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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/11530f0fbaefde388718bf51 .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞


What would sheer vitality, youth, meaning and purpose mean to you and your life? What would these gifts do for you, and how would they change the way you live and go about your day? This is a question you are being asked at this time, as this is a very appropriate question for you to think about as these are some of the gifts that are being offered you. We would like to see more of you think about these things and focus upon them, making them a reality for you , for this is how it works and all these things are possible for you. What we see for you is an entirely new way of life where so many of the problems and limitations that you currently experience will be lifted from your lives, and as a result would leave many of you a much clearer and pleasant path on which to travel.



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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1m3.html


The time has arrived for positive thinking and acceptance of events as they are expected to work out with no preconception as to how they should be. You know that Ascension will come regardless of how our plans for you work out, so just allow for their manifestation knowing that all is well. Matters are so near to coming out that you will be taken by surprise as to how quickly they will happen. We would rather that you focus upon the positive events, than spending time and energy concerning yourselves with what will happen to the dark Ones. Their fates are sealed and justice will be seen to be done.


However, our priority is to put the right people into places of authority and bring world peace about as soon as possible. From that point it will be easier to proceed with the plan for your wellbeing, and restore your freedom. Once you meet us we can then go forward together to Ascension, and commence to enjoy the many changes that will lift you up. In that period the energies will continue to raise your consciousness levels even higher, and unity of the people will take place because of the removal of barriers that were placed between you.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1k1.html


Welcome dear ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide andsupport as the major structures of your civilisation begin to dissolve and todisappear. Much of what has been guided has been on the edge of your vision forsome time but now events will start to unfold in the physical reality in whichyou live. These events should be viewed for the confirmation of the newenergies that they are in TRUTH.






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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1gh.html


You are in the big month of activity when what we are engaged in can no longer be kept quiet, and as it leaks out it will prepare people for what is to follow. That is preferable to sudden extensive revelations, by allowing people to adjust to the idea of the coming massive changes. It would otherwise seem to them that their world was being turned upside down, and be unsettling. For those in the know it is an opportunity to tell them that it is all for the good of mankind, and is the result of a divine decree that this cycle of duality should end. The detail can follow when we are openly talking with you as we intend to make sure you are all well informed. For the time being it suits our purposes to keep a low profile until we are ready make our appearance.


Our allies are extremely busy pushing forward a number of projects at the same time, and it means there will suddenly be a burst of activity. Our presence is having the desired affect upon the dark Ones who never thought that their crimes would catch up with them . They now know they are to be tried for their crimes against you and that there is no way out to escape justice. We ask you not to dwell upon such issues inasmuch that there are more important ones that directly concern you. One is releasing you from the draconian laws that have taken away people's rights, and putting all forms of injustice right and giving back freedom to those wrongly imprisoned. Secondly are the governmental changes so that the right people represent you so that there is no chance of the wrong people representing you and delaying the necessary changes. They have already been selected and prepared to take up their positions, and that will help create the ideal circumstances that enable us to speed ahead.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1gi.html

翻譯:saphira http://blog.sina.com .cn/s/blog_9e1419900 1015pkz.html 


如果提升的路徑是由那麼多人在共同鋪陳的話,為何我們不能也每日開會,幫忙推進一把,為旅行者持續減輕壓力! 因此,雖然你們經常極少能體會,其實我們早就已經在共同攜手並進! 即使會透過通靈信息來告訴你們,但是相關當局總對跟我們銀河系家庭以及跟我們接觸的相關事宜仍然保持沉默! 但是要知道,世界上發生的事件不一定總跟你們電視機構透過暗示讓你們獲知的一樣。 因為各項準備工作已經正在後台進行中,為了幫助那些曾經投出他們一票的人擺脫來自黑暗的勢力,因為他們看到自己被逼入困境! 但是現在剩下可以為你們的身體、精神和靈魂系統對“宣言”做準備的每一天,都是贏得的一天,都不是損失,即使它看起來可能是如此! 以後你們就會明白我們的意思是什麼,因為並不總是要透露讓你們知道,自己靈魂計劃-智識庫裡面所包含的輝煌事情! 因為,就如你們所知道的,你們自己就是大師,我們無論如何都不想要在預先告知你們結果時,減損你們的回報!這是你們之所以來輪迴的原因或之一,你們想要來體驗、生活,收集一些只有當表達形式體現時,才有可能的知識! 現在,我們聽到呼喊著我們的聲音,我們也在記錄著這些求助呼喚,例如涉及到自由能源的! 我們告訴你們,我們會信守承諾,即使我們不能告訴日期,因為這樣只會重建起壓力,也請不要忘記,不只是光明的一面在這裡提供信息! 我們大家都厭倦了等待,但非常重要的是,我們到達的時間要跟地球盟友的執行計劃恰好是完美契合的。 因此,我們也在伺機而動,我們會視需要開始我們的聯合行動,並不需要等到二元性遊戲者退讓! 因為,反正一連串的事件都會如前面所提到的,引進一切所需要的!在你們晚上拜訪我們的時候,通常的情況下是,不管你們是處在哪個精神世界,你們根本就不想再回去,你們返回家鄉的喜悅都會讓你們直到最後片刻,當物質身體真正迫切需要你們時,你們才會讓你們的天使說服要回去! 然後,經常發生的是,你們會由於十足的輕狂太堅硬的著陸到身軀,也就是說,你們砰地一聲墜落到身體,完全不把你們天使的警告放在眼裡,並咻地一聲就直接衝進你們熟睡的身體!這是可以理解的,因為在經歷過星光體的旅程之後,突然地又鑽回在物理身體,在很多情況之下,光體都會嘗試將已經在天上領域所體驗、經歷到的有意識的帶回來! 這會發生什麼:你們醒過來時,例如會心悸(幾秒鐘),全身沐浴在汗水,拼命喘氣,或由於雙腿會有肌肉繃緊的抽筋感覺,不 安油然而生,這往往導致難以再度入眠! 你現在不也是要會心微笑?因為這並不是對死亡的渴望導致想要去延伸你的星光體旅行的,而更多的是你的願望,想要以體現方式到你摯愛的人身邊,他們在當初你到地球上開始旅程之時,就認為已經永遠失去了!所以你在很多夜晚都會嘗試著說服你的天使們來幫助你,在同一時間生活在兩個世界,而我們告訴你,你已經在這樣做了! 正當你在處理每天的差事時,一部分的你會滯留在精神世界,例如在這裡參加重要的會議! 不知你是否常常感覺到,好像你僅足夠掌握工作,你的本質卻是不臨在的嗎?不知你是否常常感覺到,你必須馬上去睡覺,否則好像要被一分為二? 這並不是很奇怪的,因為我們越是接近所謂的第一次接觸(“宣言”),你就越跟那些正在如此急切等待你的更密切的結合!然而,就如以前的輪迴,並沒有必要為此去擺脫掉你的身體,而是你在生活當中與神聖的起源結合,這-在某些程度-是可以解釋疲勞和注意力不集中的原因。 因此,第一次接觸早就已經小規模,在本質中,在你們內在發生,而不可避免的也將會在外在,在大場面發生!親愛的,在當你們問起“何時”這個呼聲響亮時,這是可以理解的,但是這些話語就是要告訴你們,其實“何時”-比你們所相信的是更多掌握在自己的手中,而我們銀河系的朋友告訴你們,-如果關係到-將時間加速度時,-你們的確是大師,即使你們無法總是感受到加速度。 我們脫帽(表示致意,以前歐洲的紳士禮儀),並說:“再見,親愛的朋友們,不久再見......” 謝謝Marix Sarinah 

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轉載自http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/f857b53052c49b0ad5074237 .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞




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轉載自http://hi.baidu.com/gongjian19/blog/item/37fd7118c2968f235baf532d .html


問候大家,我的名字是布倫. 多。我來自仙女星系,正站在阿塞班迪亞飛船上。今天,和我的密切合作者塔夫一起,我帶給你們一些重要的信息,包括受到高度讚賞的,你們參與創造新地球的過程。





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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1bw.html


The new you is emerging out of the shadows of the old paradigm, a new shining you that lights up everything and everyone around you. Your Light is reaching out to others who feel your uplifting energy, and it is awakening them to the higher truth. As more souls do so the Light upon Earth increases and the path to Ascension becomes stronger. It is quickly bringing peace to a troubled world that would otherwise be in complete turmoil. Where there are trouble spots you are seeing the last vestiges of the effect of centuries of negative vibrations. It takes time to remove them but you are winning the battle. There is far more love being sent to them than ever before, and it is helping cleanse such areas. It will be completed when total peace comes to the Earth and we will carry out the final cleansing.


Preparations for Ascension have been going on for a very long time, and now the full benefit of them is being felt. Much of that work has been directed towards setting up our allies, so that they have been able to infiltrate the secret plans of the dark Ones and delay or stop them taking place. Our back up has of course been most essential, and we have been their ears and eyes to keep them aware of the developments. Soon we shall be able to work much closer together, and we are eager to fulfil our promise to openly meet you and introduce ourselves. Of necessity that has to be at a time when it is safe to do so, and will not cause too much alarm amongst those who are unprepared for such an occasion. Some people have such a limited view of life they discount the possibility that we exist and refuse to believe it. However, we will present ourselves in a way that is calculated to remove the fear factor. We are not fearsome and it will soon be realized that we are gentle and peace loving Beings who are in service to you and God.

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轉載自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_48e3a59f010167yj.html








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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1be.html


Light's progress: evidence delayed in some areas, obvious in others; Earth on target to enter fourth density; media reporting; reforms and revelations will be rushed; telepathic communication precautions; resolution of differing beliefs; psychiatric patients; some changes early in the Golden Age ; information references


1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Not only is our love for you boundless, so is our respect and admiration. Your steadfastness in the light has remained strong even though nearly midway into this world-transformational year , nothing that you would consider conclusive evidence has occurred. It is logical to expect that by now the thousands of spacecraft in your skies would be visible to all; crews would have landed in great numbers and been officially welcomed; and turmoil, warring and other violence would have decreased significantly.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


轉載自 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/30168714/


原文 http://ascensioneart h2012.blogspot.com/2 012/06/message-from- galactic-federation- of_02.html

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/2/12 'Mindset & Future Paths' 
【銀河聯邦】 2012年6月2日信息《觀念模式與未來路徑》 

Mindset: Today we would you like to speak to you about the proper setting of your minds and your outlook as we approach the days ahead. What we would prefer to see is a whole new and brighter outlook for you. What we mean by this is we would like to see you look at the days ahead as something to be cherished, something that deserves to be worked for and something that is a valuable and rewarding experience for you in many different ways. What we feel is important for you is not to look towards the days ahead with any kind of contempt, fear, distrust, suspicion, worry and doubt, because if you look at your future through such eyes you very well may end up with the end product that matches precisely or similarly the vibrational energy you have been sending out. Do you understand this? Do you understand this very simple, yet very important scientific, as well as spiritual, fact? 

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/08e5fa3753b098739822edda .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞



Straight communication is the procedure when you wish to relay your thoughts clearly and concisely, without any risk of confusion and misunderstanding. There are times that we observe your posts and comments in the public forums of your online social networks where we perceive difficulties in your communications with each other. What we are suggesting is a much more direct form of communication between each of you through the means of word choice. What we would like to see is an improved form of communication necessitated by a more concise use of the language you speak . The end result would be much clearer communications between you.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e186.html


The path to Ascension will be much smoother than you might believe, because over time the necessity to bring about severe physical changes has passed. You can take a lot of credit for this situation, because as a collective you have raised the consciousness levels. In bringing more Light to the Earth you have enabled the transmutation of the lower energies. The result is that the necessary cleansing does not call for the depth of changes, that were once thought necessary. The Earth is constantly shifting, and there are hundreds of minor earthquakes that take place every day without any adverse results.


So Dear Ones do not spend your time in fear of the coming period, and bear the consequences knowing it is all for your good. Rather look at the changes as sweeping the Earth clear of its blemishes and ugly spots, so that it can once more be restored. Bear in mind that you too are being cleansed in a similar way, to release any vibrations that cannot be taken with you into the higher ones. Much of it happens without your knowledge, but you can contribute by having a life style that lends itself to purifying your body and mind. Your choice of food is an important factor from the point of view of your health. Try to move away from processed foods and towards fresh produce. This way you will avoid many chemicals that would otherwise be ingested and remain as toxins in your body. Where possible include raw food in your diet and benefit from the energies that they carry. Drink plenty of water to keep the organs of your body cleansed, and avoid carbonated drinks if possible.

Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5fc9c4be0102e0c8.html




 翻譯:Cappuccino  http://hi.baidu.com/gongjian19/blog/item/836e1c353552c9da838b132e .html




Ollimantala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e0zw.html


This year you have come a long way in such a short time, and our allies have progressed to the point where their efforts are about to pay off. At times it has been a precarious journey, as the more successful you have been in anchoring the Light upon the Earth, the more the dark Ones have been determined to halt your progress. Yet you have risen to the challenge, and the possibility of you being stopped before you have reached your goal has passed. It is therefore plain sailing from hereon, as our plan unfolds and almost everything is in place for the final thrust. Timing as always is the biggest factor at present, and when we get the signal to go ahead matters will move forward very quickly.


As people have awakened to the Light within, so the Light quotient upon Earth has increased exponentially and has reached a powerful level. The result is such that the lower vibrations are being transmuted, and that a far greater level of consciousness exists than before. It means that all of the planning and hard work to raise such levels has been a great success. Suddenly more of you are receptive to the new ideas that are being put forward, that will lift your civilization up and out of the dark period that you have just gone through. The idea of dramatic changes to your life, ingrained habits and beliefs, is suddenly being welcomed, as you can see the benefits it will bring. Nothing comes without some sacrifices, but as we have often informed you, it is all for your future happiness and wellbeing.

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/180f990b76792ae8a686694e .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞

Free energy zones:

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/8fc775039b089929c93d6dc9 .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞



It is your task as Lightworkers in the field to do what you can to rise above the, at times, negative and even hostile atmospheres created throughout your online social networks. It is not your job to engage in debate and argument with individuals who do not yet understand and practice a more positive way to communicate. You have been trained and have shown that you can ignore the quips, insults and attempts to lure you into argument. You have demonstrated how well you can perform your duties as a bringer of higher ideals and adequately perform your duties even under the fire of seemingly opposing forces who do not, and at times cannot, see the larger picture and understand the importance of positive communication that brings about advancements to each person engaged in these discussions.



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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/83592b3fcc04dadae6cd401d .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞


There is a high-speed rail system that has been built by the hands of your labor and your tax dollars at work that connects many major cities and ports of destination all around your globe. This high-speed system of transportation has been designed and built for the pleasure and the luxury of those of your world who call this world their own. It has not been built for its use by the people of your world who have paid for it through their labor and the money that is taken from them through taxation and other means to strip you of your wealth.




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