轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3x1.html
Your response to the recent positive messages about the Olympics has been wonderful. A wave of great expectation has swept around the Earth, and lifted people up. Such energies carry such power that they empower the object of your vision to bring about its manifestation. This is how by focusing on the same outcome you can influence what takes place. Naturally some form of Disclosure must come about very soon, so as to allow us to do our work openly and in partnership with you. Of course we could carry on as before and carry out our mission quietly and behind the scenes, but our physical presence is needed to assure people of our true intentions.
We also need the opportunity to address you directly and with the approval of your Leaders. Rest assured that they are well aware of our existence, and that we have been in contact with them for many years. The time for rejecting the peace that we bring to you is over, and they must set aside any prejudice or political ambitions. They must also step outside of the constraints placed upon them by the Illuminati, and open the doors to real freedom for the people. Leaders are supposed to lead and carry out the wishes of the people, but few if any do what they were elected for. We issue an edict that they must change or be changed, and we have suitable replacements lined up.