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Beloved Ones,

There have been and will continue to be many, many downloads of energy, information and activations as is resonant with each person's ability to safely integrate. You will find that each day the changes within you are taking place in a rapid manner and will find yourselves feeling more vitality, clarity and empowerment as the weeks and months continue. Whatever is still left within you that must be released will come up for review, understanding and transmutation into Light. All that was of lower density must be eliminated from every cell of your Being and there is no escape except through this purification process. Those who have been doing the work will find themselves feeling greater lightness and joy for greater periods of time. This is a sign that you have been on the right path and that all is well .



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  很多- 幾乎為人們難以察覺的,都已經大幅度的轉變成正面的了。

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轉載自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63990dbf0101a0v3.html




通靈:Amuna Ra

翻譯:Nick Chan

At 2pm on Saturday 11 Auguat, I asked: Do you have anything you wish to transmit to me right now? I received this heartfelt plea - please share it!

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轉載自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a24d884801011kfd.html




(2012-08-02 08:55:55).


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e481.html

timthumb (1)  

Dear precious friends, I am Mary Magdalene, your sister, and I am here with a warm heart.  As we sit together yet again, it feels so familiar for me to be connected with the reality of Earth. So often we have sat together in circles of like-minded friends, and attuned ourselves to the present and the future. Throughout all our lives, again and again, it has been for us a source of support and encouragement to recognize in one another the same desire, the same thirst for freedom and joy, and the same desire for true connection.


We are here together on the threshold of a new time, and you are in the middle of a major transition. The energy of innovation that flows over the Earth now is like a big wave that washes through the entire field of human thought, action, and feeling. In fact, it is a great wave of dazzling Light that permeates your dimension, and which calls to you and awakens you. It can sometimes also frighten you, because this wave of new energy throws everything in your life into chaos. It seems as if nothing can remain of the old: work, relationships, livelihood, and your daily life – everything seems to go awry. Why does this happen? What is going on?

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來自: http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/983f76941a6b03f59123d9af .html


Beyond the Veil


Beyond the Veil, beyond the confines of quarantine Earth, there is a totally different reality, a totally different universe.



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轉載自 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/31797185/

Jesus Sananda  



由約翰.司默曼傳導- 2012年8月8日 

所有靈性領域的存有都著迷激動的觀看著人類朝向覺醒越來越近了。 你們的集體潛意識是如此激動人心,聲明著你們所有人的本質,確認著你們已經遺忘的合一併將其帶入你們的意識。這可以從很多先前明顯區分卻有著相似目標的群體在現在互相聯合,認識到聯合可以比各自努力的時候更加強大有效看的出來。當你們試著作為一個整體而一起工作,隨著做得越來越多,奇蹟就會發生。 全世界目前所發生的奇蹟都是意願與目標的這一整合與和諧的直接結果。人類極度渴望和平,安全,以及對一切的豐盛,而在過去幾十年裡很多組織與慈善團體的建立正是為了讓這些發生。 開始的時候,好像會給彼此帶來大量困難和麻煩,因為太多的人具有相似的目標但是卻實施相衝突的實際操作,其中一些操作鼓勵使用強制暴力的方式來達到目標。 隨著人類在過去幾十年變得更加智慧與成熟,主要因為光之承載者所表達的對人類與地球愛的意願,而且因為信息在全球範圍可以被非常容易的分享與交流,這些群體正學著聯合工作-這在最近之前一直被認為有違常理-並開始獲得和睦,並非出於勉強的合作這樣的回報。 所有人都認識到了,你們不能繼續去進行無盡的戰爭,破壞土著居民固有的土地,將地球變成一片有毒的荒地,然後期待一個迷人宜居的環境留給後代-你們的孩子以及你們孩子的孩子。 雖然主流媒體並未註意很多非常成功而富於創造性的解決辦法,讓這些辦法在全世界付諸實際,解決這些麻煩與問題,但是另一些新聞出版物卻在煥發生命力提供信息,帶來希望,啟發各處的人們參與其中。一種非常絕妙的療愈恢復能量即是擁抱人類與地球。 幾乎所有地方,人們都堅持認為那些在追求過度權力與財富中導致這麼多破壞與不必要創傷的聯合大企業與跨國公司,需要為它們的行為負責任,為清理它們引起的土地與水源毒害承擔合理責任,並為它們通過非法與欺騙沒收徵用土地,並將這些土地變成有毒不可居住的荒地而付出賠償。 在人類進化過程中,一個重要的轉折點已經到達了,地球的未來看起來越來越迷人,當你們準備將其建設成為美麗而友善仁慈的地方的時候,那裡慷慨大方與體貼周到引導著你們的社會行為和互相交流,而你們所在的新時代,充滿了令人驚嘆的才智與迷人的創造力。 龐大的準備工作同樣在開展,幾乎對你們都是未知的,那將確保你們在個人靈性追尋上的驚人進步繼續不變。包裹地球的神聖愛之場在將光帶入最黑暗最被忽略的地方,從而使任何一個地方都可以被到達。黑暗只是光明的缺失,而現在地球上沒有地方不是充滿著光。神之意志即是讓光遍灑你們美麗的星球,使其穿上最為明亮色彩斑斕的閃耀長袍,而且因為那也是你們的集體意志,所以必會完成。 愛你們的兄長,耶穌。 


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SB: how to think about the whole question of Ascension, and I don't just mean their own personal Ascension, but also the Ascension of Gaia. Some people think, I believe, that they'll ascend, but they won't move from this third-dimensional place. Some people think that they'll — excuse me, I have to clear — that they'll ascend and leave the third dimension altogether, just disappear from it, show up in the fifth. Some, of course you've said that some people will be coming back.

SB: 如何從整體上看待揚升,不僅僅是個人的揚升,還有還有蓋婭的揚升。一些人認為,他們一定能揚升,但是不會離開這個第三維度的地方。一些人認為,他們將揚升並且一塊離開第三維度,就從第三維度消失了,並出現在第五維度。一些人,就像你說過的那樣會回來。


So, from the point of view of the observer, from the point of view of the people remaining in the third dimension, do the people who ascend early — presuming they don't come back for a sec., just to talk about this, if we could — do they disappear from view in the third? And when Gaia herself ascends, does it disappear from view from the third? And if so, what happens to the people who were on the third and don't go to the fifth ?


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e47i.html


The energies around you are speeding to new heights, and those of you that are sensitive to them will feel a great upliftment. It will continue all the way to Ascension, by which time you will be fully ready to ascend. The incredible journey you have made through duality with hundreds of lives is about to come to a conclusion. Every soul is being given the opportunity to leave it behind, and it is preferable to have prepared yourself for Ascension. Many have led their lives with a good intentions to others, and often described as having hearts of gold. They too will be lifted up as Ascension has nothing directly to do with religion, although some devout souls will be of a godly demeanor.


Many times we have referred to all of you as One, and when you can accept that it is so and treat all others as you would yourself, you are well on the Path of Light. The dark Ones have forsaken their Light to promote greed instead of sharing, indifference to other souls, problems instead of compassion and love. They have created enemies where none exist, and demonized religions so that they are at each others throats. When you can see through their deliberate plan to create chaos, you will be able to disengage from their energies and cast your Light into the dark areas to transmute them.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e45w.html


We wish to make this special message in view of the amount of publicity that is associated with the Olympic Games, and the possibility of Disclosure. It is creating an enormous amount of goodwill by bringing the people together as never before. The benefits ripple out all across the world and help overcome the prejudice created and played upon by the dark Ones. People power is as relevant as ever if not more so, as you are awakening to your real potential as the powerful Beings you really are. What you focus upon is where you place your energy, and you are winning the battle for the Light in this way. Keep away from the negative messages and do not let them pull you down.


We feel this is the time to explain how there is gain from your focus upon the 4th. August and the period that the Olympic Games are held. When a possible date is given for the changes you have been promised and are anticipating, it is understandable that you are excited and place your whole attention upon it. You have been in this position several times only to be disappointed, but few of you realize that there is lasting value in what you have achieved. The thoughts, prayers and desire you send out for a specific purpose, create a pool of powerful energy that provides the conditions for its manifestation.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e45v.html




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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e45b.html


Blossom: Hello Hello Hello from me myself and I … Whatever you think is appropriate to speak of in these times … I honour that … and hereby give you the floor!


How gracious and how willing to allow events to unfold in a Divine manner. In order to respect the desires of many… we choose to advocate the need to follow that which the heart Is speaking to you of.

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Summer Stalemate Continues But Lots Going On Under The Surface In Preparation For Autumn Regime Changes



by Benjamin Fulford, July 31 , 2012

本傑明富爾福德 2012  7  31 

原文網址: http://shiftfrequency.com/ben-fulford-august-7-2012-summer-stalemate-continues-but-lots-going-on-under-the-surface-in-preparation-for-autumn-regime -changes/

War and rumors of war continue to be promoted by terrorist states like the US, Israel and their secret ally Iran as the desperate criminal cabal that seized power in the West continues to hope they can trigger World War 3 and thus avoid bankruptcy. There are also continuing rumors of horrific new terrorist attacks by the cabal and their “Al CIAda ” subsidiary (a nuclear attack on London being one possibility) in a desperate attempt to implement their plan for a fascist New World Order world government.



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The floodgates are cracked now and the flow will not be stopped. Michael channeled by Ron Head

現在閘門正在破裂,洪流不能被阻止。大天使麥克通過Ron Head 傳導


原文網址: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/floodgates-are-cracked-now-and-flow-will-not-be-stopped-–-michael-channeled-ron-head


譯註:之前我翻譯的大天使邁克爾的信息都是由linda 通過“與天使在一起一小時”節目傳導的,本文是另外一個傳導渠道Ron Head 傳導的,她也是一個傳導大天使邁克爾信息的常規傳導渠道,之前也有其他朋友翻譯她的信息,雖然信息是每週都有,但是翻譯的比較少,特此註明。

As another marker of your progress approaches, and the changes to your energetic make up continue, more desperate attempts to distract you from your purpose are being made. There are those who will panic at every opportunity. Some actually enjoy the drama, some are addicted to fear. We wish this were not so. We can tell you, however, that you are far past the point where it could change the outcome.



The balance of light and dark has forever shifted on your world. There may be efforts made up until the very last, but the Divine Decree has been given and will be manifest. The belief of some in another power will be brought to naught. The Creator of this Universe has long since determined the outcome of this experiment.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e43x.html


The legacy that the dark Ones left in place still creates trouble for you. Actions they set in motion a long time ago still make progress, but no longer have the power or impetus to carry them through. Their greatest drawback has been where their military ambitions were concerned, and we have permanently disabled nuclear weapons which they will be prevented from using. The financial wing of the cabal has also fallen apart, and it will not be allowed to be resurrected in its old format. In fact as fast as they plug one hole another appears elsewhere, and in the end a new system will be the only answer. As the old one falls apart so it is revealing the extent of malpractice and corruption that has taken place for a very long time. So do not worry about the continuing problems, because at a future date not so very far away it will change for the better.


Also in the future money will not have as much importance as it has done in the past. It will be fairly distributed, and the system of heavy taxes will be vastly altered so that what you earn is only taxed once. Furthermore with free energy that is to be used in many ways to provide your needs, your outgoings will be much less than they are now. The ultimate situation will ensure that all of the energy needed for your heating, lighting, water and cooking will be free, as will a form of public transport. Eventually petroleum based products will no longer be used or required. Clean and economical energy will be available to everyone, thus removing the source of much pollution upon your planet.

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