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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3x1.html


Your response to the recent positive messages about the Olympics has been wonderful. A wave of great expectation has swept around the Earth, and lifted people up. Such energies carry such power that they empower the object of your vision to bring about its manifestation. This is how by focusing on the  same outcome you can influence what takes place. Naturally some form of Disclosure must come about very soon, so as to allow us to do our work openly and in partnership with you. Of course we could carry on as before and carry out our mission quietly and behind the scenes, but our physical presence is needed to assure people of our true intentions.


We also need the opportunity to address you directly and with the approval of your Leaders. Rest assured that they are well aware of our existence, and that we have been in contact with them for many years. The time for rejecting the peace that we bring to you is over, and they must set aside any prejudice or political ambitions. They must also step outside of the constraints placed upon them by the Illuminati, and open the doors to real freedom for the people. Leaders are supposed to lead and carry out the wishes of the people, but few if any do what they were elected for. We issue an edict that they must change or be changed, and we have suitable replacements lined up.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3vz.html



 July 29, 2012 
Good morning. Well , here I am , all set up on my NEW computer having been unable to communicate with you due to all the tech issues I have been having. However … as far as I am aware … I am ready to go. Are you with me?


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3vy.html


Personal message from Mike Quinsey: 
"Dear Friends,

I feel that I should give my views as to what I feel about Disclosure as referred to in SaLuSa's message of today the 30th. July. It should answer questions that are being asked, and hopefully give out more Light through a better understanding of what is behind these events.


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360102e09y.html


親愛的朋友, 目前有很多事情正在持續進行之中,我們看到對 於8月4日神聖時間表的確認--來自各種各樣的信息源頭。顯而易見,光工作者們為這些發展歡呼雀躍。我們也很高興,並且我們看見光的合作的巨大能量正超越表面:這是一個事實-可以形象得比喻為一個來自太陽的太陽火焰的脈衝射。你們現在完全有欣喜若狂的權力,我親愛的朋友們!在這更高的維度領域裡,我們感受到完全相同的東西。我們銀河兄弟們都非常致力於完成此披露工程,幾乎難以克制自己,因為他們是這麼渴望通告訴你他們是誰和他們為什麼來。他們是來幫助你們的,親愛的朋友們。他們是來和你們分享愛和光的。他們是來告訴你關於你真正的本質,你的起源,還有更多的。 我們終於發現了一個機會來開始這個工程。如果出現這種情況:過了8月4日什麼進展都沒發生,銀河兄弟們將會接過此披露項目的韁繩。首先有許多正在進行的在銀河兄弟和地面人員以及世界領導人之間的會議,去決定我們怎樣宣布銀河存在給人類,以最可能柔軟的方式,避免激起人類太多的恐慌;這一直是我們的主要目標。我個人在這方面有合作,我已經建立了與奧巴馬總統的有力接觸,他自己也相當高興能夠最終參與這個(揭示)工程。一切都在我們銀河兄弟還有大角星人的密切監測和跟進下,在我讓出位置後,下面將會有大角星人的信息。 要知道,我親愛的朋友們,會有很多工作來開展這個項目,我們不能讓它擦肩而過。我們不能給你們一個確切的日期,因為我們永遠生活在當下。我所能告訴你們的是8月4日是最終日期,在這之前黑暗靈魂們必須完全合作,這是他們很久以前的承諾,但從來沒有遵守。現在他們終於同意到時候合作。如果他們不這樣做,那麼該項目將被移交給神聖的源頭,並由銀河兄弟來執行。不管如何,揭示將會在最吉祥的時刻到來。只是不要把它聯繫到一個確切的日期,一切由神的意志來決定。在那個最終日期8月4日之後,一切都將變得水晶般清晰,事情將在何時以及怎樣展開;在那之後我們可以提供進一步的總體信息。一切取決於那些決定,時間表,形勢情況。。。你能確定的是8月4日,它將帶來巨大的機會,因為它將成為一個起點。揭示不能再被延遲了;它就發生在你們的當下時刻。一定要考慮到這個“當下時刻”意味著一個比“一天”要大的多的時間框架:所以不要指望看到飛碟的艦隊,在那個具體所指的日期。 我愛你們我親愛的朋友們,我努力工作於這個揭示工程,為 了指引你們全部通過它,因為人類對於我是如此重要。 我是聖哲曼



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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3vt.html


Dear Ones as you are learning from a number of sources, the point has been reached when Divine instructions have been given that action shall be taken without delay to announce our presence. We have shown extreme patience and given your leaders plenty of opportunity to take the steps called for to release you from the control of the Illuminati. We know that they too are also  like many people in fear of them, but that has to be put aside to allow the truth to come out. The Olympics is the window that is being given world attention, and we cannot think of a better way to make it known. Time is fast running away and we must be given the opportunity to make ourselves known to you.


Some will still choose to disbelieve our messages, but that is their free choice which we honor. However, there is the important matter of Ascension and much to do in these final days, and we cannot wait any longer. Our allies have gone as far as can be reasonably expected, and they need complete freedom to go surging ahead with their final responsibilities. So very shortly the clearing up process will be able to proceed without further hindrance from the dark Ones. Your lives are to some extent to be turned upside down, although many people are already prepared for it. We hope that some leaders will heed our request and not wait until we are forced to intervene, but if we have to we are fully ready.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3tx.html


Sierra Neblina Takes Us Backstage on Disclosure

Sierra 帶我們到大揭露的後台


Posted by Steve Beckow July 28, 12

2012 28  Steve Beckow 貼出

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3v9.html


We are the Arcturian group, here to assist those wishing to ascend into the new energies pouring forth onto your planet at this time. You are creating and we are assisting. We are not the doers, you are the doers.


Many must, and many are learning to come into their power; the power of trust and the power of confidence which pours forth from true knowledge and awareness.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3tb.html


Look around you and keep your eyes and ears open, as you will see evidence of the arrests that are beginning to spread around the world. We have often urged our allies to speed up their actions, but at the same time we have allowed for the need to make sure everything proceeds as is necessary. The weight of evidence against those who have corrupted the banking system is overwhelming, and it is therefore the right time to strike. These are some of the most important issues to be dealt with, and our next moves hinge upon the outcome. It is clear that the old system must be totally changed, and currently the banks are far too big and powerful. Ultimately they must be reduced in size and made more accountable to the people they serve. By far the biggest problem is debt, and the giving of more bail outs only compounds the situation that now exists and threatens total collapse. That however is a blessing in disguise, inasmuch that the position is irretrievable and we have the solution which they will be forced to accept . There is no other way than debt forgiveness for all of those countries that have had to take crippling loans. It can then be extended to many personal situations, but not where money is owed for services rendered.


You cannot expect to move on and take in the changes that are going to lift you up, unless the rubbish has first been swept away. So Dear Ones if you find it possible to enjoy the demise of the cabal, do so knowing that they will soon be unable to dictate your life style to you any more. The misery, poverty and lack will be changed by the coming of abundance, along with the restoration of your freedom. It is what you have been waiting for and will go ahead once governmental changes have taken place. Just bide your time and let the predictions of catastrophic events pass you by, as you have far more to look forward to that is positive and for your benefit. Have we not told you many times that all is well, and you are already on the path to Ascension which will see the final end of duality. You should know by now that if you are ready to ascend you will be successfully living your truth, and act from a position of understanding of the Oneness of all souls and treat them accordingly. Perfection is not expected whilst you are still learning to raise your vibrations, therefore intent is a very necessary requirement.

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轉載自: http://www.douban.com/group/topic/31390572/


原文:http://www.paoweb.co m/sn072412.htm


問候!我們回來了!在你們世界的表面之下,更多的在持續發生。黑暗勢力的全球銀行體系的崩潰速度在不斷增加,有一大堆的銀行CEO們正在被迫辭職。國際刑警組織和相關機構正在加緊調查有關倫敦銀行同業拆息醜聞--現在看來,對此沒有明確的界限,實際上這個操作開始威脅到歐洲和亞洲的許多國家政府的崩潰。隨著危機的發展,金磚四國及其盟國正通知陰謀集團,立刻禁止他們想恢復其電子法定貨幣的企圖。這進一步加劇了可用資金的缺乏。在歐洲的政治局勢,並短期內在北美,正達到一個沸點。必須迅速採取措施,否則目前的經濟結構肯定要崩潰了。新的經濟體制--被金磚四國聯盟所青睞的,現在已是充分準備好被隨時通知推出,根據這種情況,在亞洲的幾個國家已經在一些主要的西方銀行使留置權。 這些事態發展正進一步趨向複雜--和在中東和南亞地區的增長的混亂有關,這一日益嚴重的不穩定也處於即將沸騰的狀態。與此同時,在歐洲和世界其他地區的互鎖金融危機仍然存在,如果沒有龐大的銀行業改革和全球債務減免,這些仍將無法解決。這種情況,世界已不能再假裝看不見了(譯者:把臟東西掃在地毯下假裝看不見),黑暗勢力現在也認識到這點。因此它知道,它們在世界上的權力/力量即將結束。目前正在進行的一系列事件將很快導致陰謀集團的垮台,就是通過首先隔離其成員,再把他們從權力位置上移走來實現。這將在北美帶來NESARA法案,就像池塘里的漣漪一樣,這種行動的傳真/效仿將遍布全球。這種新的治理將導致全球人類的解放和有關我們存在的正式披露。然後我們就可以開始宣布,那將永遠改變你的世界觀和你的現實!(譯者:NESARA意即:《國民經濟安全與改革法案》The National Economic Security and Reformation Act。其內容包括:免除債務,廢除美國國稅局,創建一個美國財政部銀行系統,恢復憲法等等。其中牽涉到農民聯合會、法律小組、銀行、政府、法院、白騎士和911。) 當你接近這個分水嶺時刻,記住整個一系列的事件需要發生在大披露之前。我們的地球盟友完全理解現在正在發生的事情。操縱你的生活和你的世界的現實構造,需要完全崩潰,允許新的系統取代其位置。這套新系統目前正被輕輕推進到其相應的位置---舊系統被相同的情況拿下的位置。此操作正以一個非常快速的步伐發生。現行製度無法再維持另一個極端的危機,這樣的一個危機正非常非常臨近,近在咫尺。因此,決定是把新系統秘密地放置到位,等待合適的時機以揭示其組成部分:新的資金,新的銀行,新的治理。這裡的意圖是讓舊系統完全身敗名裂徹底完蛋,這樣廣大民眾才會傾向於歡迎新系統。我們的飛船正在監視全球所有的熱點地區,並會阻止黑黑們解決問題的慣用伎倆:使用戰爭威脅和恐怖主義行動。這個,我們將不再允許發生! 在這個世界上總是存在某些條件和被煽動的“情況”用來可靠地導致“有用的”戰爭,甚至全球毀滅性災難。在這些時候,我們被委派去阻止這些情況 發生,並領導全球進入和平與繁榮。黑黑們煽動一些老的衝突地區,迫切地希望戰火重燃。我們需要告知他們,真可悲,這是又一個不能被允許的陰謀!你的世界正在迅速轉變,天堂已經準備好的是不可以被撤消的!我們的任務正集中在你們全意識的回歸上,這一目標正沿著軌道而行。接下來的一系列的信息披露正蓄勢待發,因為這些行動將讓你們的世界滑向更接近於大轉變。天堂已經頒布,這是現在要進行的,一切障礙將被移除。許多人,他 們並不廣為人知,即將發出宣言,那將引進過渡政府並把人類從億萬年長久的奴役中解放出來。 合十禮敬!我們是您的揚升大師!祝福你們所有人,你們即將獲得自由!一些事件,被祝福的那些,正忙著發生,這將從黑暗勢力的根部動搖他們,他們將隨著這些事件的形勢而下台。我們祝福天堂以及所有那些已經來到地球行使許多奇蹟的人們,這些奇蹟是我們的神聖計劃的福利與恩惠。貴金屬,如它所稱,被黑暗秘術家囤積有很久了。然後,他們替換越來越不值錢的交換媒介(貨幣)並採用褻瀆的使用模式。這些被證明就是他們毀滅的因素。各大銀行和證券交易正陷入大規模短缺的泥潭,這使得他們的崩潰即將迅速來臨。同時,我們的同事在過去幾個月,一直忙於籌劃下一階段的操作,準備進行新的金融體系,這為人類“拯救了這一天!”(解決了大問題) 原因很明顯,我們現在還不能闡述這些計劃。只要知道,全球形勢正迅速地把黑黑們帶入毀滅的邊緣。各主要國家,G-5(五國集團:美德日法英)以外的,充分明白正在發生什麼,正開心地為主要商品市場和股票市場的崩潰做準備。這必須的“大掃除”將把你們的社會從目前的焦慮泥沼狀態推進到一個精心協調的世界範圍的和平,繁榮,以及伴隨著令人難以置信的可能性的開放局面中!這所有的元素只有必須滑入到位才行!因此,我們要求你仍然充滿了信心和歡樂的期望,因為許多不可思議的事件正臨近顯現。請放寬心,銀河聯邦和我們的地心阿加森家人正護衛著我們,防止黑黑們最後一秒的負隅頑抗的企圖--想砰的一聲製造突然事件是不可能的! 請利用這段時間來準備你的新的現實。不幸的是,對於你們大多數人來說會是一個震驚的衝擊。有意願與家人和朋友就未來將發生什麼開始進行探討,這樣他們可以對不久將聽到的不安信息,有點心理準備。一旦事情開始,用你的直覺和生活教給你的智慧安慰和緩解這些人的憂慮--他們感到世界被顛覆了。想像一下你最喜愛的信仰被挑戰的感覺,要知道你平靜的表現和你的放心是必不可少的---幫助你的社區接受那些日子看上去比較奇怪的情況。你的任務是在困惑慌張的包圍中保持寧靜。這是你在很多世生命中被“訓練”的,現在是靠你們的時候了。你們就是那些被祝福的人,他 們的能力將改變一切,在這結束的時間裡,以及更遠的未來! 今天,我們為你更新重要事件。這是至關重要的,讓你認識到,現在正在進行的是一系列有計劃事件,這將導致最終的“多米諾骨牌連鎖反應”。然後人類的新時代可以神奇地移動到位!知道嘛,親愛的一們,天堂無限的供應和無止境的繁榮事實上屬於你們!就這樣吧!合一,歡慶!

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3ru.html


We have been with you for a long, long time and like you are looking forward to the end of duality. You have faced tremendous challenges but responded to the Light and Love that has been directed towards you from many different sources. The higher powers behind the Plan for your enlightenment have been proved to have made the right decisions, as you now stand on the threshold of Ascension. No two of you have had identical experiences, yet so many of you are now ready to take those final steps of upliftment and ascend. As your race slipped down into the Dark Ages what little Light that existed was suppressed, and individuals were kept quiet with the threat of death for speaking out.


Today you have much more freedom of speech, yet those who tell too much of the truth are still in fear of their lives. Naturally we will support and protect such Beings, as long as it does not interfere with their life plan. We and also the Angelic Kingdom can give complete protection if necessary, and some extremely important souls have had to be saved more times than you would possibly expect. Of course in your own way, you are all important and each one of you does have Angels that keep with you throughout your life. There are no coincidences where happenings are of major importance to you, yet you may not even be aware of what has taken place.

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翻譯: saphira http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2652117392




第一顆溫和提升的行星:Landras (是先驅者,現在地球也有可能發生 ! !!)


 2012622日發佈於 旅客筆者沉思

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   翻譯:Cappuccino http://hi.baidu.com/gongjian19/blog/item/57a7d2809b120233c8fc7a82 .html 







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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3q5.html


The longer we are held back the more you are becoming involved in the activities that are intended to release you from the hold of the dark cabal. That is in fact to be desired as we have always encouraged you to get involved. You have to see out the experiences you need as a Human Race, and it would not do for us to intervene while you are still able to go forward. However, we have our own agenda and there is shortly coming a point where our actions must come together. So we do our best to assist you whilst you still have the impetus to continue and are achieving results. Progress appears slow but in reality you are making very good gains, and people are getting mobilized in case they are needed.


Be on your guard in these closing times, as the dark Ones although severely weakened are planning a last gasp attack on you. We can help you repel them and lessen any outcome of their activities, and you can lead the way. The most positive assistance you can give is by keeping your focus on the Light and when many of you do it, it is a powerful force that minimizes the affect of the lower energies. Whatever rumors you hear, do not allow them to make you fearful as disinformation is intended to create conditions that favor the dark Ones. Obviously some will be based on truth but even so you can take note, and trust that the higher powers that includes us who are working hard to avoid any major incident.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3q2.html


Knowledge is power, and sharing knowledge is essential at this time of great turmoil and change. The Cabal is searching for ways to keep you in the hypnotic slumber from which you are awakening. At the conference you attended, yesterday, you heard some of the most awake and aware people, who devote their lives to serving mankind. Their work is vital and must be brought to the attention of as many as possible. It is a team effort. Every assistance must be given to enable the message to get to everyone . The contacts you made will assist in opening eyes to what the psychopaths who "rule" your world are planning. It is, after all, their last chance to take over and create their New World Order.


They see the Olympics in London as their gateway to the New World Order. They intend to create mayhem; to create such FEAR that the people will agree to almost anything in order to feel safe. This is a TRAP. It is the same old formula : it worked on 9/11, it worked on 7/7.

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轉載自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63990dbf010191rn.html

由Laura Tyco 傳達 翻譯:Sunseed



Laura: good evening, one facebook friend has asked if it would be possible to receive advise for those of us worrying.



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轉載自 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/31313962/


Do your best to navigate over small bumps in the road that may appear and you will always emerge stronger and wiser for the experience. What has transpired over the last few days with our communication with our channel is nothing but a small and temporary obstacle that we have successfully cleared from our path, and it is nothing to be alarmed about or to carry long-lasting concern for. These minor distractions may appear from time to time as our mission is a greatly vast endeavor and there are many players and participants, allies and foes and those neutral parties as well, and we will persevere to rise to any challenge that presents itself and we will succeed in our mission together with you, as nothing can stop us now. 


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3o9.html


Beloved Ones, we greet you today from the GLS Tulya. We are your starbrothers and sisters, from the Pleiadian homeworld.




We would like to speak to you about the process that some of you arecurrently undergoing, namely the transition between a 3D carbon-based human toa 5D crystalline being. When you finish this process, some of you willwant to rejoin friends and family who await your return to the ships and homeplanets. You have loved ones, husbands and wives, children, extendedfamilies and friends on the ships. They watch your progress daily as youmove through these challenging times.


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3o8.html


Greetings from the Federation:

While you may not believe so, there is much that is going on in your world toward the results that the divine plan has been anticipating for a long time.  We are here to see you through these times of doubt and help you in your mission.  We understand the hardship that your memory loss of who you are and where you came from have brought upon you.  We care and we are here.  While you may not understand all the actions and non-actions that have been played out on the world stage , we say to you that all is proceeding according to the plan that was put in place long ago and you are all on course.


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The days pass by and the work of our allies is becoming more coordinated, and it is bearing results. The scale of activities is becoming bigger and soon there will be an overwhelming push forward that will be very noticeable. We are working now on many fronts and expect to see some rapid developments very shortly. Your role in what is happening is to hold your focus on what you perceive as the outcome, thus giving it more energy where it is needed. At the same time powerful streams of energy are reaching the Earth from many other sources and Galaxies. The interest and assistance being given to you is immense, and certain to help you achieve your goal which is Ascension. For our part we stop any attempt to prevent it, and use our technologies to ensure both you and Mother Earth reach your destination. It is necessary as the dark Ones will resort to any means, even if it threatens their own existence. Have no fear, we are in control and they are well aware that we stand in their way.


Those souls who are unaware of the end times, obviously put a different interpretation on events that are going on around them. It is understandable that they fear the outcome, but be assured that as our allies follow their course of action it will be evident that a force for good does exist. Like you we wish to see an ever growing purge of the criminals who are responsible for taking away your rights. Once it becomes public knowledge it will enforce the idea that you are not alone in your fight against evil. Indeed that has been the case for a very long time, and members of the Galactic Federation of Light can take credit for guiding your experiences in such a way that you have survived. There has additionally been careful planning over a long period of time to keep the balance of energies upon the Earth. That was partly achieved by arranging for highly enlightened souls to incarnate at appropriate times to lead you forward in the Light.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3ik.html


For some time now we have been limiting the extent to which the dark Ones can interfere with your progress towards Ascension. Working with our allies, we have given them every opportunity to go forward with the changes. However there is still hesitancy in some quarters, but we wish to assure you that the time has come for you to take action. We know that you can succeed, and we will be overseeing what takes place. All of the Light forces are lined up against the dark Ones, and will ensure that you are able to complete your objectives to remove those who stand in your way. These measures will be the commencement of a whole string of moves to propel you into the New Age. What is happening is part of your battle against those who have plotted your demise, and it is important that you are seen to overcome them. Whatever course you adopt you will succeed, but we want you to abide by the "rules" that have been laid down. You do not need to meet fire with fire, as you have the Law on your side along with us and many great Beings of Light.


With so much Light reaching you, we find consciousness levels are rising and many souls are being awakened as a result. This is wonderful news as it means the Forces of Light are growing all of the time, and dissipating the lower energies that the dark Ones feed upon. You must have noticed that when you meet Lightworkers they carry an air of calmness that is very uplifting. That Dear Ones is where you will all eventually find yourselves, and you will know that you have at last found the peace you have been seeking. No one can take it away from you, as it becomes a powerful state of being that is also your protection. Be true to your Higher Self and do your best to live your life as you envisage one who has ascended.

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