋友,我們謝謝你們花時間和我們交流,我們愛你們。我們希望更多闡述一下現在的顯化情況和能量變化。正如你們現在在許多領域經歷的很多情況一樣,我們也在這些機會裡接受到我們的那部分。我們現在正非常努力工作於淨化海洋和海床,這樣就可以獲得某種程度的淨化和恢復。這個清潔工作是由大家一起進行的:有我們的大使們還有堂兄弟們,鯨魚,還有大天使和在你們下面的其他靈魂,統統都屬於我們的團隊和星星組織。 我們的任務在這件事情中正顯現出困難,甚至到了這個節骨眼--海洋正越來越不安:海洋的居民們完全意識到正在進行的是什麼,但他們還是經歷到了動盪--這導致了某些情況 下不太理想的後果。我們的一些朋友和家人在經歷了那些相當混亂的變化之後,選擇了離開他們的物理身體。這些變化真得很混亂,從我們的角度來看,海洋正處於最動蕩的情況,為了丟棄和擺脫所有負面的東西而戰鬥,這反過來又反映在你們陸地上和你們的文明中。在這個過程中,我們都在一起,我們都在援助地球母親;為了揚升她必須丟棄所有這些負面的東西。甚至在個人的層次上,你們所有人都正經歷著最動盪不安的時刻;你們都正做著一個內在以及外在層面上的工作,從你們的領域裡擺脫所有負面的東西。這是一個必須的過程,我們正一起做著淨化的工作,使之在一個宏大的規模上發生和顯化。 我們和親愛的地球母親為此時此刻已經等了很長的時間,她現在能夠從所有這些負面中被解放了。感謝這個淨化,她的感覺是這麼好,這麼自由,如此被熱愛著;你們充滿愛的能量以及那些來自更高領域的能量是這麼好的錨定在地球母親的水晶之心上,以至於它們現在就能起到作用並能被看的見。這是個跡象,親愛的朋友們,就是一切都已經進入顯化中並且不再可能被停止。小的變化變得更大,更可見,並且無疑更加明確。我們協助你們,我們可以非常清楚地感受到你們的想法和感覺。在所有這一切之中保持寧靜;就如一次又一次被提及的那樣,你們已經開始了一段最顛簸的馬背上的旅程,其速度已變得相當不可思議。好了,你們進行得很順利,那就享受這騎馬的樂趣,但得抓緊韁繩,這將是一段最冒險的經歷! 我們,作為海豚集體,非常清楚知道為你們預備的是什麼,和別人不一樣,我們能夠感應到地球母親,她是最高興的--面對她在所有可能的層面上被當頭拯救。她正充分伸展自己,她開始感到真得很舒服--在她的“新”皮膚裡--可以這麼說。就好像她大聲呼喊到達了她的肺的頂點,這樣做來釋放她所有的負面的負擔。她愛你們如此這麼多,我們也是,她希望把你們一起都帶上到她在更高維度的仙境。因為一切都將展開,作為一個大家庭一起。很快海洋將再次安頓下來-當所有負面的東西都離開海床;我們會讓一切在盡可能的程度安息下來。一切都將在最少可能的干擾下被完 成,你們的愛和光在這方面幫助巨大。所以,我們希望請求你們的協助,我可愛的朋友們,就是發送盡可能多的愛和光給我們和美麗的海洋。這將幫助我們和地球母親,去保持她的神奇的海洋和海床在一個最和平的最平靜的狀態,同時所有需要的清除工作能夠順利地進行。 我們是海豚集體,我們愛你們並謝謝你們這個機會分享我們的信息!

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7696b07701016qy0.html


管道:susan leland

撰文:Arnold Neal Troeh





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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a895cc8b01012r1f.html


原文: Melchizedek ~~ Allow the innovative to communicate ~~ 14/08/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
管道:Méline Lafont 


親愛的朋友們, 歡迎來到充滿榮耀和富足,喜悅和愛,和諧和友誼的新時代。這就是你們所有人現在可以開始期望的,因為這些期望即將被實現(被顯化)。這些能量和這些轉變正在被人類總體上所歡迎,它們就在這兒--這得感謝現在到達你們的無數富有革新精神的能量高潮。起源於你所居住的太陽係以及其他星系的,無數革新的光之密碼現在提供給這個星球和人類--為了把所有一切提升到神聖本質的一個更高的振動。 所有參與的振動和光的能量可以導致重大的轉變,其中一些已經被你們所熟悉。它們非常強烈,並可能對你的內在自己以及外在世界導致許多損害。請記住,這是那些牢牢錨定你們世界的所有負面東西的一個反射/反映,這些負面的東西現在正找到它們的出口,一勞永逸地離開地球和人類集體。根據全球人類的意識水平,所有那些轉變和事件會被盡可能緩和得表達出來。在某些情況 下,強烈的對抗是必須的,但儘管那樣,它們也被減小到以最小破壞性的方式表達。 發送你們的愛和光給所有那些被悲傷折磨的地區,但保持你們自己在完美的和諧之中。當你親眼目睹可怕的事件,謠言,負面畫面或新聞廣播時,不要被它們干擾而感到不安。意識到有一個集體的連接參與所有這一切,它不得不以一種或其他方式發生--這為了讓新的(世界)發生。保持平衡並安住於自己純淨的和諧之中,這將體現為在居民和整個人類之間巨大的和睦,作為這樣的一個結果會自動傳遞給地球。這就是它怎樣進行的:你開始安住於自己和諧的中心。其餘的人將會自動跟隨,就會對你的每個鄰居的靈魂有個積極的影響,這會觸動他們並以一個好的方式影響到他們。知道這一點並牢記這一點,當每次事情以積極或消極的方式發生時。 所有播下去的種子現在即將盛開,並且正有效地顯現自己。這些都是看得見的效果/影響--你可以靜靜地開始觀察到的。不是在所有情況下都會被暗示為自然現象,但在好些層面上你會觀察到,事實上,很多東西正在深刻地變化,很多東西正湧現出來並希望被得到承認。請仔細傾聽,因為它輕聲細語,閉上你的眼睛從你的內在自我去注視,正在變化進程中的是什麼。它要求你在這些繁忙的時間裡註意到它,但卻被擱在一旁,因為你過於關注那些行不通的事情,那些似乎不可見的事情,還有關注那些失望和憤怒。請給它一個機會去展示自己給你,也給你自己一個機會去看見它和感受它。讓你自己安靜下來,打開你的雙眼,去感受你內在深處的變化,它們將在你的外部世界體現出來。 讓那些其他人正在經驗到的混亂沮喪遠離你,讓它們離你而去,這樣它們就不會影響你。你感到沮喪或不安嗎?你感到失望嗎,你有那種絲毫也看不見那些變化的感覺嗎?好吧那麼就讓我給你一個建議:放下!放下一切,什麼都不要去期望,讓你的世界停下來。讓你的心神安靜下來,保持平靜安寧,把你自己安住於永恆之中,在那裡你不再被時間約束,因為時間在那裡根本不存在。安坐在你神聖的空間裡,讓愛與光包圍著你自己,閉上你的眼睛,深深地進入你自己,放鬆,並感受到圍繞你的一切是那麼的安詳寧靜。不再有從街上傳來的吵鬧聲,不再有人們之間的叫嚷。。。一切都很安詳寧靜。你安詳地處在你的神聖空間裡,那裡沒有任何事和任何人能夠打擾你。然後仔細地聆聽有什麼在你的門口顯現,它想透露給你什麼訊息,它想讓你感受到什麼。允許這個顯現出來,你就會看見那些改變真得正在發生,毫無疑問地在更新,還有愛就在你身邊無所不在的虛空裡。你肯定會在你身邊注意到它。即使還沒有這樣的情況,一切都是從內在開始,這也包括隨時警覺一切(念頭/思想/心靈)的變化。請充滿愛,我所愛的人們! 我是麥基洗德,謝謝你傳遞這個信息,合十禮敬。 

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You will know that for a long time we have been working on various issues that have held up progress. Perhaps even we have underestimated how difficult some have been, but we now see that our allies are on the verge of making a sudden breakthrough. We will refrain from being too precise but this time events will be too big to hide away, and the media will be unable to continue ignoring them.


The developments in the financial sector will show that whatever they do now, they cannot return to the old ways and will have to accept vast changes. We are at a point when the only answers are for the big Banks to accept the new set up that is ready to be installed. There is nowhere to go that will allow them to resurrect the old system, and it will soon become defunct. That will effectively give our allies the green light to go ahead and introduce the new one.

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By dr Suzan Carol/Suzanne Lie - 2012年8月12日






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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e4be.html


We are entering the closing stages of the preparations for Ascension, and that requires a great deal of co-operation from our Allies. To dismantle the web of corruption, and the corporations that have been empowered by the Illuminati, has been a mammoth task and is still proceeding. Bear in mind that the plan of the dark Ones was established over 200 years ago, and its tentacles have penetrated almost every facet of your existence. Like a cancer it has quickly spread until it has become difficult to completely eliminate, but we have been able to bring it to a halt. Our allies have been using the very circumstances that the dark Ones have created, to turn it in upon themselves and have seriously weakened their power structure.


The removal of many top members of the Illuminati proceeds, and in general there is a build up to remove others who are their pawns in the political and Government circles. It is going well and will soon open up opportunities to move nearer to Disclosure, and get organized for the advancement of other projects. Believe us Dear Ones, we are well behind those who are carrying the responsibility for getting things really off the ground. We will all breath a sigh of relief when at last we can be seen to openly work with you. One aspect of your upliftment proceeds regardless of any activities to hold up your progress, and that is the amount of Light being received by you. It is pouring upon the Earth from many sources, many of which are outside of your solar system . You are in a Galactic shift of immense power and by now you are beginning to feel the changes.

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轉載自 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/31951012/






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In all this time that you have been working on and preparing for all that it is you wish for yourselves you have made great strides, you have made grand accomplishments, for you have all come so far in so many different ways and areas of your development . Not one day has been a waste of time or effort for any of you, as much has been achieved through your efforts and through your working cooperation with us, your family of the higher realms of this universe. Try to see this all in this way. Do your best to remain in a positive flow at all times, as it is this positive flow that will continue to carry you towards the goals and the futures that you have in mind and in heart, for this is how it is done.


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Use your imagination as a tool.



Michael channeled by Ron Head

大天使麥克通過Ron Head 傳導 2012 13 


原文網址: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/2012/08/13/use-your-imagination-as-a-tool-michael-channeled-by-ron-head/



Today we must discuss the period of energies which you are continuing to pass through and also the changes to your world which are also continuing to increase.



As we have warned you every effort is being made to portray the latter as either commonplace or fearful.  Take your choice.  It is neither commonplace nor anything to fear.  The resulting collapse of the control structures is soon to become apparent.  There are, of course, many who refuse to believe anything other than what they are told by your media.  However, even that will be changing quickly now.  Having built a system of control based upon money, the old guard is finding themselves sitting on the other end of the see-saw, so to speak.  There will be much more money than they dreamed of and they will have no control of it.  It is, in fact, already on the way, but it may be a short while for all the most obvious needs to be met first.


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Financial System Changeover is Done


Poof: August 12, 2012

Poof: 2012  12 


譯註:這個poof 也是2012scenario 網站的常規消息渠道,每週一篇更新,很多網站又轉載。我曾經翻譯過他的一篇信息。這篇內容是有關新金融系統的,比較重要,翻譯出來跟大家分享。主要就是說新金融系統的轉換已經完成了,馬上就會從主流媒體中看到證據。文中俚語口語較多,省略未譯,不影響文意。


Stephen: Poof confirms that the current financial system has really been “put in a coma” – as of last Saturday night. He even links to our CNBC post of yesterday!

He also says the evidence  of this system changeover  that we all want to see  could be just a little while in trickling down into the mainstream, as 'announcements' still need to be officially made.

But whatever and however they do it, IT is done – and this is great news!

PS A 'pack” is a packet of money, which is how the various prosperity funds will be distributed: in packets !

史蒂芬(2012 scenario 網站編輯):Poof 確認當前的金融系統確實已經處於“昏迷狀態”——自從上週六(811 日)夜裡開始。他甚至聯繫到我們昨天有關CNBC 的一個帖子。他也說這個我們都想看到的系統轉的證據很短時間內將會一點一滴的流入主流媒體,因為“公告”仍然需要由官方來發布。但是不管他們做什麼,他們怎麼做,它(系統轉換)確實完成了——這是個巨大的新聞!

PS :文中出現的“包裹”是指一袋子錢,指的是各種繁榮基金如何被分發:用袋子來分發。


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原文:The Pleiadian Archangelic Realm. The Golden Energies Of The Lion's Gate. By, Bella Capozzi (AuroRa Le). August 11,  2012

管道:Bella Capozzi (AuroRa Le) 

翻譯:獵戶座粉絲 ★ Beloved Ones, we wish to make you aware -if you are not already-that you have shifted into an era of instantaneous manifestation and answered prayer.  The linear time frame between the setting of intent and materialization is scant now.  This window of time becomes smaller and smaller with every passing day, and with the raising of your frequency and the honing of your skills you are now able to bring forth into your physical reality the essential tools you require for survival in these tumultuous times.  Your prayers and requests for assistance never fall upon deaf ears, but we choose to remind you it is through your own power and trust in God,  that you bring your deepest desires to fruition.  With the 8-8 came a freeing up of much of that which lay fallow behind the veil.  Memories, stunning realizations and yes, your long-buried manifestational skills are now yours for the taking.  You need only to believe and trust in what your heart and inner voice are telling you. 

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7696b07701016oux.html


管道:susan Leland






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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e4ac.html


The Olympics have closed without any incident although the dark Ones had other ideas. A great spectacle that proved to be an occasion when nations were brought together, has bonded people and proved that as a species you can live side by side in peace. The positive energy generated has linked with the Light all around the world, and moved you another step forward nearer to Ascension. With a period of intense Light about to commence, it will build upon what already exists and your levels of consciousness will noticeably expand. Dear Ones you are clearly on the way to Ascension and the only person who can stop your progress is you. As you are becoming immune to the lower energies, we see a glorious path ahead taking you straight to the next dimension. There is no reason to look back as there is so much to look forward to. 

奧運會結束了,沒有發生任何的意外“事件”,雖然黑暗勢力有著其他的想法。一個偉大的奇景被證明把所有國家都團結到一起的場景,連接了人們並證明作為同一個種族你們能夠在和平中肩並肩的生活。正面能量的產生已經連接了圍繞整個世界的聖光力量,把你們移向更接近揚升的另一階段。隨著一個強烈光芒時期的即將到來,它清晰的指明了揚升之路,而唯一能夠阻止你前進的人就是你自己。由於你對較低能量的免疫,我們看到一條榮耀之路就在你們的前方,進入下一個維度。沒有什麼原因再向後看,因為這裡有著如此多的期待可以 去實現。

Regardless of what happens around you bear in mind that your own progress continues to go forward, and nothing will stop you reaching Ascension. However, we have our responsibilities to you, and are hastening various actions that will put in place the bridge that will carry you into the New Age. There are certain goals that we have such as Disclosure, that will create the conditions that are necessary for us to lift you up. For the present we have to bide our time as with all such life changing revelations, it is always necessary to take the most appropriate opportunity to go ahead. However, we will confirm again, that any delay in the announcement of Disclosure will not hold back your progress.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e4a8.html


From this side of life, everything is going according to plan. Truth is being exposed and people are more accepting of the situation your world faces. We accept that it is hard for many of you to believe that there are people around you who loathe and despise you because they see you as inferior, and that it is their intention to remove you from the planet to which you belong. Sadly, it is all part of the plan. The false history they invented is now being exposed. Good people are prepared to examine all that they had believed to be fact. Science can, and will, establish the truth. The technology is available in every country. It is time for all good men of all nationalities to come together to rescue your world from the criminal elite which wants to take it over. Your beautiful planet will be restored, and all it will take is the removal of the Control Grid.


What you witnessed, last week, was not imagination. Your friends from Andromeda showed you that they can just float down to Earth from their Space Ship. They are not restricted by false information and controls that teach you only what the Cabal allows you to do . If only you knew how much more you are capable of, you would be amazed. Learn to look at the bigger picture. If you believe you can do it, then you can.

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